Banyak perkara pokok diperkatakan tentang negara dan apa saja.
Ramai mencadang dan ramai membantahnya.
Kesemuanya mencari kebenaran.
Sang raja dapati, dalam mencari kebenaran tersebut, kerohanian, moral dan tahap mumaiyiz rakyatnya jauh merosot dan terkadang menyimpang.
Baginda memutuskan untuk mempertahankan tahap kesucian kota dirajanya.
Sang Raja pun mengeluarkan perintah bahawa sesiapa yang berkata benar akan dibenarkan masuk ke kota dan siapa berbohong akan dipancung.
Kepten penjaga gerbang memeriksa setiap orang yang hendak memasuki kota.
Ramai yang lulus masuk dan tidak kurang yang dipancung.
Satu hari.
Nasruddin tampil ka gerbang kota.
"Hendak ke mana?" soal kepten.
"Hendak hantar leher untuk dipancung." jawab Nasruddin.
Tersentak kepten. Mana mungkin?
"Kamu bohong!" kata kepten.
"Kalau begitu, pancunglah." gesa Nasruddin.
Nasruddin pun dipimpin oleh askar ke galas pemancungan. Tiba-tiba askar berhenti.
"Tuan kepten, tidak boleh pancung dia," katanya.
"Mengapa?" Kepten teriak.
"Dia cakap benar tadi," jawab askar.
Salam perjuangan,
What was the story again?
“Memperkasa Generasi Baru”
Pergerakan Pemuda
UMNO Cawangan Taman IKS
Bahagian Batu WP
Briefly tuan-tuan Pemuda IKS.
Somebody unknown but very close to UMNO and its struggle, told the late Tun Razak's late father in-law the above 'story', when asked where the strength of UMNO should be.
'Truth' is relative. What is construed to be true by one, cannot necessarily be true to the other. Honey to one is poison to another so to say.
As long as ‘truth’ is relative to the ‘speaker’ or to only one side of the coin, final or ‘universal truth’ is out of reach.
As long as the captain holds on to the king's truth, some head will roll for this 'truth' is relative to the king only.
The present partisan polemic is a case in point. As long as the ‘ultimate’ leader(s) hang on to the 'head-or-tail-truth', lasting peace is out of reach.
The leader should be able to hand out ‘truth’ the way Nasruddin did. He should be in possession of this ‘truth’ before he can dispense one. One can only gives what one has.
Truth should not be relative to any side. Truth should cater to both sides. When the captain discovers this, he knows that final 'truth' has arrived, for it cancels out the king's 'truth'
By the look of it, our Nasruddin has not make his entry yet. Or have we one?
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