Satu Bahasa Satu Bangsa Satu Negara

Sunday, June 21, 2009

SSS Dan Berkatnya

Hak sekolah vernacular tidak ada dalam perlembagaan. Orang Malayu khasnya dan orang Malaysia amnya sudah ‘bend over backwards’ membenarkan sesuatu yang ‘unconstitutional’, sehingga sesetengah bukan Melayu beranggapan bahawa ‘Melayu must bend over backwards’ ini adalah hak tuntutan mereka.

Kemudian, salah satu gejala sekolah vernacular ialah ia membantutkan usaha perpaduan dan menggalakkan polarisasi.

SSS adalah langkah yang sudah 52 tahun terbengkalai, langkah mewujudkan satu bangsa Malaysia yang mendiami satu Negara Malaysia yang mempunyai satu bahasa Malaysia, iaitu yang dikatakan bahasa perpaduan.

Pembelajaran dan pengajaran bahasa selain Bahasa Malaysia masih dilaksanakan di dalam SSS tersebut.

Mereka-mereka yang menentang SSS ini mulalah mencaci-maki, menuduh dan memfitnah bangsa Melayu dengan pelbagai tikaman dari belakang and under the belt blows.

Padahal suara-suara pendukung SSS ini adalah suara rakyat Bangsa Malaysia yang tidak mengidentify diri mereka sebagai Melayu dan sebagainya.

Mereka menuntut hak-hak Melayu yang sudah diperlembagakan dibubarkan. Melayu boleh juga menuntut hak kerakyatan mereka-mereka ini dibubarkan. Tetapi jalan konfrantasi ini bukan jalannya untuk menyelesaikan masaalah, apatah lagi jalan memperkukuhkan perpaduan.

Hak istimewa Melayu seperti MARA atau sekolah agama sudah diperlembagakan. Ia tidak ada kene mengena dengan memperkasakan langkah perpaduan melalui SSS.

Jika orang Melayu dipaksa lagi untuk bend over backward, ia akan merangsang naluri the survival of the Malayus is being threatened again as was threatened by the Malayan Union and the communists.

In fact, its being threatened now. The threat is spearheaded by a delusional Malay and supported by the communist and chauvinist non-Malay.

The difference being, the Malayan Union and the communists were enemies out to subjugate; sedangkan sekarang survival Melayu diancam oleh ‘anasir-anasir sabersif dalam pasangan’ sepencarian.

Orang Melayu akan mempertahankan haknya dan dirinya bukan lagi melalui hanya perlambagaan, (undang-undang Negara) tetapi dengan kekuatan hukum fardhu ain.

Mempertahankan nusa, bangsa dan agama adalah perintah Allah. Ia wajib lagi fardhu ain. Perintah perlembagaan jatuh jauh ka bawah perintah langit.

Namun pada hari ini sebilangan Melayu ghairah memperlekehkan DEB umpamanya. Mereka menyerang hak bangsanya. Mereka menjadi pengkhianat bangsa yang sebaris dengan musuh nusa bangsa. Memerangi mereka adalah fardhu ain juga. Ia merentasi ruang lingkup physical duniawi ini.

Pada ketika-ketika seperti ini terutamanya, dan pada bila-bila dan mana-mana ketika pun perintah Allah tetap mengatasi dan berdiri di atas perintah ciptaan manusia.


Anonymous said...

"Memerangi mereka adalah fardhu ain juga". Are you talibanising Malaysia?


Tam Dalyell said...

Dear citizenM

Bila mereka menyerang hak Melayu yang sudah dilenbagakan, mereka bukan dan tidak sama sekali menyerang Melayu. Mereka menyerang Perlembagaan Negara.

Katalah perlembagaan Malaysia sudah tidak dapat dipertahankan lagi, lalu runtuh, seterusnya mansuh. Melayu masih utuh. Tanah Melayu malah semakin luas.

Melayu sudah tidak dibelenggu oleh perlembagaan lagi. The anti-Melayus anti-Islam elements in fact did the Melayus a huge favour.

Malaysia reverts to Tanah Melayu of 57 years ago. The Melayus all then favors PAS and Kelantan and abandon Umno. The perlembagaan is then rewritten. Its hard to think that its going to be a carbon copy of the present perlembagaan.

Orang Melayu tidak ada tempat lain hendak melarikan diri. Lain halnya dengan mereka-mereka dan tali barut yang berkiblat ka luar atau berasal dari luar.

Tak kan pisang nak berbuah dua kali. Ini bukan talibanising. Ini sirih pulang ka gagang dan belut pulang ka lumpur.

Semerah Padi said...

Following the tone of your post, can I ask you whether "citizenM" can mean "citizenMoron"?

Are you suggesting "talibanising Malaysia", means putting turbans and giving rifles to many Malaysians to assault the enemy?

If not, then go get yourself fluent in Bahasa Kebangsaan of Malaysia so that you can understand, really understand what Tam Dalyell was saying here. Less your statement sounds moronic!

NegaraKu, Negara Berdaulat!

Semerah Padi

Jimmy Tham said...

Perlembagaan mana yang cakap MARA dan sekolah agama adalah hak istimewa Melayu?

Ia langsung tidak dipertikaikan dalam perlembagaan langsung.

Tam Dalyell said...

Sori abang Jimmy Tham. Saya ni tak literate undang-undang.

Boleh tak saya jadikan ia hak mutlak. "Hak milik kekal" kata penyanyi tu. Lepas tu Melayu sharelah dengan orang lain, macamana biasa. Kita orang tak pernah kedekut atau tanak abang Tham.

Kalau share saya sukalah. Kalau tuntut main tuntut saja, macam dia orang buat tu saya jadi tangkai jering berdekutlah sikit.

Terima kasih abang Tham datang. Janganlah hen-Tham saya kuat-kuat. Sikit-sikit jadilah.

Semerah Padi said...

Saudara Tam Dalyell,


The colonial british had established RIDA (Rural Industrial Development Authority), in 1951.

This is to provide economic assistance and support to Malay farmers and rural inhabitants.

RIDA was expanded to MARA by a Parliament act on 1st March, 1966.

MARA was formed to aid, train, and guide Bumiputra (Malays and other indigenous Malaysians) in the areas of business and industry.

This is a part of Special Privileges for the Malays and Indigenous Malaysians under the Social Contract.

On Social Contract,


The Social Contract

The best example of Alliance compromises is to be seen in their representations to the Constitutional Commission on what basis the Federation of Malaya was to be established and what its nationality was to be. Given the precedents set up in the Federation of Malaya Agreement of 1948, the terms could not vary much. For UMNO, the trappings of a Malay state had to be preserved. The Malays had to be given political primacy. On the other hand, for MCA and the MIC, the terms of citizenship had to become as open and loose as possible to the non-Malays and their rights had to be protected.

The Alliance memorandum to the Reid Constitution had, in fact, agreed to all the features of a Malay state – “special position of the Malays”, “Malay as the national language”, “Islam as the official religion” and the Malay Rulers as “constitutional monarchs”. There were also “Malay land reservations” and “reservation for Malays of a certain proportion of jobs in the civil service”. But the controversial questions of citizenship and nationality had been left vague. The MCA had pressed for the principle of jus soli for all those born before, on or after Malaya’s independence, but UMNO’s demand was that only those born in the country “on” and after the declaration of independence” should become nationals of the country. UMNO’s demand was accepted by the Reid Constitution.


(The Social Contract page 36 & 37 – Malaysia : The Making of A Nation by Boon Kheng Cheah – Published by Institute of Southeast Asian Studies 2002 – ISBN 9812301755, 9789812301758)

Sekolah Agama vis-à-vis “Islam as the official religion” is one of the features of a Malay state.


Negara ini Negara Berdaulat!!

Semerah Padi

Cheguman said...

Salam ziarah.

Satu pandangan yang menarik.

Anonymous said...

“… saya jadikan ia hak mutlak. "Hak milik kekal"…” So you are not only racist of the first order, but also a bigoted mullah denying others of their haq. How can you say Islam is your haq mutlak blah blah blah … Islam is for all children of Adam … and you people have the cheek to woo PAS.


Anonymous said...


Tam Dalyell said...

Salam sdr citizenM

Wah wah wah … marah betul citizenM ni dengan hamba.

Ampun tuan hamba citizenM. Hamba Islam sekarang semata-mata Tuhan Kurniakan Islam kepada hamba. Issyyyh nak berhamba dan berampun-ampun pulak.

Semua orang dimuliakan dengan Islam semata-mata kerana kurnia Allah. Jika Dia tidak MemBeri, tidak ada siapa akan mendapat nikmat Islam itu. …

Apabila ia pemberian Allah kepada saya, saya hargai dan jagaii Islam saya ini dengan nyawa saya sebagai galang gantinya. Saya tidak akan sekali-kali benarkan sesiapa merampasnya bahkan mengkomprominya dari saya sekalipun. Ini hak mutlak saya di dunia. Ini hak milik kekal saya diakhirat. CitizenM tiada hak mempertikaikan hal ini.

Sesiapa pun yang inginkan Islam, mintalah dan ambillah dari Allah. Mengapa minta dari saya? … Mengapa tuduh saya deny hak orang lain? … Mengapa mencerca saya bla bla bla bila saya enggan memberi hak mutlak saya? Apabila nanti citizenM menerima Islam dari Allah, maka pemberian nikmat itu hak mutlak citizenMlah pulak. Tidak eloklah iri hati dan dengki terhadap pemberian yang ada pada orang lain .. padahal Allah Agih-Agihkan Islam free of charge.

Dan apabila kita sesama Islam, apa yang menegah kita dari bersama di satu negara, satu masjid, satu imam dan satu Sultan? Mengapa citizenM ejek orang mengajak PAS untuk bersatu, padahal tiada siapa pun disini menyentuh perkara ini? Apa yang merugikan citizenM jika Umno dan PAS bersatu? Adakah Islam PAS berlainan dengan Islam Umno? Ataukah citizenM takut dengan tuan PAS yang baru melawat dari seberang tambak?

Tidak ada siapa yang dapat menghalang perpaduan Melayu ini. Sekarang ini setakat carik-carik bulu ayam sahaja. Air yang dicincang (oleh DAP+PKR) tidak akan putus.

Tam Dalyell said...

Salam Tuan Semerah;

Petunjuk yang tuan bekalkaan itu amat berharga sekali. Kalau saya hendak mencarinya sendiri, terpaksa saya panjat menaraa gading negara. Wah tinggi tu, kalau naik tak boleh turun.

Terima kasih sebanyak-banyaknya atas kesudian tuan berkongsi maklumat.

Saya berdoa berharap sangat sangat agar tuan tidak akan dan pernah dikunjungi jemu dan malas pada memberi bimbingan seperti ini.

Tam Dalyell said...

Salam Alaykum Cheguman;

Saya, bila chegu keluarkan posting baru, tetap berkejar ka sana untuk menikmati penulisan chegu yang cantik, menarik dan berbunga pula.

Tapi saya takut dan tak reti nak tumpang-tumpang komen kalau-kalau sumbang nanti.

Anonymous said...


What are you trying to do here? Pick a fight?

You said, ".. and you people have the cheek to woo PAS." You appear to belong to the group that lay on the road blocking the Perak Raja Muda's car in Ipoh, together with fellows in sarong and skull caps.

See, I use the word "appear", not straight away lambast at people like when you said "So you are not only racist of the first order, but also a bigoted mullah".

You started by asking a mischievous question, "… Are you talibanising Malaysia?” You people seldom can talk in a nice way, ask questions in a proper manner, explain what you mean by “talibanising” and so on, can you? Don’t they ever teach you how to communicate with people even when you disagree or dislike what they say? Are you a product of SJK? Note that, again, I don’t accuse you, I ask you first.

Do you know what “Fardhu Ain” is, have you asked others, have you put some real thought as to what the writer meant? He said that those who regard the NEP as dirty are enemies and fighting them is a duty. Is there anything wrong about fighting for one’s right, when that right is spelt out in the Constitution?

See your problem – you don’t know BM (“perang” doesn’t always mean war, it also means fight) and instead of asking for the meaning of the relevant words, you straight away almost accuse people of talibanising.

Then you actually accused the writer of racism and bigotry by saying, “So you are not only racist of the first order, but also a bigoted mullah denying others of their haq.” What kind of a fellow are you?

Yet you call yourself CitizenM. What kind of a citizen are you?


Tam Dalyell said...

Salam Abang Jeffery;

Eleeh ... abang Jeff apa kurangnya. Lagi pulak, tak bagi bola tanggung, smesh sambil senyum jenaka.

Ilmu ini yang saya belum belajar ... ketawa sambil smis .. boleh kongsi tips tak .. Alaaa saya bayar tuition fee laaa ... secawan kopi kat kedai mamak.

Anonymous said...

Hello Aku;

I have no quarrel with whoever you are. You have no right to bad mouth me so.

I don't believe you. I cannot accept your reasoning.


Tam Dalyell said...

Hello citizenM;

Of course you can’t believe me. And of course it follows that you cannot accept whatever reasoning I employ.

But then what do I care whether you believe me or not. And your stance, position or attitude changes not my thoughts and mind-set with regards to my nusa, bangsa and agama. If half of the population of this earth do not believe in Allah the creator of all things and non-things and do not accept His reasoning, who am I to be disturbed by an unbelieving honourable citizenM?

Do you think SSS is about "the me and the you"? SSS is not about me and you. Its about everything else that is “ the us-ness of Malaysian racial integration”, never about only the-me-and-the-you.

The Malaysian master agenda cannot do without the axial agenda of the Melayu of the land. The anti-Melayu and anti-Islam elements of Malaysian greater society are endeavoring wickedly and fraudulently to paint it as the Malay hegemony under the Umno Ketuanan Melayu. They shun from highlighting the fact that the Malays had from time immemorial been sharing and giving what is deemed as theirs with adn to others. And when the Malays fight for what is due to them, they cannot be accused as being racists because the non-Malays are doing their own exact maneuverings. The Muslims cannot be labled as bigoted because the Christians, Hindus and Buddhists are doing the same.

And if you citizenM be a PAS Malay Muslim, whose lines are you mouthing. That is why I said, “Namun pada hari ini sebilangan Melayu ghairah memperlekehkan DEB umpamanya. Mereka menyerang hak bangsanya. Mereka menjadi pengkhianat bangsa yang sebaris dengan musuh nusa bangsa. Memerangi mereka adalah fardhu ain juga. Ia merentasi ruang lingkup physical duniawi ini ..” in the posting above in anticipation of entertaining guests of your colour and aura.

Anyway, welcome citizenM … always.

Anonymous said...


You still don't get it, do you?

You criticised a person who tries to defend the NEP and call him all sorts of names and you say I have no right to bad mouth you?

You call him racist, bigot, talibanising Mullah and so on in cyber space that millions of people have access to and I have to keep quiet?

It is your business only if it is just between the two of you. Or if you talk about subjects that don't affect the rights of other people. Can you not see that?

You can carry on with your discussion in a normal and respectful manner, using proper words and tone and I won't bother you.

I happen to like reading what he writes and I do not like to feel insulted when I come across rude and unthinking comments, especially on subjects that are dear to my heart - the Islamic religion, the Special Malay Rights like the NEP. These rights are enshrined in the Constitution and covered by the Sedition Act.


Semerah Padi said...


This is my first time to visit this place.

As the first time "Tetamu" here, did I hastily accuse the blog owner such like "talibanising" simply perhaps I dont agree with Tuan Rumah's writing?

No, I did not. There is some adat Melayu in me and further more, Islam does not teach people to be Biadap!

When the Tuan Rumah is very patronising, did I take the advantage to be even more biadap to accuse the Tuan Rumah as racist, bigoted mullah?

Did I become so twisted due to anger by perceiving Tuan Rumah is wooing PAS??&*&^$??!! Tuan Rumah is talking about school and this is bitter politic? Tuan Rumah could even a member of PAS for all you care.

So, Aku, by surface profiling, you can see Biadap, foul mouthed, twisted, anger, menuduh tanpa bukti, what else? And this is Islam?

I think you are right, such moron does fit the description of that species who lay in the middle of the road seemingly unconscious of DYMM Sultan's presence.

Such a moronic species does bring bad image of Islam!

Negara Ku - Tanah Tumpah Darah Ku!

Semerah Padi

P/s: Tuan Tam Dalyell, thank you for giving me space here. Look forward to visit this place in the future. I hope to continue receiving your kind and warm welcome. Salam.

NJ said...

Tuan Hamba Dal,

Sungguh besar jiwa Tuan Hamba menerima dan melayan setiap tetamu yang mengunjung laman Tuan Hamba yang nyaman ini.

Terasa bagaikan pengembara yang haus, dijamu bukan dengan hanya seteguk air, bahkan sebagai VVIP pulak. Makin terasa amat kerdil diri ini di hadapan budi bahasa Tuan Hamba yang tinggi itu.

Ingin hamba mengambil pengajaran dari Tuan Hamba, agar budi bahasa hamba ini dapat dipertingkatkan hari demi hari.

Hamba doakan agar perjuangan Tuan Hamba ini, dapat melahirkan generasi kita yang besar jiwanya terhadap bangsa dan negara.

Salam sejahtera, Tuan Hamba.



Anonymous said...


Sad, the word “unity” can cause so much discomfort to so many? ‘Resah, anih dan kekok sampai seghabut kepala otak mereka sekadar nak berbincang pasai usaha kearah perpaduan?

Their forefathers FLEE and left everything behind, parents, wives, children, relatives and friends, EVERYTHING, to squat all over the world. Terhegeh2 beg for citizenship kat Negara lain. WHY?

Do you think these kinds of people will bother to care let alone give a hoot about what will happen next to our future generations here in this beautiful LAND, MALAYSIA?

Well, we BUMIPUTRAS care because this is THE ONE AND ONLY BELOVED LAND THAT WE BELONG TO and we WANT to ensure the peace, prosperity and tranquility handed to us over generations, be protected and enjoyed TOO by our future generations.



Tam Dalyell said...

Salam Alaykum Tuan-tuan Aku, Semerah Padi dan NJ;

Iringan tuan-tuan samalah seperti gerak langkah pengiring pengantin dengan bunga manggar dan paluan kompang. Hujjah-hujjah tuan-tuan pula menggegar dada sambil berirama seperti nazam-nazam pemain kompang. Tiba-tiba saya terasa seperti pengantin tua, tersipu-sipu dan tersengeh-sengeh kambing, pura-pura malu.

Kegeraman hati terhadap citizenM bertukar menjadi semangat pemancing yang jorannya telah disambar ikan todak layar di tengah lautan. The excitement of a catch kata orang ... dada berkocak, nafas kencang, dan mata berbintang. Pemancing demikian selalunya melepaskan semula habuan pancingannya. Sekarang saya faham bagaimana perasaan pemburu atau pelaut apabila jeratnya mengena. 'Bermain-main' dengan 'mangsanya' lebih memberi kepuasan dari menjadikannya lauk.

Rupanya dunia-cyber ini menarik tetapi kurang mencabar tanpa penghuni seperti citizenM ... dengan syarat ... wujudnya pemain kompang dan pemalu gendang seperti tuan-tuan sekelian.

Terima kasih dan salam tuan-tuan sekelian. Saya yakin, kalau begini, lambat laun SSUS akan berjaya.

Tam Dalyell said...

Salam again Tuan Tongkang;

"... we WANT to ensure the peace, prosperity and tranquility handed to us over generations, be protected and enjoyed TOO by our future generations..."

I couldn't agree with you more Sir. These blessed gift of Allah Most High must be protected at all cost .. no matter what label they apply to discourage us.

We shall engage them as how they want it. We shall always be comfortable with whatever reciprocal actions we take in answer to their provokations; and rational of mind and deliberation shall always be our guide insyaAllah.

Tam Dalyell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Semerah Padi said...

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Look who's talking, sheepishly hiding behind a tok guru (?) A tok guru is AGAINST UNITY? What kind is this?

A even more FOUL MOUTHED citizenMafaker i believe? He took back his shit and dump more mafaker shit. And all these shit "he took it & dumped back with his own two bare hands!" What a moronic mafaker!

Natural freedom of non-malay? Is this moronic mafaker the one who mumbo jumbo the Quranic verse and in the process has blinded a tok guru? This species will do anyhing to feed his greed and lust, nevermind if it is in a foreign land! The same kind who create trouble here:-

ISA? what a bloody HIPOKRIT this moronic mafaker is. The same one who dislays anti-ISA banner all over the places because many at Kamunting are from his kind.

Bloody moronic HIPOKRIT mafaker!

Negara ini Negara Berdaulat!

Semerah Padi.

Anonymous said...

Salam Tuan Dal,

SSS is so simple a concept. A Malaysian school, using a common language for all students. Orang yang menentang cuba mempolitikkan,membelitkan benda yang very straightforwad ni. So always keep it simple, just like SatD said.

Orang cakap pasal 1school, dia korner pergi unity govt. The problem dengan orang Pas ni, penggunaan sebarang perkataan arab atau Quran atau Hadis adalah hak mutlak mereka. Artikel Tuan ada satu - fardhu ain - tak boleh tu, orang Pas je boleh pakai !

Anonymous said...


Is that you using the blog owner's name writing at 2:59 am?. Now, why in hell would you do that? You not only make worse accusations but also masquerade and hide yourself. What dirty chicken shit you are.

I gave you the chance to be civil and said I wouldn't bother you if you do and this is your response. It's the same all the time with bastards like you. Ungrateful, rude, insulting, use other people's space, and become kurang ajar at other people's home. What kind of creature are you? What kind of upbringing did you have? None ha?

What "natural freedom" are you talking about? Freedom to insult others, freedom never to say thank you like in this case where the blog owner has layan you fairly nicely, even said welcome to you? What kind of people you mix with? Yet you said "widen your horizon"! What is your horizon? Just between the four walls of your room? Or between your legs? Grow up, boy. Be rational minded. Be civil and I will be civil to you.

And you ask people to read Sakmongkol. No wonder you talk the way you do. Quite a few people, like the fellow gwlnet who went to US worked as a janitor and came back still with broken English but thinks he is smart, so-called “educated” and “liberal”, visit that place and hantam NEP. Because you people get the inspiration from Sakmongkol who is not keen that NEP continues. Because he is a so-called “liberal” and “intellectual” himself. Because he talks high-fluting economics only he and a few other so-called liberal and educated Malays, and “educated” gwlnet, understand.

Do you know what other Malays call Sakmongkol? They call him a "Malay apologist". I didn’t believe it until I visited him long enough to agree with the others. I want you to know I no longer visit him because I want to puke each time he says things not favourable to his own race?

You know what "apologist" means? It means a fellow who apologises for his own race. Who thinks the Malays are no good just because he has tasted the NEP and, because he himself does not need it any more, having an ADUN pencen and all, so other Malays should not have it. Do you know that they refused to let him represent the Malays for a second time as ADUN? We don't need Malays like him to represent us. He and only a very few Malays are like that. Thank God.

And now you worship the Malay apologist Sakmongkol. Like you also worship Lee Kuan Yew. Some one who caused a lot of problems for this country until Singapore was kicked out of Malaysia. That's your kind. Create problems. Think only for yourself and not think about others. Jump up and accuse others all sorts the moment you see something not to your liking. Think about others also la, you bloody selfish fellow.

Freedom is not being free to do anything you want, is not to want, want, want and not respect others' rights - especially rights that are written in the Constitution, not respect the facts of history, not exploit the generosity of others all the time.

Freedom comes with responsibility. Do you know what "responsibility" means? It means you have to know limits and boundaries. It means you have to know your place in society. You have to know even your place in this blog - you are a guest here, do you realise that? You simply cannot abuse your host -especially when he has been kind to you, welcomed you. Don't they ever teach you to be civil, not to be kurang ajar?

You talk about putting your host in ISA. Supporting Tok Guru being against unity talks. Yes, you definitely belong to that group of shit who do not want unity, who want disorder and chaos so that thugs like you can benefit. You know what your kind is? Subversives. You should be living in Communist China. Then you'll know what kind of "natural freedom" is. Then you'll start running away all over the places like millions and millions did in the past. What ingratitude. What warped thinking and demented personality you and your kind are.


Tam Dalyell said...

Salam Tuan dinturtle;

Sorry for the delay in posting your kind comment sir.
A small hiccup. Tengah makan tersedak .. kata orang.

Anonymous said...

"We" people calling on Unity-to make one whilst "they" go on Diversity-to make many.

"Never go full retard."- Kirk Lazarus

Outfall frm KKinabalu

Anonymous said...

Ouuwps! Here we go again. Lupakan sekejap masaalah yang kita hadapi dalam Negara sendiri.

Got this from Dimensi,

I guess it takes Islam to unite all races eh? And our holy AlQuran to help rapatkan Silaturahim sesama kita tak kira dari apa bangsa sekali pun.

I was seated just next to an American family on the plane to LA during the Ramathan month, 4yrs ago.

By the time we landed, it was as if we had known each other for many years.

The following evening, I was invited to Buka Puasa in their home in Hollywood.

They also invited 4other American Muslim families for the Berbuka so as to meet us . We performed solat together.

It was so peaceful dearest CitizenM.

Now, how long have you been living in Malaysia? Apa pasal tak nak sangat berkawan nih?.
