Satu Bahasa Satu Bangsa Satu Negara

Monday, January 5, 2009

Polis ..... Polis ..... Tolong.

Polis dunia sudah lumpuh.

Ketenteraan negara sherif Billy The Kid ini, walaupun yang terbesar di dunia terperangkap di merata dunia. Di Jepun, di Korea, di Jerman, di Poland, di Pasifik, di Atlantik, di Amerika Selatan, di Arab Saudi, di Iraq di pesisir Iran dan di Afghanistan.

Selebihnya di negara sendiri.

Sesudah terikat di merata tempat sebegini, bakinya yang boleh dideploy pasti tidak seberapa. Setakat satu per enam dari kemampuan asal.

Israel mempunyai ketenteraan keempat terbesar di dunia.

Katakanlah tiba-tiba Amerika hendak memjadi hero lalu berkeras kepada Israel sehingga peringkat ketenteraan ... menghantar tentera pengaman umpamanya.

Kalau Israel memilih untuk tidak menghiraukan (sebagaimana kebiasaannya) apa-apa mandat BBB dan membelasah 'tentera pengaman' ini .... besar kemaluan US. Mereka belum lupa insiden kapal perang Liberty mereka dibedil tentera udara Israel dan 267 tentera mereka mati katak di laut.

Jadi sekarang ini Amerika diam, Bush salahkan Hamas, Obama no comment bukan kerana mereka suka-suka atau saja-saja menyebelahi Israil. Sebenarnya mereka takut separuh mati. Terkencing dalam seluar. Obama lagi kelakar. Lari sembunyi ke Hawai ... lalu terberak di sana. Macam mana nak komen? Sedang kemalu-maluan pun.

Kalau beranilah polis dunia ini masuk campur di Gaza, sudah pasti mereka akan dimalukan oleh Israel. Mana tahan. Baru dapat malu besar dibaling kasut kat muka.

Zaman kemerosotan negara tergagah di dunia ini sudah bermula.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You Want Proof of the Zionist Control of Congress — Here it is!

All you have to do is the look at the resolution recently passed by the House of Representatives (HRES 34 EH) with only 5 dissenting votes, to know who rules America. It condemns Hamas and the people of Gaza as terrorists but has no mention of the decades long Israeli occupation and strangulation of the West Bank and Gaza, or the bloody terrorism of tens of thousands of Palestinian men, women and children who have been killed, maimed, tortured or made homeless by years of Israel’s terrorism.

The very recent human casualties of over 850 dead and over 4500 maimed from Israel’s recent terror bombings of the 1.5 million people of Gaza would by their population percentage be equivalent to 175,000 murdered and 900,000 maimed Americans, more than one million American casualties. The percentage of Palestinian victims of Zionist terrorism over the past two weeks is proportionately one thousand times greater than the loss that Americans suffered in the 9-11 attacks!

The Jewish control of the United States Government and the mass media can be in clearly seen the exact wording of the resolution: In three places this short resolution endorses the survival of the State of Israel as a Jewish State with secure borders. That’s a “JEWISH STATE,” not a multicultural or multireligious state but a state exclusively dedicated to Jews. The controlled media had not a word in criticism of the resolution supporting Israel as an ethnic and religious state exclusively dedicated to Jews!

Posted on Jan 12, 2009 at 15:08
