Satu Bahasa Satu Bangsa Satu Negara

Thursday, November 6, 2008


“If I were a Jew, I would be a Zionist. I am a Zionist. You don’t have to be a Jewto be a Zionist.” - Senator Joseph Biden (bakal naib presiden Amerika)

Maksud:- “Jika saya seorang Yahudi, saya pasti seorang Zionis. Saya Zionis.Seseorang itu tidak semestinya Yahudi untuk menjadi Zionis.”

Matt Dorf (Yahudi) penyelaras untuk Democratic National Cammittee berkata, “Tiada sahabat untuk Israel dari pejabat naib presiden sebaik Joe Biden."

Dalam lain perkataan ini juga bermaksud, “Tiada musuh dari pejabat naib presiden untuk ornag-orang Palestin sejahat Joe Biden.”

Obama menjanjikan ‘perubahan'. Seluruh dunia menantikan ‘perubahan’ ini.

Tetapi belanja kempen pemilihannya sebanyak hamper $3 bilion itu duit siapa? Obama sudah dibeli. Dia terpaksa melaksanakan agenda tuannya. Padah baginya jika dia mempunyai ajenda lain.

Kita tahu tindakan Bush menguntungkan siapa. Kita perhatikan tindakan Obama pula.
Siapa tuan orang paling berkuasa di dunia ini.

Obama memilih Joseph Biden sebagai orang No.2 nya. Pemilihan ini menghantarkan isyarat yang kuat kepada kumpulan pelobi Israel di Washington dan kepada kerajaan Israel di Jerusalem.

Pemilihan ini menjanjikan untuk Israel:

Dalam lain perkataan, pemilihan ini menjanjikan untuk Palestine:

Malangnya seluruh dunia bersetuju mereka dicap terrorist hanya kerana membaling batu kepada pendokong kesangsaraan begini.

Sifar harapan untuk Palestin keluar dari penghinaan dan kesengsaraan sejak selepas perang dunia ke2. Joseph Biden yang taksub kepada Israel adalah pengerusi Foreign Relation Committee.

Ini janji utama Obama. Tiada 'perubahan' disini.

Janji keluar dari bumi Iraq? Itu janji kosmetik. Jika ada ‘perubahan’, itu sekedar ‘kosmetik’ yang kosmetik. Lebih palsu dari sendiwara.

Syiekh Sudais imam Masjidil Haram mendayu-dayu berdoa memohon pembelaan muktamad setiap akhir sembahyang tarawikh beberapa tahun dahulu. Kita umat Islam wajib berqunut Nazilah setiap subuh.

JAKIM boleh menggerakkan seluruh masjid dan surau di seluruh dunia untuk berNazilah sama.


Ridzzy said...

Salam brother,

Thanks for dropping by my very new blog.

Interesting article you have there.

Sudah lama diketahui, antara pelobi2 yang paling banyak menyumbang kepada kempen pilihanraya presiden USA terdiri dari pihak proxy zionist dan juga pencinta senjata api.

Pelobi ini tidak memilih satu parti malah menyumbang kepada kedua-dua parti yang bertanding, untuk mencapai hasrat win-win situation. Oleh itu, parti yang menang terhutang budi kepada pelobi2 yg banyak menyumbang kpd kemenangan mereka. Polisi di Asia barat tidak byk berubah walaupun parti pemerintah bertukar.

Sama seperti polisi terhadap senjata api, di mana majoriti rakyat dah meluat dan mahu kan undang-undang yang lebih ketat setelah beberapa insiden penembak yang mengamuk di sekolah dan meragut nyawa anak2 yg tidak berdosa. Tapi malangnya, pencinta senjata api terdiri dari pihak yg berada dan pelobi2 yg berpengaruh.

Anonymous said...

Dal, I see that you start your blog with a first entry on the Arab - Jewish (both are semites) conflict. Care to share its reasons?

Yes. They planned everything. To the finest details. Often six to more steps ahead. Ahead of the Arabs, indeed ahead of the super white west. They, the Jews even prepare the goyim's mind what to believe, what to not believe.

The following is an example.


The pro-Zionist Western press are playing down Israel’s response to yesterdays Katyusha attack launched from south Lebanon against Israel saying that the “relatively low-key response… indicates that Israel has no desire to escalate the situation”. The reality is that ‘Israel has no desire to be seen to escalate the situation’ preferring, as usual, to manipulate the propaganda in such a way as to make it seem as though Israel was attacked without provocation. Indeed, the article in the UKs right-wing and staunchly pro-Zionist ‘Daily Telegraph’ infers that the attack was unexpected and without provocation. However, the article ignores entirely the overflights by the Israeli Air Force (IAF) into Lebanese airspace prior to the Katyusha launchings. Instead the Daily Telegraph refers only to the IAF overflights made after the attacks thus reinforcing the notion that Israel was attacked without provocation. On this occasion the ‘Daily Telegraph’ has been caught out indulging in a deliberate deceit.

Israel’s penchant for assuming the role of ‘victim’ in order to justify actions it takes against its enemies is now well known. Israel is often prepared to expend great energies and even risk its relationship with allies in order to manipulate a situation that is favourable to their interests and in order to always seem to be the innocent and aggrieved party in its conflicts with its Palestinian and Arab neighbours.

Israel’s latest onslaught into the Gaza was justified, according to Israel, because Hamas had broken the ceasefire. This, as the world now knows, is a complete lie. Hamas in fact resumed its ineffectual attacks against Israel in retaliation for Israel’s unprovoked attack against Palestinians in the Gaza which killed six Gazans. In fact, Israel’s taste for instigating violence has now been documented. Research by Nancy Kanwisher, Johannes Haushofer, and Anat Biletzki shows that Israel has been responsible for the vast majority of interruptions in ceasefires or periods of non-violence ever since the present intifada began in September 2000. Indeed, almost 80% of resumptions of violence were initiated by Israel and involved the death or deaths of Palestinians by Israelis in the first instance.

The myth of Israeli victimhood is now exposed. While the peoples of the world are waking up to the reality of Israeli aggression based on false claims, the governments of the peoples of the Western world continue to ignore both the demands of their peoples and the reality of Israeli propaganda and lies.

Meanwhile, whilst the Palestinian people continue to die in the Gaza, Israel prepares to wage war against the people of Lebanon just as soon as the next opportunity arises whereby the Israelis can blame the Lebanese for starting it.


In an assertive statement released by Hezbollah the organisation has categorically denied any involvement with the launching of the Katyusha rockets into Israel yesterday. The question now to be asked is; then who did? If Hezbollah didn’t do it then that leaves either one of the Palestinian refugee factions that are based in Lebanon being responsible or it was simply a false flag attack launched by an Israeli special forces group that had managed to slip into Lebanon for the purpose and, since the launch site was less than two miles from the border with northern Israel, this would not be an unreasonable assumption. As Mike Whitney reports it seems that this is not the first time that Israel has attempted a false flag attack against itself from Lebanon.

The problem with the theory that a Palestinian organisation may have been responsible is that Katyusha’s are a lot more sophisticated, not to mention very bulky, weapon that is both difficult to obtain and difficult to conceal or keep covertly compared with their usual type of light weight weapon of choice; single small rockets and mortars. The Katyusha multi-tube rocket launcher would not generally be the type of weapon that one of the minor resistance groups would use.

posted by Damian Lataan at 10:52 AM Friday, January 09,2009