Satu Bahasa Satu Bangsa Satu Negara

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The First The Last

In the beginning was Allah, and beside Him there was nothing - and He remains as He was.
( Hadith )

I was a hidden treasure and I longed to be known. So I created the Creation so that I may be known.
( Hadith Qudsi )

When I Allah loves my servant …. I become the hearing with which he hears, the seeing with which he sees, the hand with which he grasps, the feet with which he walks, the tongue with which he speaks.
( Hadith Qudsi )

"Travel beyond the confines of this life and see the vastness of His kingdom beyond space. Let your ear listen to what it has not heard before, and your eye see what it has not seen, until it leads you to where you see the One of the world and all the worlds. Express your passion for the One from your heart and soul until you see the Reality with the eye of certainty. There is only One and nothing but Him, He is Alone and there is no God but Him."
( Imam Muhammad Ibn 'Ali Al Baqir 11th Century ).

Seorang Yahudi keturunan Rothchild .....
Kekayaannya ... empunya separuh dunia
Kemewahannya ... mangkuk tandasnya daripada berlian.
Allah celupkan dia sesaat kedalam syurga
Ditanya ... pernah engkau rasai kesenangan
Jawab ... Tidak pernah.

Bayi Pelastin berumur dua tahun
Mangsa bom naphalm-phosphorus Yahudi Zionis Israel
Kudung kaki tangan terburai usus terbakar seluruh tubuh
Hidup membesar di Gaza sehingga 36 tahun
Allah celupkan dia sesaat kedalam neraka
Ditanya ... pernah engkau rasa kesengsaraan
Jawab ... Tidak pernah.