Makanan dicipta Allah s.w.t. daripada noor dari sisiNya. Bila dimakan, makanan ini menjadi noor semula lalu membahasi qalbu. Apatah lagi jika dihiasi dengan doa-doa atau Nama-Nama Allah seperti Bismillah atau Alhamdulillah. Qalbu menjadi subur semula dengan Noor Allah. Qalbu yang hidup menjadi perasan/ingat/merasa akan asal dimana ia diciptakan dan rindu kembali kepada asalnya.
Ada juga makanan yang dicipta oleh musuh Allah, umpamanya syaitan, atau makhluk-makhluk biasa yang ikut campurtangan dalam pengubahsuaiannya bagi pihak syaitan dan Dajjal. Makanan seumpama ini merusak jasad dan mematikan qalbu. Qalbu yang mati menjadikan diri tidak kisah dari mana dia datang, untuk apa dia dijadikan dan kemana dia pergi. Allah s.w.t. menjanjikan makanan yanh Allah tidak redho dimakan menjadikan pemakannya bahan bakaran api (neraka dunia atau akhirat, atau kedua-duanya)
Allah s.w.t., melalui Al Qur-an, banyak kali menyebut tentang bagaimana bumi yang mati dihidupkan dengan hujan dari langit. Ada kalanya ia bermaksud tanah dan air sahaja. Banyak juga yang mengungkapkan bumi itu sebagai qalbu dan hujan itu sebagai Noor Ilahi dari darjat yang Maha Tinggi. Ayat-ayat yang mengikutinya, yang menyebut tentang hasil bumi seperti ternak dan tumbuh-tumbuha mengungkap pula kepada maksud hasil qalbu yang hidup seperti amal saleh dan ketaqwaan.
Juga, dalam satu cabang lain dalam kajian agama Allah ini, yang dikatakan Noor dari Allah itu ialah Islam, yang membuahkan Iman, yang membuahkan Ikhsan, yang akhirnya membuahkan hampir dengan dan kenal akan yang Maha Pencipta segal sesuatu.
Qalbu yang hidup sangat memilih makanan yang dijadikan asbab untuk membasahi qalbu dan dirinya; bukan setakat menyebabkan kenyang atau sihat sahaja. Dia khuatir, jika semberono atau serakah makan, qalbunya menjadi sakit bahkan mati terus. Baginya ini boleh menjadikan sembahyangnya / ibadahnya kurang khusyu' atau Qur-an yang dibacanya tidak mengingatkan ia bahawa ini adalah ayat-ayat dari Allah yang dikirimkan kepada dirinya. Juga baginya setitis air mata yang membasahi pipinya (dari kerana kesedaran ini) adalah barasal dari qalbu yang terasa hampir dengan Penciptanya, dan ia terlebih berharga baginya dari segunung intan.
Allahu akbar Allahu akbar.
Laailaaha il Allahu Allahu Akbar.
Allahu akbar wa lillahil hamd.
Sungguh besar jasa Rahmat al-Alamiin Muhammad Rasulullah s.a.wasallam. Allah s.w.t. dan para malaikatNya pun berselawat ke atas Nabi.
Allahumma solli 'ala, sayyidina, Muhammad-in-nabi-al-ummi, wa 'ala alihi wa sohbihi, wa sallim.
The Rukun Negara Of Muslims:- 1) Keep To The Commandments Of Allah. 2) Abstain From That Which Allah Forbids. 3) Pleased With The Decree Of Perovidence.

Satu Bahasa Satu Bangsa Satu Negara
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Masya Allahu Kaana.
Ramainya ummat Melayu Islam seperti buih, namun tidak menampakkan perpaduan yang diwariskan oleh nenek moyang mereka. Keramaian ini setakat menampakkan anak-anak Melayu seolah-olah tidak indah dan tidak mampu mempertahankan warisan peninggalan orang tua. Adakah Melayu telah kegersangan dari pejuang dan benteng watan mempertahankan dan memperjuangkan warisan?
Legasi agung berusia ratusan bahkan ribuan tahun ini ialah peninggalan nenek-moyang bangsa yang mengibarkan bendera Islam. Pewaris-pewarisnya selepas itu merudum kedalam kealpaan dan kecuaian sehingga bukan sahaja keagungan dan kegemilangan warisan bangsa merosot dan mengecil, malah anak sisa bangsa ditanah air sendiri dipandang remeh dan dihina oleh kaum pendatang.
Yang boleh mengangkat martabat bangsa dan maruah warisan ialah apa yang dikandung oleh dada. Pejuang bangsa sepatutnya berpegang dengan janji Allah bahawa Allah akan mengubah nasib sesuatu bangsa itu apabila bangsa itu mengubah APA YANG ADA DALAM DADA MEREKA.
Pendabik dada pejuang bangsa setakat mempunyai dada-dada yang gersang dari kebesaran Allah, sebaliknya penuh membuak-buak, berkobar-kobar dan melimpah-limpah dengan cinta hanya akan kehidupan dunia.
Kemenangan mutlak kepunyaan Islam. Maka bangun. Bangkit and give your respect for Allah allmighty first. Penuhkan dada-dada dengan hormat kagum akan Allah dahulu sebelum mengisinya dengan kebesaran kehidupan dunia. Takbir.
Allahu akbar Allahu akbar.
Laailaaha il Allahu Allahu Akbar.
Allahu akbar wa lillahil hamd.
Allahu akbar Allahu akbar.
Laailaaha il Allahu Allahu Akbar.
Allahu akbar wa lillahil hamd.
Allahu akbar Allahu akbar.
Laailaaha il Allahu Allahu Akbar.
Allahu akbar wa lillahil hamd.
Tidak kira dia penjawat sebesar dan setinggi mana, dia tetap the servant of Allahu akbar first. Serve Allah the supreme creator and seek His pleasure first. Begitu rupa bahana kebesaran dan keagungan Allah, jika seseorang penjawat itu boleh naik mi'raj, dia akan naik ke 'arasy untuk mengkumandangkan takbir tersebut, bukan cukup setakat dengan berpijak dibumi rendah sahaja. Sesudah itu baru turun dan mengurus rakyatnya. Dan seterusnya pula alangkah eloknya jika setiap pemimpin itu berkemampuan membawa pengikut-pengikunya naik turun antara bumi dan 'arasy dalam mentadbir bumi Melayu ini bagi pihak Allah sebagai khalifah Allah di muka bumi. Anak watan pernah menaruh harapan kepada Nik Aziz untuk memenuhi tugasan ini. Tapi kini .....
Pentadbir bangsa diciptakan sebagai khalifah Allah hanya to serve Allah as Allah meant him to serve; never to serve anybody or anything else. Islam honors these khalifahs and gives them honor to be the servant of Allah. Islam memberinya penghormatan dengan menjadikannya ummat nabi pilihan Muhammad s.a.w. Jadi selepas Allah, khalifah dan ummat ini patut memberi setinggi-tinggi penghormatan kepada hamba Allah yang paling ta'at kepada Alah, yang paling hampir dengan Allah, yang paling kasih kepada dan mengasihi Allah, dengan mengambil contoh mentadbir darinya s.a.w.
Tidak sekali-kali mentadbir secara "as he himself deems it fit" or "to his best ability". Pertama-tama ... Allah itu suka satu. Dia suka hambanya bersatu. Dia tidak suka hambanya, umpamanya yang berbangsa Melayu, berpecah menjadi tiga. Ketiga-tiga ketua bagi puak ini, dalam mentadbir bangsanya bagi pihak Allah, hanya yakin percaya bahawa bangsa Melayu ini rakyat mereka semata-mata; terlupa yang they are to serve atau mentadbir mereka bagi pihak Allah.
Muslims respect one whom Allah respects, one whom Allah endorses his ways, one to whom Allah commands his servants to emulate, one to whom Allah commands His servants to obey as He is obeyed, one to whom Allah commands His servants to love if the servant is to love Allah; these Muslims most love and most respect him: he Muhammad s.a.w. who loves Allah most.
There arose a community among Muslims much appreciated by the enemies of Islam who are ahli bid'ah, ahli syirik, ahli haram, ahli kufur who claims that to accord such respect, love and much obedience to him s.a.w. is committing shirik and is out of Islam. This community is out of syncronisation to Islam. This group is out to destroy Islam. No. Islam would not permit it. Allah would not permit it. They attempt to alienate Muhammad s.a.w. from Islam. Without Muhammad s.a.w. there can be no Islam, there can be no Iman, and there can be no Ikhsan. Do they think roses grow without water?
This group is filtering its way into the folds of "Malays in power". Na'uzubilla. They are to be "recruited" purportedly because of their "excellent" earthly qualification. It does not bode well for budding Muslims.
The sahabah of Rasulullah s.a.w. came close to him s.a.w. not because of earthly qualifications alone. And when they dispersed across the face of the earth to spread the Truth of Allah to mankind, did they bring or work for anything other than Allah? No. They brought for them what Muhammad s.a.w. poured into their chests. And when they were met by the citizens, they distribute this love and truth from Muhammad s.a.w.. Have this particular group of just born anti-hadith and wahabis mercenary ulamak any such love and Truth in their chest except love and "truth" for themselves?
Woe unto the Malays when PAS lose its head and joined hands with the enemies of Islam. The Malays are palgued by the dillusional Melayu liberals as the Muslims are contaminated by the wahabis and the anti-hadiths as also is the Muslim world falls prey to the deceptions Dajjal, Ya'juj and Ma'juj. And now. Woe unto the Malays again when the the wahabis and the anti-hadith mercenary ulamaks crowd the UMNO corridors. Where and when did this Malay UMNO went wrong? Is there no end?
Legasi agung berusia ratusan bahkan ribuan tahun ini ialah peninggalan nenek-moyang bangsa yang mengibarkan bendera Islam. Pewaris-pewarisnya selepas itu merudum kedalam kealpaan dan kecuaian sehingga bukan sahaja keagungan dan kegemilangan warisan bangsa merosot dan mengecil, malah anak sisa bangsa ditanah air sendiri dipandang remeh dan dihina oleh kaum pendatang.
Yang boleh mengangkat martabat bangsa dan maruah warisan ialah apa yang dikandung oleh dada. Pejuang bangsa sepatutnya berpegang dengan janji Allah bahawa Allah akan mengubah nasib sesuatu bangsa itu apabila bangsa itu mengubah APA YANG ADA DALAM DADA MEREKA.
Pendabik dada pejuang bangsa setakat mempunyai dada-dada yang gersang dari kebesaran Allah, sebaliknya penuh membuak-buak, berkobar-kobar dan melimpah-limpah dengan cinta hanya akan kehidupan dunia.
Kemenangan mutlak kepunyaan Islam. Maka bangun. Bangkit and give your respect for Allah allmighty first. Penuhkan dada-dada dengan hormat kagum akan Allah dahulu sebelum mengisinya dengan kebesaran kehidupan dunia. Takbir.
Allahu akbar Allahu akbar.
Laailaaha il Allahu Allahu Akbar.
Allahu akbar wa lillahil hamd.
Allahu akbar Allahu akbar.
Laailaaha il Allahu Allahu Akbar.
Allahu akbar wa lillahil hamd.
Allahu akbar Allahu akbar.
Laailaaha il Allahu Allahu Akbar.
Allahu akbar wa lillahil hamd.
Tidak kira dia penjawat sebesar dan setinggi mana, dia tetap the servant of Allahu akbar first. Serve Allah the supreme creator and seek His pleasure first. Begitu rupa bahana kebesaran dan keagungan Allah, jika seseorang penjawat itu boleh naik mi'raj, dia akan naik ke 'arasy untuk mengkumandangkan takbir tersebut, bukan cukup setakat dengan berpijak dibumi rendah sahaja. Sesudah itu baru turun dan mengurus rakyatnya. Dan seterusnya pula alangkah eloknya jika setiap pemimpin itu berkemampuan membawa pengikut-pengikunya naik turun antara bumi dan 'arasy dalam mentadbir bumi Melayu ini bagi pihak Allah sebagai khalifah Allah di muka bumi. Anak watan pernah menaruh harapan kepada Nik Aziz untuk memenuhi tugasan ini. Tapi kini .....
Pentadbir bangsa diciptakan sebagai khalifah Allah hanya to serve Allah as Allah meant him to serve; never to serve anybody or anything else. Islam honors these khalifahs and gives them honor to be the servant of Allah. Islam memberinya penghormatan dengan menjadikannya ummat nabi pilihan Muhammad s.a.w. Jadi selepas Allah, khalifah dan ummat ini patut memberi setinggi-tinggi penghormatan kepada hamba Allah yang paling ta'at kepada Alah, yang paling hampir dengan Allah, yang paling kasih kepada dan mengasihi Allah, dengan mengambil contoh mentadbir darinya s.a.w.
Tidak sekali-kali mentadbir secara "as he himself deems it fit" or "to his best ability". Pertama-tama ... Allah itu suka satu. Dia suka hambanya bersatu. Dia tidak suka hambanya, umpamanya yang berbangsa Melayu, berpecah menjadi tiga. Ketiga-tiga ketua bagi puak ini, dalam mentadbir bangsanya bagi pihak Allah, hanya yakin percaya bahawa bangsa Melayu ini rakyat mereka semata-mata; terlupa yang they are to serve atau mentadbir mereka bagi pihak Allah.
Muslims respect one whom Allah respects, one whom Allah endorses his ways, one to whom Allah commands his servants to emulate, one to whom Allah commands His servants to obey as He is obeyed, one to whom Allah commands His servants to love if the servant is to love Allah; these Muslims most love and most respect him: he Muhammad s.a.w. who loves Allah most.
There arose a community among Muslims much appreciated by the enemies of Islam who are ahli bid'ah, ahli syirik, ahli haram, ahli kufur who claims that to accord such respect, love and much obedience to him s.a.w. is committing shirik and is out of Islam. This community is out of syncronisation to Islam. This group is out to destroy Islam. No. Islam would not permit it. Allah would not permit it. They attempt to alienate Muhammad s.a.w. from Islam. Without Muhammad s.a.w. there can be no Islam, there can be no Iman, and there can be no Ikhsan. Do they think roses grow without water?
This group is filtering its way into the folds of "Malays in power". Na'uzubilla. They are to be "recruited" purportedly because of their "excellent" earthly qualification. It does not bode well for budding Muslims.
The sahabah of Rasulullah s.a.w. came close to him s.a.w. not because of earthly qualifications alone. And when they dispersed across the face of the earth to spread the Truth of Allah to mankind, did they bring or work for anything other than Allah? No. They brought for them what Muhammad s.a.w. poured into their chests. And when they were met by the citizens, they distribute this love and truth from Muhammad s.a.w.. Have this particular group of just born anti-hadith and wahabis mercenary ulamak any such love and Truth in their chest except love and "truth" for themselves?
Woe unto the Malays when PAS lose its head and joined hands with the enemies of Islam. The Malays are palgued by the dillusional Melayu liberals as the Muslims are contaminated by the wahabis and the anti-hadiths as also is the Muslim world falls prey to the deceptions Dajjal, Ya'juj and Ma'juj. And now. Woe unto the Malays again when the the wahabis and the anti-hadith mercenary ulamaks crowd the UMNO corridors. Where and when did this Malay UMNO went wrong? Is there no end?
Mata Hati Qalb
Relex Dengan Isu.
Isu JI - CIA Mossad pukul gendang. Kita menari sahaja. Walaupun canggung.
Isu Khalid Gagab nak kena halau - Buat apa disimpan ulat dalam pekong Melayu?
Isu lesen judi - Heh heh. Bola tonjol. Tembak bola kuning. Bola merah masuk. Kepala gua menang. Bunga lu kalah.
Isu Bangsa Melayu - Biarkan. Biarkan. Si Luncai terjun dengan labu-labunya.
Isu cina bukit - Kita abang alik lorrr. Gua punya gua punya. Lu punya gua punya.
Isu geng Sami-Singh - Kasi saman sama dia.
Isu wahhabi - Tuhan ada kaki. Duduk atas 'arasy.
Isu ulamak mercenary - Angguk-angguk. Tunduk-tunduk. Iya-iya. Enggeh wae.
Isu parti mana kafir/Islam - Tak kisah. Asalkan minyak dan air boleh bercampur.
Isu Khalid Gagab nak kena halau - Buat apa disimpan ulat dalam pekong Melayu?
Isu lesen judi - Heh heh. Bola tonjol. Tembak bola kuning. Bola merah masuk. Kepala gua menang. Bunga lu kalah.
Isu Bangsa Melayu - Biarkan. Biarkan. Si Luncai terjun dengan labu-labunya.
Isu cina bukit - Kita abang alik lorrr. Gua punya gua punya. Lu punya gua punya.
Isu geng Sami-Singh - Kasi saman sama dia.
Isu wahhabi - Tuhan ada kaki. Duduk atas 'arasy.
Isu ulamak mercenary - Angguk-angguk. Tunduk-tunduk. Iya-iya. Enggeh wae.
Isu parti mana kafir/Islam - Tak kisah. Asalkan minyak dan air boleh bercampur.
Monday, June 21, 2010
And The Wheel Grinds On ....
"...MCA is actually a party heavily divided not just by warlords but also by objectives.
Some groups are in MCA for business purposes and they don't care what happens to the country as long as their pockets are save.
There is another group who cares only about positions and play politics all the time where they sway their stand according to the wind flow.
Our focus today is on a group which always talk about the Chinese without ever thinking of other races.
This group is actually a pain for MCA because they are largely influential in MCA politics and they are heavyweights within the Party's four walls.
"More Chinese schools, more money for Chinese education, more businesses for Chinese, more contracts for Chinese, more allocation for Chinese NGOs ..... " .... they rant and cleave the air with their hands.
................. an excerp taken from the blog A piece Of My Mind at
The Askar Melayu Diraja is made impotent because the attacker ceased to employ the CPM's tactic. They now attack by patting their victims' heads or rubbing their backs, especially so the heads and the backs of the "Melayu Libreals" and "The Grazing Cows". But the end results are the same. There's going to be no more Tanah Melayu to go home to. Hence "The Tujuh Wasiat Raja-Raja" is no more a defense to fall back to.
"Perhaps we should acknowledge our past “inaccuracy” in saying that the citizenship right for the non-Malays was in exchange for the Special Position of the Malays. One of the following articles quotes the British Secretary of State (Foreign Minister) for the Colonies (Mr. Alan Lennox-Boyd), telling the British Parliament while debating the Malaya Independence Bill:
“All that the Reid Commission did was to continue to give cognisant to those special positions. There were no new position or right added as part of a compromise. To say therefore that citizenships were offered to the non-Malays in exchange of those special positions were not accurate. That is because those positions were already there and recognised from day one.
The special position of the Malays was recognized in the original treaties made by His Majesty in previous years, and Her Majesty Queen Victoria and others with the Malay States. It was reaffirmed when these treaties were revised. It was confirmed in the 1948 Agreement, and reference was expressly made to it in the terms of reference of the Reid Commission. So the Malay privilege clauses in the articles of the Constitution do not, in the main, introduce any precedent, but give recognition in the Constitution to the existing situation.”
Consequently, we would henceforth try to use this British declaration in their Parliament in our discussions on the subject of citizenship right, the Malay Special Position and of unity in the country. "
..................... taken from Kempen SSS at
Sadly most of us are not well adept in this mode of engagement.
But to have no home ... no Tanah Melayu for the yet-to-be-born to come back to ....
Sad. Very sad.
The Askar Melayu Diraja no more can say ..... "If he really has no place to come back to ....(.... And no one seems to care ....)....I'll be the one he can come home to...."
Since the "Melayu Liberals" have turned "Tanggang" and are not to be depended upon; can our "Laskar Cintas" replace the AMD? They seem very much occupied in walking and out of the magistrate or shari'ah court.
Some groups are in MCA for business purposes and they don't care what happens to the country as long as their pockets are save.
There is another group who cares only about positions and play politics all the time where they sway their stand according to the wind flow.
Our focus today is on a group which always talk about the Chinese without ever thinking of other races.
This group is actually a pain for MCA because they are largely influential in MCA politics and they are heavyweights within the Party's four walls.
"More Chinese schools, more money for Chinese education, more businesses for Chinese, more contracts for Chinese, more allocation for Chinese NGOs ..... " .... they rant and cleave the air with their hands.
................. an excerp taken from the blog A piece Of My Mind at
The Askar Melayu Diraja is made impotent because the attacker ceased to employ the CPM's tactic. They now attack by patting their victims' heads or rubbing their backs, especially so the heads and the backs of the "Melayu Libreals" and "The Grazing Cows". But the end results are the same. There's going to be no more Tanah Melayu to go home to. Hence "The Tujuh Wasiat Raja-Raja" is no more a defense to fall back to.
"Perhaps we should acknowledge our past “inaccuracy” in saying that the citizenship right for the non-Malays was in exchange for the Special Position of the Malays. One of the following articles quotes the British Secretary of State (Foreign Minister) for the Colonies (Mr. Alan Lennox-Boyd), telling the British Parliament while debating the Malaya Independence Bill:
“All that the Reid Commission did was to continue to give cognisant to those special positions. There were no new position or right added as part of a compromise. To say therefore that citizenships were offered to the non-Malays in exchange of those special positions were not accurate. That is because those positions were already there and recognised from day one.
The special position of the Malays was recognized in the original treaties made by His Majesty in previous years, and Her Majesty Queen Victoria and others with the Malay States. It was reaffirmed when these treaties were revised. It was confirmed in the 1948 Agreement, and reference was expressly made to it in the terms of reference of the Reid Commission. So the Malay privilege clauses in the articles of the Constitution do not, in the main, introduce any precedent, but give recognition in the Constitution to the existing situation.”
Consequently, we would henceforth try to use this British declaration in their Parliament in our discussions on the subject of citizenship right, the Malay Special Position and of unity in the country. "
..................... taken from Kempen SSS at
Sadly most of us are not well adept in this mode of engagement.
But to have no home ... no Tanah Melayu for the yet-to-be-born to come back to ....
Sad. Very sad.
The Askar Melayu Diraja no more can say ..... "If he really has no place to come back to ....(.... And no one seems to care ....)....I'll be the one he can come home to...."
Since the "Melayu Liberals" have turned "Tanggang" and are not to be depended upon; can our "Laskar Cintas" replace the AMD? They seem very much occupied in walking and out of the magistrate or shari'ah court.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Terjumpa Di Bawah Permukaan
Rasulullah menghadithkan perihal Dajjal. Dajjal hanya melihat dengan satu mata. Di dahinya tertulis "kaf fa ro" = kafir. Setiap mukmin (di hatinya ada noor dari Allah) dapat membacanya (mengenalnya samada si mukmin itu pandai membaca atau tidak).
Apa implikasinya?
Si mukmin boleh mengenali Dajjal. Tetapi Abu Lahab tidak. Padahal dia ada mata. Abu Lahab and the likes reads with the wrong eyes. Apakah si mukmin mengenalnya melalui mata lain selain mata kasar ini?
Apakah ada mata lain selain yang dua biji ini? Semua universiti Barat kata mana ada. Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu pun kata tiada. Semua pengikut mereka kata mana ada mata telinga lain selain ini. Semua mereka tidak percaya ada cara lain menimba ilmu selain melalui naluri-naluri zahir, melalui pemerhatian makmal dan penyelidikan rasional.
Tapi Al-Qur'an kata ada. Selain mata telinga zahir ada mata telinga batin. Selain mendapatkan ilmu melalui fakulti-fakulti zahir, fakulti dalaman beribu kali lebih besar kemampuanya pada menggali ilmu.
Di Suratul Hajj, (22:46 maka apakah mereka tidak berjalan di muka bumi, lalu apakah mereka mempunyai hati yang dengan itu mereka dapat memahami atau apakah mempunyai telinga yang dengan itu mereka dapat mendengar? Sesungguhnya bukanlah mata itu yang buta, tetapi, hati yang di dalam dada yang buta) Allah mencabar orang-orang seperti Uncle Sam yang hatinya sudah mati, dicabar menjejaki bumi Allah dan dengan memerhatikan tanda-tanda Alah, mudah-mudahan qabu yang mati itu boleh hidup semula. Belajar apa dan dari manapun, jika hati itu buta (dari noor Allah yang diisyaratkan oleh ayat ini), fakulti dalaman tetap akan lumpuh. Tetapi bila hati itu hidup dengan noor Allah, telinga hatinya dapat mendengar dan mata hatinya dapat melihat. Inilah yang dimaksudkan dengan orang mukmin itu melihat dengan noor Allah. (posting lalu)
Jadi yang mengidentify Dajjal dan Ya'juj dan Ma'juj itu bukan mata zahir, tetapi mata dalaman yang ada pada setiap mukmin. Allah s.w.t. sebut dalam Surah Al-Anbiya' 21:95-96 bahawa kaum (yang bandarnya melalui tangan Nebuchadnezar dan kemudian menerusi tentera Rom) diharamkan balik sehingga Ya'juj dan Ma'juj dilepaskan.
Kini Yahudi sudah balik dan membentuk setinggan haram bernama Israel. Maka tembok Zulkarnain tentunya sudah binasa dan Ya'juj dan Ma'juj (salah satu tanda akhir zaman) pastinya sudah dilepaskan ratusan tahun sebelum Yahudi balik dan membentuk kediaman sementaranya.
Tidak hairanlah jika Israel itu bertindak sekejam dhabbatul ardh (juga salah satu tanda akhir zaman) (dhabbatul ardh bermaksud makhluk liar dari bumi berhati buas - a being with the heart of the beasts) apabila ada pada mereka warisan darah Ya'juj dan Ma'juj. Mereka ini hidup dan bermewah-mewah diatas kesengsaraan dan darah makhluk lain.
Apa implikasinya?
Si mukmin boleh mengenali Dajjal. Tetapi Abu Lahab tidak. Padahal dia ada mata. Abu Lahab and the likes reads with the wrong eyes. Apakah si mukmin mengenalnya melalui mata lain selain mata kasar ini?
Apakah ada mata lain selain yang dua biji ini? Semua universiti Barat kata mana ada. Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu pun kata tiada. Semua pengikut mereka kata mana ada mata telinga lain selain ini. Semua mereka tidak percaya ada cara lain menimba ilmu selain melalui naluri-naluri zahir, melalui pemerhatian makmal dan penyelidikan rasional.
Tapi Al-Qur'an kata ada. Selain mata telinga zahir ada mata telinga batin. Selain mendapatkan ilmu melalui fakulti-fakulti zahir, fakulti dalaman beribu kali lebih besar kemampuanya pada menggali ilmu.
Di Suratul Hajj, (22:46 maka apakah mereka tidak berjalan di muka bumi, lalu apakah mereka mempunyai hati yang dengan itu mereka dapat memahami atau apakah mempunyai telinga yang dengan itu mereka dapat mendengar? Sesungguhnya bukanlah mata itu yang buta, tetapi, hati yang di dalam dada yang buta) Allah mencabar orang-orang seperti Uncle Sam yang hatinya sudah mati, dicabar menjejaki bumi Allah dan dengan memerhatikan tanda-tanda Alah, mudah-mudahan qabu yang mati itu boleh hidup semula. Belajar apa dan dari manapun, jika hati itu buta (dari noor Allah yang diisyaratkan oleh ayat ini), fakulti dalaman tetap akan lumpuh. Tetapi bila hati itu hidup dengan noor Allah, telinga hatinya dapat mendengar dan mata hatinya dapat melihat. Inilah yang dimaksudkan dengan orang mukmin itu melihat dengan noor Allah. (posting lalu)
Jadi yang mengidentify Dajjal dan Ya'juj dan Ma'juj itu bukan mata zahir, tetapi mata dalaman yang ada pada setiap mukmin. Allah s.w.t. sebut dalam Surah Al-Anbiya' 21:95-96 bahawa kaum (yang bandarnya melalui tangan Nebuchadnezar dan kemudian menerusi tentera Rom) diharamkan balik sehingga Ya'juj dan Ma'juj dilepaskan.
Kini Yahudi sudah balik dan membentuk setinggan haram bernama Israel. Maka tembok Zulkarnain tentunya sudah binasa dan Ya'juj dan Ma'juj (salah satu tanda akhir zaman) pastinya sudah dilepaskan ratusan tahun sebelum Yahudi balik dan membentuk kediaman sementaranya.
Tidak hairanlah jika Israel itu bertindak sekejam dhabbatul ardh (juga salah satu tanda akhir zaman) (dhabbatul ardh bermaksud makhluk liar dari bumi berhati buas - a being with the heart of the beasts) apabila ada pada mereka warisan darah Ya'juj dan Ma'juj. Mereka ini hidup dan bermewah-mewah diatas kesengsaraan dan darah makhluk lain.
Mata Hati Qalb
Monday, June 7, 2010
Pencarian Di Bawah Permukaan
Allah s.w.t. mempersiapkan hambaNya yang beriman dengan Surah Al-Falak untuk memperbentengi iman mereka dari angkara dalang kejahatan - fasad - ketika Dia berfirman:
Al-Falaq 113:1-5
قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ الْفَلَقِ
مِن شَرِّ مَا خَلَقَ
وَمِن شَرِّ غَاسِقٍ إِذَا وَقَبَ
وَمِن شَرِّ ٱلنَّفَّـٰثَـٰتِ فِى ٱلۡعُقَدِ
وَمِن شَرِّ حَاسِدٍ إِذَا حَسَدَ
(1) Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): Aku berlindung kepada (Allah) Tuhan yang menciptakan sekalian makhluk.
(2) Dari bencana makhluk-makhluk yang Dia ciptakan.
(3) Dari bahaya gelap apabila ia masuk.
(4) Dari kejahatan makhluk-makhluk yang menghembus-hembus pada simpulan-simpulan (dan ikatan-ikatan).
(5) Serta dari kejahatan orang yang dengki apabila dia melakukan dengkinya.
Rasulullah s.a.w. pun meninggalkan pesan kepada ummatnya yang di akhir zaman, bahawa akan datang satu zaman yang dahsyat, terlebih dahsyat dari yang pernah dialami oleh manusia sejak Adam a.s. diutuskan. Sangat sedikit iman yang terselamat kerananya. Satu dalang kejahatan yang tidak berperi-kemanusiaan akan menguasai dunia.
Dalang jahat lagi mengerikan tersebut akan menidas dengan memaksakan kejahatan dan kediktatoran mereka keatas seluruh manusia dan menyesatkan umat yang beriman. Dalang jahat ini memiliki PhD dalam tipu-helah dan penipuan.
Akibat dari tipu-helah dan kelicikan penipuan dalang ini, apa yang diperlihatkan atau terketara oleh mata kasar bukanlah apa yang sebenarnya, malah sebaliknya. Bahwa penampilan (yang ketara) adalah sama sekali berlawanan dengan kenyataan yang sebenarnya. Bahwa dalang ini akan menampakkan setiap jalan ke surga lalu ditampilkannya terlihat seperti jalan ke neraka, dan ia akan mencipta-reka jalan-jalan ke neraka lalu ditampilkannya terlihat seperti jalan ke surga.
Akibat pengkaburan dalang ini, mereka yang melihat dengan hanya pengetahuan zahiriah (mata kasar); walaupun mempunyai alat PhD dari University Amerika, tidak akan mampu menembusi penipuannya. Mereka akan membentuk penilaian berdasarkan pengetahuan zahirnya sahaja. Mereka akan tertipu lalu akan percaya bahwa mereka berada di jalan ke surga, padahal sesungguhnya mereka berada di jalan ke neraka; dan mereka tidak akan tahu itu.
Matlamat akhir melalui jalan keruhanian di dunia ini, umpamanya dari halaqah-halaqah zikir, adalah untuk mecapai apa yang tanpanya tidak dapat dicapai. Tujuan utama menjalani jalan keruhanian ialah pengetahuan hakikat. Pengetahuan hakikat datang ialah ketika pengetahuan eksternal (zahiriah) dan internal (ruhaniah) dapat diintegrasikan secara harmonis antara satu sama lain.
Dalam Al-Qur'a Allah merujukkan tentang orang-orang yang tidak memiliki pengetahuan ruhaniah; yang tidak menjalani pencarian keruhanian; atau yang mengejar pencarian keruhanian tetapi tidak sadar apa tujuan dari pencariannya itu; atau yang mungkin percaya bahwa pencarian keruhanian hanya bertujuan untuk mampu melakukan kekeramatan; (iaitu tindakan yang kelihatan seperti apa yang dilakukan oleh para nabi sebagai mukjizat); atau yang tidak memahami bahwa pencarian keruhanian pada akhirnya bertujuan mencapai kepada pengetahuan hakikat dan ma'rifat; Allah s.w.t. sifatkan orang-orang sebegini sebagai buta melalui firmanNya dalam Sura, al-Araaf Ayat 7:179:
لَهُمْ قُلُوبٌ لاَّ يَفْقَهُونَ بِهَا
Mereka mempunyai hati (tetapi) tidak mahu memahami dengannya
وَلَهُمْ أَعْيُنٌ لاَّ يُبْصِرُونَ بِهَا
Mereka mempunyai mata (tetapi) tidak mahu melihat dengannya
وَلَهُمْ آذَانٌ لاَّ يَسْمَعُونَ بِهَا
Mereka mempunyai telinga (tetapi) tidak mahu mendengar dengannya
أُوْلَئِكَ آَالأَنْعَامِ
Mereka itu seperti binatang ternak
Orang-orang seperti inilah, yang akan menganggotai sebahagian besar dari tamadun akhir zaman, memiliki status yang setara dengan sapi (walaupun memegang gelaran PhD dari Barat)
بَلۡ هُمۡ أَضَلُّۚ أُوْلَـٰٓٮِٕكَ هُمُ ٱلۡغَـٰفِلُونَ
bahkan mereka lebih sesat lagi; mereka itulah orang-orang yang lalai.
Umpamanya mereka akan lalai atau tidak sedar akan tipu helah dalang-dalang kejahatan akhir zaman tersebut.
Sekurang-kurangnya mereka akan gagal menembusi kelicikan pakatan Israel-Barat lalu bersekongkol dengan mereka memerangi saudara-mara sendiri. Mereka, walaupun Islam, akan lihat bahawa pakatan Israel-Barat 'ada hak' membunuh saudara seagama mereka, tapi mereka lihat saudara Islam yang tertindas ini tidak ada hak walaupun mempertahankan diri.
Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda:
Ittaku firasatal mu’min fa innahu yanzuru bi nurillah
Takutilah firasat mukmin. Sesungguhnya mereka melihat dengan noor Allah.
Iaitu pandangan mukmin yang disertai dengan pandangan mata hati yang menjurus bukan sahaja kepada yang nampak diluaran bahkan disertai dengan pandangan penyertaan noor dari Ilahi yang "melihat" terus kepada hakikat sebenar tanpa perantaraan. Pelajaran ini tiada diajarkan dimana-mana pun dunia dan universiti Barat.
Al-Falaq 113:1-5
قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ الْفَلَقِ
مِن شَرِّ مَا خَلَقَ
وَمِن شَرِّ غَاسِقٍ إِذَا وَقَبَ
وَمِن شَرِّ ٱلنَّفَّـٰثَـٰتِ فِى ٱلۡعُقَدِ
وَمِن شَرِّ حَاسِدٍ إِذَا حَسَدَ
(1) Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): Aku berlindung kepada (Allah) Tuhan yang menciptakan sekalian makhluk.
(2) Dari bencana makhluk-makhluk yang Dia ciptakan.
(3) Dari bahaya gelap apabila ia masuk.
(4) Dari kejahatan makhluk-makhluk yang menghembus-hembus pada simpulan-simpulan (dan ikatan-ikatan).
(5) Serta dari kejahatan orang yang dengki apabila dia melakukan dengkinya.
Rasulullah s.a.w. pun meninggalkan pesan kepada ummatnya yang di akhir zaman, bahawa akan datang satu zaman yang dahsyat, terlebih dahsyat dari yang pernah dialami oleh manusia sejak Adam a.s. diutuskan. Sangat sedikit iman yang terselamat kerananya. Satu dalang kejahatan yang tidak berperi-kemanusiaan akan menguasai dunia.
Dalang jahat lagi mengerikan tersebut akan menidas dengan memaksakan kejahatan dan kediktatoran mereka keatas seluruh manusia dan menyesatkan umat yang beriman. Dalang jahat ini memiliki PhD dalam tipu-helah dan penipuan.
Akibat dari tipu-helah dan kelicikan penipuan dalang ini, apa yang diperlihatkan atau terketara oleh mata kasar bukanlah apa yang sebenarnya, malah sebaliknya. Bahwa penampilan (yang ketara) adalah sama sekali berlawanan dengan kenyataan yang sebenarnya. Bahwa dalang ini akan menampakkan setiap jalan ke surga lalu ditampilkannya terlihat seperti jalan ke neraka, dan ia akan mencipta-reka jalan-jalan ke neraka lalu ditampilkannya terlihat seperti jalan ke surga.
Akibat pengkaburan dalang ini, mereka yang melihat dengan hanya pengetahuan zahiriah (mata kasar); walaupun mempunyai alat PhD dari University Amerika, tidak akan mampu menembusi penipuannya. Mereka akan membentuk penilaian berdasarkan pengetahuan zahirnya sahaja. Mereka akan tertipu lalu akan percaya bahwa mereka berada di jalan ke surga, padahal sesungguhnya mereka berada di jalan ke neraka; dan mereka tidak akan tahu itu.
Matlamat akhir melalui jalan keruhanian di dunia ini, umpamanya dari halaqah-halaqah zikir, adalah untuk mecapai apa yang tanpanya tidak dapat dicapai. Tujuan utama menjalani jalan keruhanian ialah pengetahuan hakikat. Pengetahuan hakikat datang ialah ketika pengetahuan eksternal (zahiriah) dan internal (ruhaniah) dapat diintegrasikan secara harmonis antara satu sama lain.
Dalam Al-Qur'a Allah merujukkan tentang orang-orang yang tidak memiliki pengetahuan ruhaniah; yang tidak menjalani pencarian keruhanian; atau yang mengejar pencarian keruhanian tetapi tidak sadar apa tujuan dari pencariannya itu; atau yang mungkin percaya bahwa pencarian keruhanian hanya bertujuan untuk mampu melakukan kekeramatan; (iaitu tindakan yang kelihatan seperti apa yang dilakukan oleh para nabi sebagai mukjizat); atau yang tidak memahami bahwa pencarian keruhanian pada akhirnya bertujuan mencapai kepada pengetahuan hakikat dan ma'rifat; Allah s.w.t. sifatkan orang-orang sebegini sebagai buta melalui firmanNya dalam Sura, al-Araaf Ayat 7:179:
لَهُمْ قُلُوبٌ لاَّ يَفْقَهُونَ بِهَا
Mereka mempunyai hati (tetapi) tidak mahu memahami dengannya
وَلَهُمْ أَعْيُنٌ لاَّ يُبْصِرُونَ بِهَا
Mereka mempunyai mata (tetapi) tidak mahu melihat dengannya
وَلَهُمْ آذَانٌ لاَّ يَسْمَعُونَ بِهَا
Mereka mempunyai telinga (tetapi) tidak mahu mendengar dengannya
أُوْلَئِكَ آَالأَنْعَامِ
Mereka itu seperti binatang ternak
Orang-orang seperti inilah, yang akan menganggotai sebahagian besar dari tamadun akhir zaman, memiliki status yang setara dengan sapi (walaupun memegang gelaran PhD dari Barat)
بَلۡ هُمۡ أَضَلُّۚ أُوْلَـٰٓٮِٕكَ هُمُ ٱلۡغَـٰفِلُونَ
bahkan mereka lebih sesat lagi; mereka itulah orang-orang yang lalai.
Umpamanya mereka akan lalai atau tidak sedar akan tipu helah dalang-dalang kejahatan akhir zaman tersebut.
Sekurang-kurangnya mereka akan gagal menembusi kelicikan pakatan Israel-Barat lalu bersekongkol dengan mereka memerangi saudara-mara sendiri. Mereka, walaupun Islam, akan lihat bahawa pakatan Israel-Barat 'ada hak' membunuh saudara seagama mereka, tapi mereka lihat saudara Islam yang tertindas ini tidak ada hak walaupun mempertahankan diri.
Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda:
Ittaku firasatal mu’min fa innahu yanzuru bi nurillah
Takutilah firasat mukmin. Sesungguhnya mereka melihat dengan noor Allah.
Iaitu pandangan mukmin yang disertai dengan pandangan mata hati yang menjurus bukan sahaja kepada yang nampak diluaran bahkan disertai dengan pandangan penyertaan noor dari Ilahi yang "melihat" terus kepada hakikat sebenar tanpa perantaraan. Pelajaran ini tiada diajarkan dimana-mana pun dunia dan universiti Barat.
Mata Hati Qalb
Is It Affordable To Close One Eye?
No men is please when placed below another. He fights back.
All men strive to place himself above others. He supresses.
The struggle rages on to no ends.
"Hawk-man" (some say Satan) capitalises on it.
All men-made constitutions camouflages the subjugation of one section of men over another. The struggles evolves into wars trapping and consuming all into destruction caused by choice deeds incongruent to the natural scheme of things.
Attempts were made to place a perfect constitution for men by the prophets. Hawk-men ostracize or kill them. Dove-men misunderstand them. They were forgotten.
(Ring. Ring.. Ring... Tel.)
Pakcik. Tolong Pakcik.
Kamu bertumbuk lagi Nuar?
Tidak Pakcik. Kawan saya. Minah. Saya dah terkasar ngan dia.
Minah jiran kamu budak tingkatan empat itu?
Ya Pakcik. Mak bapak dia marah. Tak puas hati. Lapor polis. Polis tengah cari saya. Alaaa mati saya Pakcik. Tolong saya Pakcik.
Ibu ayah kamu ........?
Alaaaa jangan bagi tau diaorang Pakcik. Mati saya. Tolong saya Pakcik. Sembahyang hajat untuk saya Pakcik. Lembutkan hati mak bapak Minah. Alaaa sembahyang hajat aje. Boleh ok? (Tel dimatikan)
*** Hmh. He gets himself into trouble and he expected others to do something and specific about it? These are worse than hawk-boy or dove-boy. Shamelessly impudent. Brazen presumptious. Our future citizens! ***
y: I happen to be this friend of xxxxx you menctioned.
x: that's our lord xxxxx.
z: the friend of lord xxxxx and you still have to work?
y: yes. poverty is the same everywhere. it's how you deal with it. i still have to make a living. i actually have a great time. i like birds and animals. so living in the wilds with them is a great source of satisfaction.
z: strange. chosing to live like this than to be with the lords and kings.
y: sorry. they sometimes stains the inside. here with nature, birds, animals; they cleanses.
x: being here, not with them, does'nt that kill your killer instinct?
y: on the conterary. it's sharpened, honed and fine-tuned. with a bonus. this instinct kills only when nesaccery. to avoid conflict is economical and ergonomics. wastage is avoided.
All men strive to place himself above others. He supresses.
The struggle rages on to no ends.
"Hawk-man" (some say Satan) capitalises on it.
All men-made constitutions camouflages the subjugation of one section of men over another. The struggles evolves into wars trapping and consuming all into destruction caused by choice deeds incongruent to the natural scheme of things.
Attempts were made to place a perfect constitution for men by the prophets. Hawk-men ostracize or kill them. Dove-men misunderstand them. They were forgotten.
(Ring. Ring.. Ring... Tel.)
Pakcik. Tolong Pakcik.
Kamu bertumbuk lagi Nuar?
Tidak Pakcik. Kawan saya. Minah. Saya dah terkasar ngan dia.
Minah jiran kamu budak tingkatan empat itu?
Ya Pakcik. Mak bapak dia marah. Tak puas hati. Lapor polis. Polis tengah cari saya. Alaaa mati saya Pakcik. Tolong saya Pakcik.
Ibu ayah kamu ........?
Alaaaa jangan bagi tau diaorang Pakcik. Mati saya. Tolong saya Pakcik. Sembahyang hajat untuk saya Pakcik. Lembutkan hati mak bapak Minah. Alaaa sembahyang hajat aje. Boleh ok? (Tel dimatikan)
*** Hmh. He gets himself into trouble and he expected others to do something and specific about it? These are worse than hawk-boy or dove-boy. Shamelessly impudent. Brazen presumptious. Our future citizens! ***
y: I happen to be this friend of xxxxx you menctioned.
x: that's our lord xxxxx.
z: the friend of lord xxxxx and you still have to work?
y: yes. poverty is the same everywhere. it's how you deal with it. i still have to make a living. i actually have a great time. i like birds and animals. so living in the wilds with them is a great source of satisfaction.
z: strange. chosing to live like this than to be with the lords and kings.
y: sorry. they sometimes stains the inside. here with nature, birds, animals; they cleanses.
x: being here, not with them, does'nt that kill your killer instinct?
y: on the conterary. it's sharpened, honed and fine-tuned. with a bonus. this instinct kills only when nesaccery. to avoid conflict is economical and ergonomics. wastage is avoided.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Discerns? Which Eye With?
Since World War 1, since the fall of the Caliphate, tremendous pressure is mounting against the Muslims.
Since the birth of the Judeo-Western Wahabi-Saudi Satelite State, all muslim states have adopted and adapted their muslim way and make it suitable to the requirements or conditions tabled by the West.
Since the return of the Jews and the birth of Israel, the Muslim world are being pushed closer and closer to the brink. All muslims who knows Islam and want to live Islam find themselves staring at the wrong end of the Judeo-Western guns held by smiling fellow travelers.
Is not a cold war being waged against Islam? The Muslim World recolonized? Hmmmm.
One so called Muslim State. Sovereign Malaysia.
Sovereign? Islamic State? What power have you? Dare you act to please your Allah even if it means to the displeasure of America? You are seen even to placate Singapore!
O you Malays. Muslims. Sovereign? Are you? What power have you? Dare you act to please your Allah even if it means that DAPs the enemies of Allah is displeased? You are even seen to placate the unconstitutional vernacular schools. You are not mindful of your Allah but you are afraid of this master worth so much votes.
O you one Melayu. You are not even holding on to your off-the-shelf constitution, let alone Allah's constitution.
Since the birth of the Judeo-Western Wahabi-Saudi Satelite State, all muslim states have adopted and adapted their muslim way and make it suitable to the requirements or conditions tabled by the West.
Since the return of the Jews and the birth of Israel, the Muslim world are being pushed closer and closer to the brink. All muslims who knows Islam and want to live Islam find themselves staring at the wrong end of the Judeo-Western guns held by smiling fellow travelers.
Is not a cold war being waged against Islam? The Muslim World recolonized? Hmmmm.
One so called Muslim State. Sovereign Malaysia.
Sovereign? Islamic State? What power have you? Dare you act to please your Allah even if it means to the displeasure of America? You are seen even to placate Singapore!
O you Malays. Muslims. Sovereign? Are you? What power have you? Dare you act to please your Allah even if it means that DAPs the enemies of Allah is displeased? You are even seen to placate the unconstitutional vernacular schools. You are not mindful of your Allah but you are afraid of this master worth so much votes.
O you one Melayu. You are not even holding on to your off-the-shelf constitution, let alone Allah's constitution.
Mata Hati Qalb
Saturday, June 5, 2010
What's The Difference?
Susah betul saya hendak mentaati semua perintah. Suruh dan tegah amat nyata. Ustaz-ustazah sudah dan selalu memperincikan perintah-perintah dengan teratur. Terima kasih.
At the end of the day, secretly I would say, "Ustaz, tell me something I do not know."
My problem is not with the commands of Allah. My problem is why I have no strength to obey these commands. No uztaz seems able help me locate WHERE MY PROBLEM LIES.
UNTIL ..... one day ... when it's nearly too late ... when I was way past my prime .....!!
He ... this young man says ............ Pakcik, our probleb lies here .....
Consider this. Saiful .... Saiful surrenders to Anuar because of Anuar's command. Did Saiful love the act? Did he enjoy or gain any pleasure from the act? Would Saiful repeat the act willfully the next time around?
Consider this pula .... If .... if Saiful loves Anuar. Saiful would strive to please Anuar, whom he loves. In the process Saiful would gain tremendous pleasure in seeing Anuar very much pleased with him for submitting. Surely the next time around, Saiful would repeat the act with pleasure, without further reminder or command. .... And he would struggle to keep this secret meetings between him and his beloved forever and ever.
To this young man I dare not say , "Boy, tell me something I do not know." I went home reflecting on his wosds.
Was he saying that I had spent too much time on concentrating on the commands of Allah. Did he imply that I should give more time to knowing my Allah, more intimately, be with Him always. Know Him. Love Him. Is it when I know Him intimately, loves Him dearly, I would then be pleased to strive to Please Him? Is this also how to gain His Pleasure? And gain pleasure doing it? Obeying Him? Hmmm.
So there is a difference between obeying Him and obeying His commands? Ada bezakah antara mentaati Allah dengan mentaati perintah-perintahNya?
At the end of the day, secretly I would say, "Ustaz, tell me something I do not know."
My problem is not with the commands of Allah. My problem is why I have no strength to obey these commands. No uztaz seems able help me locate WHERE MY PROBLEM LIES.
UNTIL ..... one day ... when it's nearly too late ... when I was way past my prime .....!!
He ... this young man says ............ Pakcik, our probleb lies here .....
Consider this. Saiful .... Saiful surrenders to Anuar because of Anuar's command. Did Saiful love the act? Did he enjoy or gain any pleasure from the act? Would Saiful repeat the act willfully the next time around?
Consider this pula .... If .... if Saiful loves Anuar. Saiful would strive to please Anuar, whom he loves. In the process Saiful would gain tremendous pleasure in seeing Anuar very much pleased with him for submitting. Surely the next time around, Saiful would repeat the act with pleasure, without further reminder or command. .... And he would struggle to keep this secret meetings between him and his beloved forever and ever.
To this young man I dare not say , "Boy, tell me something I do not know." I went home reflecting on his wosds.
Was he saying that I had spent too much time on concentrating on the commands of Allah. Did he imply that I should give more time to knowing my Allah, more intimately, be with Him always. Know Him. Love Him. Is it when I know Him intimately, loves Him dearly, I would then be pleased to strive to Please Him? Is this also how to gain His Pleasure? And gain pleasure doing it? Obeying Him? Hmmm.
So there is a difference between obeying Him and obeying His commands? Ada bezakah antara mentaati Allah dengan mentaati perintah-perintahNya?
Thursday, June 3, 2010
The Faculty To See
Allah Al-'Azim is with us wherever we are. Only we are not aware of it.
Sometimes we are aware of His presence; most of the times we do not. Possibly it's because our monitoring system is either faulty, or need reinstalling.
If it is faulty, it can be repaired. Otherwise it can be reinstalled. Repair or reinstall it outwardly or inwardly. This FACULTY which enables us to be aware of Him is crucial for our wellbeing for this life or the next.
We may say we already know Him. In fact we only have a sketchy information about Him. Information about Him and Him are two different brances of study. Two different disciplines. We can find information about Him in a library. Yet we cannot find Him there.
It was said, "Allah Al-'Azim is with us wherever we are" ... وَهُوَ مَعَكُمْ أَيْنَ مَا كُنتُمْ ... "And He is with you wherever you may be" ... . The last sentence above said, "... Yet we cannot find Him there. ... " A contradiction?
We need to study this. We need to repair or reinstall our monitoring syatem. We need to activate our sensor. This FACULTY to "see" or "be aware of Him" is intrinsic to our make up. Allah got it (this faculty) preinstalled. We only need to believe or deny it. He knows, because He created us.
Sometimes we are aware of His presence; most of the times we do not. Possibly it's because our monitoring system is either faulty, or need reinstalling.
If it is faulty, it can be repaired. Otherwise it can be reinstalled. Repair or reinstall it outwardly or inwardly. This FACULTY which enables us to be aware of Him is crucial for our wellbeing for this life or the next.
We may say we already know Him. In fact we only have a sketchy information about Him. Information about Him and Him are two different brances of study. Two different disciplines. We can find information about Him in a library. Yet we cannot find Him there.
It was said, "Allah Al-'Azim is with us wherever we are" ... وَهُوَ مَعَكُمْ أَيْنَ مَا كُنتُمْ ... "And He is with you wherever you may be" ... . The last sentence above said, "... Yet we cannot find Him there. ... " A contradiction?
We need to study this. We need to repair or reinstall our monitoring syatem. We need to activate our sensor. This FACULTY to "see" or "be aware of Him" is intrinsic to our make up. Allah got it (this faculty) preinstalled. We only need to believe or deny it. He knows, because He created us.
Hati Melayu,
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