Satu Bahasa Satu Bangsa Satu Negara

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Truth And Contaminated Truth.

Allah (al-Haq) is Truth, and Truth comes from Allah.

Syed A. Ali talks about “Some Information About The Quran”. He is talking about the Qur’an.

The Qur’an reads out Truth. Ali’s writings expound corrupted truth. Readers tend to be confused between the two. So be informed and be on guard.

The Truth of the Qur’an cannot be arrived at by the help of only the external eye(s). The faculty of Devine Inner Eye is needed. One helps for the gathering of acquired knowledge, and the other is needed for the acquiring of Divine Intuitive Knowledge.

The combination of both eyes and knowledge arrives at Truth, eg. the pure Truth of the Qur’an.

We are not as yet talking about the Sources of Knowledge. We cannot discount Hadith as a source of (beside other knowledge), The Qur’anic Knowledge.

Syed has great knowledge to arrive at what he has arrived at. But still we have to agree that, our knowledge of is not even a millionth of a drop compared to the ocean of knowledge and of Truth.

Can we be sure that his findings (driven by his knowledge) may not be contaminated Truth? Or may be, worse still, unwittingly can he be not contributing to the disseminating of “secularized truth” concerning the Qur’an besides Qur’anic Truth of the al-Haq.

We can see that most, if not all Muslims countries are rendered impotent by the adoption of secularized Islamic Way Of Life by the West. The rules of their “Islamic Way Of Life”, which is supposed to be guided by the Laws of the Lord of Abraham and the other prophets s.a.w. is subservient to the rules of secularism, which now is the adopted rules of nearly all states, which lay supreme over any other rules or law.

Secularized Islam tends to tempt its adherents to ignore what is halal and haram; to overlook the differences between the ways of heaven or hell; and tend to neglect the propagation of amr ma’aroof and nahi anil munkar.

Hence secularized thinking, by the application of only the external eye, encourages the questioning of the “the unseen” and of Truth of the al-Haq in a secularized way. This materialistic eye can only see, believe and recognize materialism; and anything that cannot be seen or tested or experimented upon in labs cannot be construed as “knowledge of fact”.

Muslims with such thinking are recognized by the enemies of Islam as “progressive Muslims.” Some have been knighted and others awarded Nobel Prizes. Perhaps S.A.Ali’s is on the pipe line.


Has PAS secularized its Islam so much that it is afraid to talk and chit-chat with brother UMNO across a coffee table for fear of DAP and PKR just like the Saudis, the Jordanians and the Egyptians are afraid to talk to each other while Israel has its hay day slaughtering their brothers the Palestinians, for fear of Israel?

I don’t think so. Pas is not that sharp. If they are, DAP would not have them to farm pigs for them. And “erdogan” would not have burrowed that deep into their mids.

Still, All Malays have PAS in their hearts. It is said that hearts that remember fondly is a place to come back to.

You still have your original place to come back to PAS.

Tak kan berkerat rotan berpatah arang kot. Itu memutuskan silaturrahim namanya.

Wallahu A’lam.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Betulkah Kata-Kata Hang Tuah?

Pada satu masa survival Melayu terancam kerana muslihat Malayan Union. Semangat kenegaraan Melayu bangkit menghapuskannya. Perwiranya: Dato Onn Jaafar.

Sekali lagi survival Melayu terancam oleh kaum Cina yang mendirikan PKM yang mengganas dan membunuh dengan senjata. Sekali lagi semangat keperwiraan Melayu bangkit dan menghapuskannya. Perwiranya: Pejuang Bangsa, (Setengahnya gugur).

Kali ini survival Melayu sekali lagi terancam kerana manifestasi kedua-dua pergerakan di atas itu beserta dengan gerakan pelampau haram Hindraf yang terdiri dari kaum Indian yang mengganas dan melukakan bersenjatakan lidah. Perwiranya: Bekas banaduan Uthayakumar.

Hari ini gerakan 'Malayan Union Reincarnated' lalu termanifestasi dalam gerakan bertopengkan Keruanan Rakyat PKR. Perwiranya: Anuar Ibrahim.

Hari ini gerakan PKM reincarnated lalu termanifestasi dalam gerakan Malaysian Malaysia DAP. Perwiranya: Lim Kit Siang.

Ketiga-tiga pergerakan ini bergerak pada landasan fisikal dan saraf mental masing-masing yang mentarget khas kepada Melayu; kepada segala bentuk kemelayuan bangsa Melayu.

Tragidy terbesar yang ditanggung oleh setiap titik darah yang mengalir dalam bangsa Melayu ialah pergerakan ini dicetuskan, dimanipulasi dan diketuai oleh anak bangsa Melayu sendiri. Perwira agong mereka: Pengkhianat Anuar Ibrahim.

Sebilangan "warganegara" kaum pendatang yang bermaksud untuk menakluk atau menjajah seperti penjajah barat memahkotakan pengkhianat tersebut sebagai "Brother Anuar".

Sebilangan ulamak tanahair memanipulasi Islam sehingga menghalalkan pergerakan ini.

Gabungan pergerakan ini sekarang maju setapak lagi melalui suara saraf mereka dalam Hindraf untuk menyekat Melayu berjumpa Melayu dengan menuntut pengharaman Perkasa kerana berjumpa dengan pemerintah Negara.

Sekarang pengkhianat Melayu dalam pakatan ini telah mengistiharkan ketidakmunkinan (haram?) bersatunya Melayu dalam UnityGovt.

Mungkin langkah mereka seterusnya ialah menuntut pengharaman parti-parti Melayu, parti-parti Islam dan seterusnya pengharaman institusi Raja-Raja seperti yang telah dipelopori oleh Malayan Union.

Apabila ini dapat mereka perjuangkan, dengan melantik seorang raja umpamanya untuk mengepalai pergerakan mereka, (mereka sedang berexperimen dengan RPK munkin), maka hilanglah paksi Melayu (dan lumpuhlah Melayu?)

Hendak mengetahui apa mereka akan capai sekiranya paksi Melayu ini lenyap, kita kena singkap apa yang memotivasi dan menggerak Malalayan Union dan PKM/CPM dahulu.

Itu sudah bab kajian lain tetapi amat bersangkutan.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

SSS Dan Berkatnya

Hak sekolah vernacular tidak ada dalam perlembagaan. Orang Malayu khasnya dan orang Malaysia amnya sudah ‘bend over backwards’ membenarkan sesuatu yang ‘unconstitutional’, sehingga sesetengah bukan Melayu beranggapan bahawa ‘Melayu must bend over backwards’ ini adalah hak tuntutan mereka.

Kemudian, salah satu gejala sekolah vernacular ialah ia membantutkan usaha perpaduan dan menggalakkan polarisasi.

SSS adalah langkah yang sudah 52 tahun terbengkalai, langkah mewujudkan satu bangsa Malaysia yang mendiami satu Negara Malaysia yang mempunyai satu bahasa Malaysia, iaitu yang dikatakan bahasa perpaduan.

Pembelajaran dan pengajaran bahasa selain Bahasa Malaysia masih dilaksanakan di dalam SSS tersebut.

Mereka-mereka yang menentang SSS ini mulalah mencaci-maki, menuduh dan memfitnah bangsa Melayu dengan pelbagai tikaman dari belakang and under the belt blows.

Padahal suara-suara pendukung SSS ini adalah suara rakyat Bangsa Malaysia yang tidak mengidentify diri mereka sebagai Melayu dan sebagainya.

Mereka menuntut hak-hak Melayu yang sudah diperlembagakan dibubarkan. Melayu boleh juga menuntut hak kerakyatan mereka-mereka ini dibubarkan. Tetapi jalan konfrantasi ini bukan jalannya untuk menyelesaikan masaalah, apatah lagi jalan memperkukuhkan perpaduan.

Hak istimewa Melayu seperti MARA atau sekolah agama sudah diperlembagakan. Ia tidak ada kene mengena dengan memperkasakan langkah perpaduan melalui SSS.

Jika orang Melayu dipaksa lagi untuk bend over backward, ia akan merangsang naluri the survival of the Malayus is being threatened again as was threatened by the Malayan Union and the communists.

In fact, its being threatened now. The threat is spearheaded by a delusional Malay and supported by the communist and chauvinist non-Malay.

The difference being, the Malayan Union and the communists were enemies out to subjugate; sedangkan sekarang survival Melayu diancam oleh ‘anasir-anasir sabersif dalam pasangan’ sepencarian.

Orang Melayu akan mempertahankan haknya dan dirinya bukan lagi melalui hanya perlambagaan, (undang-undang Negara) tetapi dengan kekuatan hukum fardhu ain.

Mempertahankan nusa, bangsa dan agama adalah perintah Allah. Ia wajib lagi fardhu ain. Perintah perlembagaan jatuh jauh ka bawah perintah langit.

Namun pada hari ini sebilangan Melayu ghairah memperlekehkan DEB umpamanya. Mereka menyerang hak bangsanya. Mereka menjadi pengkhianat bangsa yang sebaris dengan musuh nusa bangsa. Memerangi mereka adalah fardhu ain juga. Ia merentasi ruang lingkup physical duniawi ini.

Pada ketika-ketika seperti ini terutamanya, dan pada bila-bila dan mana-mana ketika pun perintah Allah tetap mengatasi dan berdiri di atas perintah ciptaan manusia.

Friday, June 19, 2009

SSS & Chemeira .. Not of Greek Mythology But Of Malaysian Tragedy

“Our parents sent us to SRJK(T) Kg Pandan. We had difficult time adjusting to SK environment at lower secondary level. Our command of Bahasa and Eng. was very low. We had difficulties in communicating with others then, except among ourselves. I don't want our children to face our problem at their formative age. They must be given the best opportunity to integrate early as possible as Malaysians. One school is the only way. But we worry ... hope our politicians think like us. Otherwise we are forever at their mercy, starting as pawn and ending as sacrificial pieces on their chess board.”

By #1,636: Chemeira Nathan who signed the "Kempen Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua" petition!


We, the SSS people sympathize with you bro/sis Chemeirra.

It greatly pains us to hear you saying, “But we worry ... hope our politicians think like us. Otherwise we are forever at their mercy, starting as pawn and ending as sacrificial pieces on their chess board.”

We are more than happy to welcome you, to join hands in making and contributing our pooled efforts however small to save our future Malaysian children from being continuously used as “pawns and ending as sacrificial pieces on their chess board” as your good self most aptly pen it.

Some of the first-day experiences of our children’s first-day at school are harrowing enough, sometimes taking a lot of effort and time to “repair”; but if we deliberately expose our children to double of such exposes, once at Std. One and again at Form One, it could be traumatic and could never be erased form their memories, especially the sensitive and timid ones. It could most certainly leads to the production of damaging dropouts and individual who failed to fit into society etc. etc. which do not bode well for our country in terms of positive productivity.

But, by the look of it, you Chemeira are one of the lucky ones who made it good, at least judging by your English and maturity of thought. We would like very much to chronicle first hand experiences and testimonies like yours.

Please do respond. Please visit us at

Best wishes.

Monday, June 15, 2009

One School For All Revisited.

One School For All Revisited.

This phenomenon has just gone through the first month of its conception. A baby takes nine months before birth. Nevertheless the proponents of One School For All has taken their first brave step. The first step to true national integration through education.

Some say 1school will never get off the ground. Another feels that the seed is already in the soil and it will take a while before it sprouts its first branch.

Most of us believe that this seedling will grow into a luscious, fruitful, shady and bounteous garden in the desert. The prophets of doom foretell that it will grow into poisonous ivy bushes.

We haven’t heard what the various NGOs of the teaching professions say. We want to hear what the teachers of our children say.

We haven’t heard too what the national PIBG say. PIBGs are partners of the education system in looking after the holistic growth of our children. Surely they have something to share with us.

The various student bodies are still quiet on the subject. They are the products of our education system. Surely they know what is wanting if they find themselves not marketable. Or were they not holistically developed that they do not know what they are there in the society for?

National education and how it is carried out touches these NGOs to the core. Surely they are aware that the 52 years old education system is so lethargic that, it has failed miserably as far as the national integration is concerned.

Surely parents are aware that the government is prone to take the easy way out when faced with the question of national integration and the problems of the education system.

Surely we are all beginning to be aware that our MOE is turning out to be a new broom that fails to sweep clean? He is prone to miss who’s on his left while attending those on his right.

Since such is the case, let’s join with Demi Negara in its calls for a national referendum on vernacular schools.

Since such is the case, read too JMD, Mat Cendana, SatD and OnDaStreet, all bloggers of repute.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


YES, the ‘whiffs’ of corruption and incompetence in PR is real. Hence they need a caretaker. Without it PR will crumble. Any one? Otherwise Anuar’s or Husam’s road to Putra Jaya ends in a cul-de-sac.

PR is experiencing a crisis of confidence. PAS proposes unity with UMNO. Tension is rising. Fledgling PR is shaken. The proposal splits PAS, widens the chasms in PR and creating nightmares in the sleep of its bedfellows.

PR is now locked in an obvious power struggle. Its alliance is at a very shaky and fragile level. The DAP adviser is angry and insecure. Everybody is angry and insecure. Everybody is shouting at everybody. Wow. Malaysia doesn’t need this circus to add to the ongoing comic show.

Maybe its good that PKR should meet to pass changes to the party constitution. It was a knee-jerk reaction of course. Yes, that’s the best PKR and PR could do. Nothing positive for the rakyat. Nothing to offer the rakyat. … Rakyat wants them to take the helm? What helm … it can’t even clean up its own kitchen sink.

Karpal, Lim, Anuar … you unhappy with the rescent PAS muktamar? Why don’t you take them to court? Or better still … beat UMNO or PAS or whatever for that matter on the SSUS issue. May be you have no stomach for it. Chicken?



Ada cerita membolehkan wanita mengimami lelaki bersembahyang? Macam di USA sahaja bunyinya.

Ini fenomina secularized Muslims yang tidak kisah terhadap bagaimana Allah Hendak DiaNya disembah dan diMaha-Sucikan. Maka mereka mengadakan syarat rukun mereka sendiri. Kalau begitu diribinalah tuhan kamu sendiri … diperbuat dari lumpur pun boleh.

Adalah sifat semulajadi sekularisme melemahkan, mencairkan dan mentidak relevankan perbezaan antara:-
1) kebenaran – Al-Haq dan kepalsuan – Al-Batil;
2) apa yang dihalalkan dan apa yang diharamkan oleh Allah;
3) perbuatan maaruf dan munkar.

Tanpa menyedari ini semua, sekularisma boleh membawa kepada tidak kisah samada perilakunya mengundang habuan keredhoan (al-jannah) atau kemurkaan (al-jahannam) Al-Khaliqnya.

Bila begini, pengamal sekularisme sukar hendak menjadikan perkataan Allah sebagai batu timbang.

Apakah gerangan alasan PAS bila mencadangkan pengharaman terhadap Sisters In Islam.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Satu Sekolah: Ranjau Yang Diada-Adakan

No one Malaysian has any argument against the SSUS.

Tiada seorang rakyat Malaysia pun yang ada / mempunyai hujjah menentang SSUS. Kalau ditinjau blog-blog, penulisan-penulisan dan komen-komen mengenai SSUS, rata-rata tiada bangkangan terhadap konsep Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua.

Yang “diam” kerana “menjaga hati”?

Hujjah-hujjah yang ada hanya:-

Paling ketara sekali pembahas yang “membangkang SSUS” hanya membentangkan betapa lemah dan buruknya system pendidikan Negara sekarang. Mereka tidak membentangkan kelemahan SSUS kerana mereka tahu SSUS akan memperbaiki dan mengukuhkan system pendidikan sekarang, yang akhirnya akan meningkatkan darjat kewarnanegaraan setiap rakyat Malaysia.

Yang paling mereka berselera dalam “membengkang SSUS” ialah membentangkan “character assassination”, mengeji siapa sahaja yang mereka kira terlibat dengan saranan SSUS ini. Mereka tidak berani membunuh karekter SSUS kerana SSUS bersifat mulia, berniat murni, dan (SSUS ini) tidak mengambil apa-apa manfaatpun dari pembangunan insan hasil dari tingkah laku SSUS itu.

“Bangkangan-bangkangan” lain adalah bersifat nafsu-nafsu rendah seperti iri hati, dengki, tamak, marah, fitnah, hasutan dll. mithalnya :-

Mereka mempertikaikan DEB dan segala yang bersangkutan dengannya … dengan cara menseolah-olahkan penerimanya itu keji sekali.

Mempersoal penerima-penerima hak perlembagaan seperti hak Melayu, Bahasa Melayu dansebagianya.

Melaga-lagakan sentiment seperti dengan mendakwa SSUS akan menghapuskan hak kaum-kaum tertentu.

Mengapi-apikan sentiment curiga-mencurigai seperti mendakwa dengan pelaksanaan SSUS, sesuatu kaum akan menindas kaum yang lain.

Memfitnah dan menghasut dengan menyebarkan maklumat-maklumat palsu dan direka-reka.

Sebenarnya manfaat kebaikan SSUS jauh lebih berat timbangannya dan banyak bilangannya mengatasi ‘kejahatannya’.


Rasanya, komen-komen (jika ada) yang tergolong nafsu-nafsu rendah ini tidak mempunyai nilai-nilai membangun ... harus ditolak.