A hadith - Bada al islam ghariban wa sa' ya'udu ghariban.
Islam began in a stage of a fugitive - and will return to a state of a fugitive.
Now is come of that age, in which Islam (not part-time Islam but the Islam of the era of Muhammad saw.) is in a stage of a fugitive in a globalised political order, in a globalised economical ragime, and in a globalised culture or way of life. It is made to look strange and out of place.
Islamic modernism is an attempt to subject Islam to a progressive reinterpretation so as to forcefully fit it in into the modern world; so that Islam is made to look like a round peg in a square hole; so that DAP can bring his own lard-coated satay to sit down and have breakfast with Islam; so that all will perceptually look right for the Vartican to name Allah its god; so that it is all right for Pakiam to read his Melayu Bible from the mimbar of the masjid during the khutbah Jumaat.
Di pentas dunia, a strange mazhab of American Islam is emerging; a strange mazhab called wahhabiah Islam emerging from Saudi Arabia. Locally, when Najib let loose the Malay bible into Singapore's hinterland, our very own Tanah Melayu, a strange version of Islam called Najibiah Islam will emerge. Najib not only has libralised everything that is Malay, he has also libralised Islam.
What next Mr PM?
The Rukun Negara Of Muslims:- 1) Keep To The Commandments Of Allah. 2) Abstain From That Which Allah Forbids. 3) Pleased With The Decree Of Perovidence.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
What Next Mr PM?
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