Dolah, Amid;
Apabila benar bagai dikata ...
Berkenaan Allah dan urusan duniawi mu
Kalau dalam perang,
Kamu telah jual pedang
(yang paling tajam)
Disalut dengan peta
Strategi serangan pasukan
kepada musuh.
Kalau dalam ibadah,
Kamu sudah dirikan patung
Lalu kamu sembah
Lalu kamu istihar
Perbuatanku ini salah
Mari sembah beramai-ramai.
Kalau dalam toharah,
Kamu sudah basuh pakaian mu
Dengan air kencing anjing mu
Lalu kamu pakai mengimami sembahyang
Dalam masjid islam hadhari mu.
Dengan Nama Allah
Dengan Haq Ismul A’zam
Seluruh saf jemaah mu
Dengan niat hanya Allah tahu
Meludah ka muka mu
Phaet .. .. .. tui.
Lalu bermufaraqah.
Kerana bagi tiap makhluk
Yang dikristiankan
Melalui pedang
Yang kamu jual,
Atau patung yang kamu bina,
Atau pakaian yang kamu basuh,
Kamu menerima saham sama,
Dari sisiNya.
Update: 28th Feb 2009; 8:25pm.
28/2/09 - 8:21 mlm
KDN mengumumkan pembetulan
Larangan masih berkuatkausa
Dolah dan Amid
Menikmati rahmat dan perlindungan Allah,
The Rukun Negara Of Muslims:- 1) Keep To The Commandments Of Allah. 2) Abstain From That Which Allah Forbids. 3) Pleased With The Decree Of Perovidence.

Satu Bahasa Satu Bangsa Satu Negara
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Is It Yours To Give?
Setiap ketua akan disoal akan keketuaannya. Samada ketua darjah atau ketua keluarga atau ketua samseng atau ketua hakim atau ketua negara.
Bila bertemu dengan Penciptanya esok mereka akan ditanya, "Apa kamu buat dengan amanah kamu sebagai ketua?" Ketika itu tiada siapa yang mampu berkata-kata melainkan yang benar, samada baik atau buruk.
Ada satu amanah yang Tuhan beri. Gunung, bumi, langit dan semua tidak sanggup menerimanya kecuali manusia. Kerana manusia merasa dia mempunyai akal, maka dia terima amanah ini dari Allah. Kerananya manusia nanti akan ditanya, "Bagaimana telah kamu sempurnakan amanah ini?" "Bagaimana telah kamu jaga Kesucian NamaKu?" dan lain sebagainya.
Ketua mana yang memberi kebanaran supaya musuh Allah mengkontaminate, mengadultrate, mencemar Nama Allah melalui penulisan-penulisan mereka? Tidakkah boleh menjawab pendesak ini dengan, umpamanya "Dari aku tiada kebenaran. Kerana Kebenaran ini bukan aku tuannya. Kamu mintalah sendiri dariNya."
Apabila sungguh ketua sebegini telah memberi kebenaran ini, maka ketua ini telah memberi sesuatu yang bukan dia punya untuk diberi ... dan diberi kepada yang nyata telah menolak pemberian ini dari mula lagi.
Dalam lain perkataan dia telah melanun. Jika dia Islam Muslim, dia adalah Islam Muslim yang mempersendakan tuhannya. Orang berakal ini tidak tahu dia telah mempersendakan siapa.
Soal orang Arab buat yang serupa. Orang Indonesia buat yang serupa. Itu soal mereka dengan tuhan mereka. Sekarang ini ialah soal si ketua kita ini, si orang yang ini dengan tuhannya, soal kita dengan ketua kita dengan tuhan kita yang juga tuhannya. Sungguh kita berlepas diri dari ketua ini. Kalau kita ditanya besok kita akan berkata, "Ya Allah Engkau lebih mengetahui. Sungguh aku tidak bersekongkol dengannya (dalam hal ini)."
Walaupun ketua sebigini menyebut subhanaallah sebanyak bulu seekor kambing dalam sehari, hakikat perbuatannya dalam membenarkan Nama Allah untuk dikontaminate, diadultrate, dicemari melalui cetak/sebaran dalam keluaran mingguan / bulanan mereka adalah sama dengan dia sendiri yang mengkontaminate, mengadultrate, mencemar Nama Allah.
Na'uzubillahi min dhalik.
Dengan NamaMu, kami percaya Engkau akan kurniai kami dengan apa yang telah Engku tetapkan untuk kami.
I believe in Him, His angels,
His books, and His messengers.
I listen to His command,
obey Him, proceed towards
whatever pleases Him, and
submit to what He decreed,
longing for His obedience
and fearing His punishment,
for He is Allah against
Whose schemes no one
should feel secure, nor
should anyone be in fear of
injustice from Him.
Bila bertemu dengan Penciptanya esok mereka akan ditanya, "Apa kamu buat dengan amanah kamu sebagai ketua?" Ketika itu tiada siapa yang mampu berkata-kata melainkan yang benar, samada baik atau buruk.
Ada satu amanah yang Tuhan beri. Gunung, bumi, langit dan semua tidak sanggup menerimanya kecuali manusia. Kerana manusia merasa dia mempunyai akal, maka dia terima amanah ini dari Allah. Kerananya manusia nanti akan ditanya, "Bagaimana telah kamu sempurnakan amanah ini?" "Bagaimana telah kamu jaga Kesucian NamaKu?" dan lain sebagainya.
Ketua mana yang memberi kebanaran supaya musuh Allah mengkontaminate, mengadultrate, mencemar Nama Allah melalui penulisan-penulisan mereka? Tidakkah boleh menjawab pendesak ini dengan, umpamanya "Dari aku tiada kebenaran. Kerana Kebenaran ini bukan aku tuannya. Kamu mintalah sendiri dariNya."
Apabila sungguh ketua sebegini telah memberi kebenaran ini, maka ketua ini telah memberi sesuatu yang bukan dia punya untuk diberi ... dan diberi kepada yang nyata telah menolak pemberian ini dari mula lagi.
Dalam lain perkataan dia telah melanun. Jika dia Islam Muslim, dia adalah Islam Muslim yang mempersendakan tuhannya. Orang berakal ini tidak tahu dia telah mempersendakan siapa.
Soal orang Arab buat yang serupa. Orang Indonesia buat yang serupa. Itu soal mereka dengan tuhan mereka. Sekarang ini ialah soal si ketua kita ini, si orang yang ini dengan tuhannya, soal kita dengan ketua kita dengan tuhan kita yang juga tuhannya. Sungguh kita berlepas diri dari ketua ini. Kalau kita ditanya besok kita akan berkata, "Ya Allah Engkau lebih mengetahui. Sungguh aku tidak bersekongkol dengannya (dalam hal ini)."
Walaupun ketua sebigini menyebut subhanaallah sebanyak bulu seekor kambing dalam sehari, hakikat perbuatannya dalam membenarkan Nama Allah untuk dikontaminate, diadultrate, dicemari melalui cetak/sebaran dalam keluaran mingguan / bulanan mereka adalah sama dengan dia sendiri yang mengkontaminate, mengadultrate, mencemar Nama Allah.
Na'uzubillahi min dhalik.
Dengan NamaMu, kami percaya Engkau akan kurniai kami dengan apa yang telah Engku tetapkan untuk kami.
I believe in Him, His angels,
His books, and His messengers.
I listen to His command,
obey Him, proceed towards
whatever pleases Him, and
submit to what He decreed,
longing for His obedience
and fearing His punishment,
for He is Allah against
Whose schemes no one
should feel secure, nor
should anyone be in fear of
injustice from Him.
Fikir-Fikirkan Kancillah Pula
Rakyat mesti berdiri dibelakang PDRM pada menjalankan tugas menjaga keamanan Negara. Usah diperdulikan hasutan PR bahawa PDRM telah diperapatkan oleh BN atau UMNO. PR yang anti-Raja, anti-Melayu dan anti-Islam menghasut demikian kerana tabiat PR yang sengaja melanggar undang-undang dan hukum. Dan apabila PDRM mengambil tindakan, PDRM yang disalahkan. Yang melanggar undang-undang tidak salah. Yang mempertahankan undang-undang salah. Itulah memang cara hidup PR.
Kami rakyat biasa. Kami kancil. Tolonglah. Rakyat minta tolong kepada gajah-gajah negara, berhenti dari beramok-amokanan? Cukuplah setakat ini. Tak payahlah jadi anjing menyalak bukit lagi. Dan bukit pula, tak payahlah ambil pusing bila anjing-anjing itu menyalak.
Dari golongan gerombolan bukit dan sekawan anjing tersebut, pasti ada ahli yang cendikiawan. Ajaklah bertenang. Bagilah peluang rakyat jelata menikmati sedikit keheningan dan kedamaian.
Bersabarlah. Sama-samalah kita menunggu sehingga pilihan raya yang akan datang nanti. Sementara itu tanganilah nasib kita. Setengahnya kehilangan kerja. Setengah lagi dicutikan tanpa gaji. Tengoklah di pasar-pasar lambak dan pasar-tani. Setengahnya ramai penjual dari pembeli. Hypher market di merata tempat dah .. akibatnya kedai-kedai runcit sekelilingnya gulung tikar.
Mengalahlah. Sama-sama mengalahlah. Sama-samalah berundur setapak. Supaya rakyat menang.
Pikirlah sendiri politikus-politikus sekalian. Sekarang. Kita rakyat jelata tolong putuskan pada pilihan raya hadapan nanti. Bersabarlah.
Selepas ini, siapa cari pasal ... PDRM ... siapa cari pasal tu? tolong sikit! ... tolong padamkan contingan arang di muka bumi tercinta ini.
Kami rakyat biasa. Kami kancil. Tolonglah. Rakyat minta tolong kepada gajah-gajah negara, berhenti dari beramok-amokanan? Cukuplah setakat ini. Tak payahlah jadi anjing menyalak bukit lagi. Dan bukit pula, tak payahlah ambil pusing bila anjing-anjing itu menyalak.
Dari golongan gerombolan bukit dan sekawan anjing tersebut, pasti ada ahli yang cendikiawan. Ajaklah bertenang. Bagilah peluang rakyat jelata menikmati sedikit keheningan dan kedamaian.
Bersabarlah. Sama-samalah kita menunggu sehingga pilihan raya yang akan datang nanti. Sementara itu tanganilah nasib kita. Setengahnya kehilangan kerja. Setengah lagi dicutikan tanpa gaji. Tengoklah di pasar-pasar lambak dan pasar-tani. Setengahnya ramai penjual dari pembeli. Hypher market di merata tempat dah .. akibatnya kedai-kedai runcit sekelilingnya gulung tikar.
Mengalahlah. Sama-sama mengalahlah. Sama-samalah berundur setapak. Supaya rakyat menang.
Pikirlah sendiri politikus-politikus sekalian. Sekarang. Kita rakyat jelata tolong putuskan pada pilihan raya hadapan nanti. Bersabarlah.
Selepas ini, siapa cari pasal ... PDRM ... siapa cari pasal tu? tolong sikit! ... tolong padamkan contingan arang di muka bumi tercinta ini.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
PR's Future?
PAS is keeping away from PKR. The besieged PKR MB of Selangor is getting no help from PAS. PAS now knows that PR has a tripped time bomb among its skeletons in its closet. Somebody in your family is eying your seat laa Khalid. Get out of there PAS. Before it is too late. 160 from Ibol Perak had just showed the way.
Anuar is busy patching his sinking ship. He is running halter-skelter between Hadi and Guan Eng. Damage-control. But the Sarawak PKR is sounding a warning to the ruling BN coalition that it is initiating a siege. Heh heh! Armed with pea-shooters?
BN should field an UMNO candidate for Selambau, Gantang and Lanjan. The Indians voted out MIC last GE. Of late some of them are voting their gods out of their books. Don't listen to IPF or Gerakan. They are not talking straight.
Heh heh. And the donkey voices at Malaysia2day are singing the song that PR is like a football team manned by dwarfs bereft of any hope of winning any match -- er -- unless (dreamily hoping) Ku Li and that outcast Jinxed-Jonah named Zaid Ibrahim join them.
Deyyy. Ya gotta make do with what ya got laaa dey. What's that Nuar Nostra-da-mouse mooching about your joint for. No more magic aaa? Zaid will join ya only if there is prospect of making zzillions just for signing some toilet papers laaa dey.
Anuar is busy patching his sinking ship. He is running halter-skelter between Hadi and Guan Eng. Damage-control. But the Sarawak PKR is sounding a warning to the ruling BN coalition that it is initiating a siege. Heh heh! Armed with pea-shooters?
BN should field an UMNO candidate for Selambau, Gantang and Lanjan. The Indians voted out MIC last GE. Of late some of them are voting their gods out of their books. Don't listen to IPF or Gerakan. They are not talking straight.
Heh heh. And the donkey voices at Malaysia2day are singing the song that PR is like a football team manned by dwarfs bereft of any hope of winning any match -- er -- unless (dreamily hoping) Ku Li and that outcast Jinxed-Jonah named Zaid Ibrahim join them.
Deyyy. Ya gotta make do with what ya got laaa dey. What's that Nuar Nostra-da-mouse mooching about your joint for. No more magic aaa? Zaid will join ya only if there is prospect of making zzillions just for signing some toilet papers laaa dey.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Alahai Cucu Atuk
Sedang berehat di R&R PLUS satu hari. Cucu saya bertanya kepada neneknya.
Lori apa tu nek?
Lori balak.
Apa dia bawa?
Kayu balak.
Hantar ka mana?
Kilang papan.
Mana hujung dan mana pangkalnya nek?
Kena tanya Nujum Pak Belalang.
Tak payah nek, long tau.
Mana hujung pangkalnya?
Tinggal dalam hutan ... ... nenek pulak bagi long teka-teki.
Suruh tok-ki kau.
Tok-ki ... satu teka-teki.
Apa binatang .. yang kepalanya, ekornya dan kepaknya di kaki.
Kuda terbang.
Ketam ... katak ... siput.
Bukan ... bukan ... bukan.
Abis tu tok-ki ... apa?
Tanya nenek kau.
Apa nek?
Anak ayam kena pijak. ... Long, long belajar sains kan?
Ada nek. Cik gu ajar nyamuk berasal dari jentik-jentik. Kenapa nek.
Esok tanya cikgu tu, apa binatang bertelor dan juga beranak.
Baik nek.
Lori apa tu nek?
Lori balak.
Apa dia bawa?
Kayu balak.
Hantar ka mana?
Kilang papan.
Mana hujung dan mana pangkalnya nek?
Kena tanya Nujum Pak Belalang.
Tak payah nek, long tau.
Mana hujung pangkalnya?
Tinggal dalam hutan ... ... nenek pulak bagi long teka-teki.
Suruh tok-ki kau.
Tok-ki ... satu teka-teki.
Apa binatang .. yang kepalanya, ekornya dan kepaknya di kaki.
Kuda terbang.
Ketam ... katak ... siput.
Bukan ... bukan ... bukan.
Abis tu tok-ki ... apa?
Tanya nenek kau.
Apa nek?
Anak ayam kena pijak. ... Long, long belajar sains kan?
Ada nek. Cik gu ajar nyamuk berasal dari jentik-jentik. Kenapa nek.
Esok tanya cikgu tu, apa binatang bertelor dan juga beranak.
Baik nek.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
An RMD Foaming In The Mouth
Jed Yoong, the princess of anti-Malay and the leading vocal Islamophobist of Malaysia has just posted the following in her blog. This is her second time in so many days she gives vent to her phosphoric slow-burning biological feminine unfulfilled yearnings translated into hysterical tokong medium’s ranting against some starry-eyed devil – all directed not to one but two of our HRHs, the Sultan of Perak and the DYMM YDP Agong of Malaysia. She was brainwashed and reprogrammed by DAP, and now, is let loosed like a maddened rabid dog foaming in the mouth among crowds of Muslims, who because not wanting to touch a NAJIS MUGZOLODHOH, try to stay clear of it like avoiding a leprous vagabond.
She is soundly mistaken. We cannot touch her with our hands, but nothing is stopping us from touching her with a seven-foot buluh tumpat. Better still – use kayu tas.
I am inclined write an open letter to all our beloved Sultans of our beloved country after a moment of calm and reflection … Daulat Tuanku. Daulat Tuanku. Daulat Tuanku.
15Feb (@ about 8:40 pm)
Perak Crisis: RAJAS >> DISGRACE
This afternoon, when I saw the photo of Sultan Azlan and the Agong in Utusan, I just felt that these are a bunch of relics with no real power except the power that the Pakatan government gives them.
Then I read in Berita Harian that Shafie Apdal claimed that the Malay Rajas have been around for thousands of years before Merdeka. I didn’t know whether to laugh and was just so numb. Is Shafie admitting that the Malay Rajas are descendants of the Chinese? Then at least, some sense is at least getting into their brains. But it’s unlikely that they are Chinese. As they don’t have surnames which we’ve had for thousands of years.
Derhaka is now only possible towards the state. It is Sultan Azlan Shah who DERHAKA against the legitimate state government of PERAK elected by the PEOPLE.
Please get this clear in your legal brain. I understand your son is from Harvard.
Maybe after this, the Rajas can completely devote themselves to their high society life, appearing in Tatler, gracing posh functions in the top hotels in Kuala Lumpur but hardly detected in the more rural parts of Malaysia. If I am wrong, do let me know.
To the Sultan of Selangor, stop issuing your TITAHS, no one cares about them. If YOU ARE A GOOD SULTAN, WHY ARE THERE SO MANY POOR MALAYS IN SELANGOR. I think it’s clear “siapa kaca, siapa permata (who is glass, who is diamond)”. So Sultan of Selangor, for all your external pretensions of class and education, you seem to be law illiterate (buta undang2). I am not bowing to a feudal Lord who can’t even serve the poor of Selangor properly and hide behind all your adat, of HINDU origin, to legitimise your power over democracy.
OH I also read Chun Wai’s and Joceline’s articles in The Star. I think they will face the same fate as Hee Yit Foong.
I also just realised what it is like to runtuhkan a democratically elected government like in Sabah. And how this was done by Anwar Ibrahim. It’s truly disgusting. It’s truly DERHAKA to the rakyat.
WELCOME to the 21st century.
She is soundly mistaken. We cannot touch her with our hands, but nothing is stopping us from touching her with a seven-foot buluh tumpat. Better still – use kayu tas.
I am inclined write an open letter to all our beloved Sultans of our beloved country after a moment of calm and reflection … Daulat Tuanku. Daulat Tuanku. Daulat Tuanku.
15Feb (@ about 8:40 pm)
Perak Crisis: RAJAS >> DISGRACE
This afternoon, when I saw the photo of Sultan Azlan and the Agong in Utusan, I just felt that these are a bunch of relics with no real power except the power that the Pakatan government gives them.
Then I read in Berita Harian that Shafie Apdal claimed that the Malay Rajas have been around for thousands of years before Merdeka. I didn’t know whether to laugh and was just so numb. Is Shafie admitting that the Malay Rajas are descendants of the Chinese? Then at least, some sense is at least getting into their brains. But it’s unlikely that they are Chinese. As they don’t have surnames which we’ve had for thousands of years.
Derhaka is now only possible towards the state. It is Sultan Azlan Shah who DERHAKA against the legitimate state government of PERAK elected by the PEOPLE.
Please get this clear in your legal brain. I understand your son is from Harvard.
Maybe after this, the Rajas can completely devote themselves to their high society life, appearing in Tatler, gracing posh functions in the top hotels in Kuala Lumpur but hardly detected in the more rural parts of Malaysia. If I am wrong, do let me know.
To the Sultan of Selangor, stop issuing your TITAHS, no one cares about them. If YOU ARE A GOOD SULTAN, WHY ARE THERE SO MANY POOR MALAYS IN SELANGOR. I think it’s clear “siapa kaca, siapa permata (who is glass, who is diamond)”. So Sultan of Selangor, for all your external pretensions of class and education, you seem to be law illiterate (buta undang2). I am not bowing to a feudal Lord who can’t even serve the poor of Selangor properly and hide behind all your adat, of HINDU origin, to legitimise your power over democracy.
OH I also read Chun Wai’s and Joceline’s articles in The Star. I think they will face the same fate as Hee Yit Foong.
I also just realised what it is like to runtuhkan a democratically elected government like in Sabah. And how this was done by Anwar Ibrahim. It’s truly disgusting. It’s truly DERHAKA to the rakyat.
WELCOME to the 21st century.
Kerenah Lebai Malang
Saya sangka di KL sahaja, masaalah setinggan berleluasa. Penduduk setinggan bukan sahaja menduduki tanah kerajaan, tanah wakaf dan tanah persendirian pun jadi mangsa.
Yang lebih dahsyat dari itu pun ada. Di kawasan rumah kerajaan iaitu di quarters pegawai-pegawai kerajaan pun ada penghuni setinggan. Mereka tidak keluar dari rumah kerajaan walaupun sudah tammat tempoh perkhidmatan. Yang bersetinggan begini hingga ka anak cucu juga ada. Setengahnya sudah dapat perintah mahkamah pun tidak mahu keluar.
Yang paling dahsyat ialah bila dato' bekas menteri besar duduk menyetinggankan diri di rumah kerajaan. Kali pertama berlaku sebegini dalam dunia ... di Perak. Begitu miskin (miskin budi) susahnya hidup di negeri Perak, hingga dato' bekas menteri besar pun tak terpodeh hendak beli rumah sendiri.
Dia ini baik orangnya. Sangat baik, tapi salah dia juga. Dia leka dengan toyota camraynya. Dia leka menghayati nikmat jadi kerbau cucuk hidung. Dia asyik dengan tanah bertempoh-999-tahun untuk pemegang tali hidungnya, hingga lupa segala-gala batas. Yang dia ingat hanyalah tuan dia sipemegang tali hidung. Dia lupa DYMM Sultan Perak adalah raja berperlembagaan.
Dahlah ketua-ketua PR berperang sesama sendiri, PR berdepan dengan BN, ni sekarang cari gadoh dengan kebawah duli raja-raja Melayu. Kemudian baru-baru ini mereka panggil pula MB Perak dan exconya masuk mengadap mereka. Wah sikaduk naik junjung betul. Tak ubah macam anjing kurap disapu kepala. Layakkah makhluk serangga perusak sebegini berbakti kepada rakyat?
Lucunya badut-badut PR ini, duduk setinggan ... lalu panggil merapak sembah tuan tanah pula. Kebijaksanaan lebai malang.
Dengar cerita tuan speaker dewan undangan negeri Perak panggil MB ... bunyinya macam si jaga kedai perintah tuan kedai kutip sampah aja? Ada apa-apa kot. Saling tak tumpah ego budak Nuar tu. Hey Nuar, berhentilah gadoh sesama bangsa.
Yang lebih dahsyat dari itu pun ada. Di kawasan rumah kerajaan iaitu di quarters pegawai-pegawai kerajaan pun ada penghuni setinggan. Mereka tidak keluar dari rumah kerajaan walaupun sudah tammat tempoh perkhidmatan. Yang bersetinggan begini hingga ka anak cucu juga ada. Setengahnya sudah dapat perintah mahkamah pun tidak mahu keluar.
Yang paling dahsyat ialah bila dato' bekas menteri besar duduk menyetinggankan diri di rumah kerajaan. Kali pertama berlaku sebegini dalam dunia ... di Perak. Begitu miskin (miskin budi) susahnya hidup di negeri Perak, hingga dato' bekas menteri besar pun tak terpodeh hendak beli rumah sendiri.
Dia ini baik orangnya. Sangat baik, tapi salah dia juga. Dia leka dengan toyota camraynya. Dia leka menghayati nikmat jadi kerbau cucuk hidung. Dia asyik dengan tanah bertempoh-999-tahun untuk pemegang tali hidungnya, hingga lupa segala-gala batas. Yang dia ingat hanyalah tuan dia sipemegang tali hidung. Dia lupa DYMM Sultan Perak adalah raja berperlembagaan.
Dahlah ketua-ketua PR berperang sesama sendiri, PR berdepan dengan BN, ni sekarang cari gadoh dengan kebawah duli raja-raja Melayu. Kemudian baru-baru ini mereka panggil pula MB Perak dan exconya masuk mengadap mereka. Wah sikaduk naik junjung betul. Tak ubah macam anjing kurap disapu kepala. Layakkah makhluk serangga perusak sebegini berbakti kepada rakyat?
Lucunya badut-badut PR ini, duduk setinggan ... lalu panggil merapak sembah tuan tanah pula. Kebijaksanaan lebai malang.
Dengar cerita tuan speaker dewan undangan negeri Perak panggil MB ... bunyinya macam si jaga kedai perintah tuan kedai kutip sampah aja? Ada apa-apa kot. Saling tak tumpah ego budak Nuar tu. Hey Nuar, berhentilah gadoh sesama bangsa.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Now showing
Epic three-way battle
PR Star Theater (In all 5 locations nation wide)
Main Cast
Top stars from
PKR (1 main character + "minnions" of supporters).
DAP ( 3 main characters + all ex-cpm terrorists).
PAS (Not decided yet) – words fly about - that they may opt out – being offered better role by a well known competitor.
Support Cast
Freelance world class actor RPK and c-trooper team.
Sorry dear patrons
All complementary seats canceled.
PR Star Theater – 4 remains (one collapsed – due to fire last weak)
Don’t miss this event of a life time.
Don’t miss the thrill – Gods firing lacer cannons – never miss – never kill anybody.
If three gods fire their cannons at the same time – the whole nation might be turned to ash.
Special feature!
Even if everything is turned into ash – no death, nobody dies – only shit is left all over.
Even then .. good news – EWOxk aliens from Ram-ft Moon of Planet Uranus will do the cleaning up - for free.
Now showing
Epic three-way battle
PR Star Theater (In all 5 locations nation wide)
Main Cast
Top stars from
PKR (1 main character + "minnions" of supporters).
DAP ( 3 main characters + all ex-cpm terrorists).
PAS (Not decided yet) – words fly about - that they may opt out – being offered better role by a well known competitor.
Support Cast
Freelance world class actor RPK and c-trooper team.
Sorry dear patrons
All complementary seats canceled.
PR Star Theater – 4 remains (one collapsed – due to fire last weak)
Don’t miss this event of a life time.
Don’t miss the thrill – Gods firing lacer cannons – never miss – never kill anybody.
If three gods fire their cannons at the same time – the whole nation might be turned to ash.
Special feature!
Even if everything is turned into ash – no death, nobody dies – only shit is left all over.
Even then .. good news – EWOxk aliens from Ram-ft Moon of Planet Uranus will do the cleaning up - for free.
Monday, February 9, 2009
The Abuse Of PAS By Bed-Partner DAP PKR
If the chauvinist ultra-Chinese kiasu of DAP, Dong Zong or CPM were so sure of the rightness of their cause for Bangsa Malaysia, why the fierce intolerance displayed towards anything Malay? This leaves a traumatic experience to one party if the cause is forced to be abandoned or modified; and to the other party if it is forced through unmodified.
The result of seeing the dissimilarities from within the lens of the respective traumas are very serious. Can we really negotiate with this? Can we explain to each other that our respective perspectives on our way of life and on the differences are seriously flawed? If one tried will the other listen? Do we have time to wait until we do?
One on going case history. It seems that the PR-PAS-DAP relationship is a kind of an abusive marriage. Love and comradeship are assumed to be there, resulting in the abused partner keeps feeling bottled-up and acting hyper-sensitive, and tries even harder to hide his true feeling with the abuser just so the marriage is intact. PAS grassroots maintain friendships with their counterparts and other ‘pro-PAS’ Malays and non-Malays and simply decide not to discuss relationship or racial politics. However there is an emotional blackmail going on because if DAP did mention PAS sensitivities; or PAS mention how the DAP abuse PAS, the relationship would be over.
A PAS member of my mosque was striking a conversation with me about the aspect of the emotional abuse within Chinese way of rearing pigs that use to causes pollution, inconvenience and uneasiness among Malays. This rearing is more often seen as used against the Malays, and to add salt to wounds words like, “Makan babi haram, bau tak haram maa” were thrown in.
According to him, a Malay, even a child, is raised to accept a very heavy sense of personal responsibility towards his neighbour that almost stand at par with his normal sense of personal responsibility towards Allah. To illustrate, a dog is more than a nuisance to a Malay, but because it belongs to his non-Malay neighbour, he is abused to keep a smiling face, just so to give face to his neighbour. It creates a disturbed personality who is always feeling guilty for not saying out and thus reinforcing the too-weak-guilt feeling of not standing up to his neighbour’s abusive behavior.
This perceived Malay “permissiveness” has socially “allowed” the kiasic and chauvinistic anti-Malay ultras to go way beyond the learned trauma of their suppressed homeland fore-father experiences that results in typical reactionary behavior when they land themselves on far-away foreign shores. They actually automatically participate in group behavior that is deliberately manipulative and abusive. Over the years, they have become increasingly nutty not only due to current events but due to the internet "alerts" coming to them from “off-shore kiasu chauvinistic ultra Chinese”, who set their wits to be humbly arrogant in the dream world of “Malaysia boleh land”, which to them must be truly treated as a “finders-keepers-boleh-land”.
Then, encouraged further by PAS; (or is it because PAS was successfully manipulated?) they extend their abuse towards our Sultans; by proxy at first?
So we are dealing with not only dangerous reactions based on past trauma – CPM insurgency, PAP, May 13 and now DAP/PKR - but hardcore chauvinists are actually being trained since childhood to interact with the Peribumis (PAS first UMNO next?) in a deceitful and arrogant manner (negarakuku?, Chin Peng?), in coordination with each other, to emotionally destroy the credibility of Peribumi critics, in addition to wrecking their wider social relationships. Remember Hindraf has gone oversea? Who has gone underground into PKR? It is actually like deliberate, wicked, planned behavior motivated by a egotistical self-righteous inborn superiority-complex.
The result of seeing the dissimilarities from within the lens of the respective traumas are very serious. Can we really negotiate with this? Can we explain to each other that our respective perspectives on our way of life and on the differences are seriously flawed? If one tried will the other listen? Do we have time to wait until we do?
One on going case history. It seems that the PR-PAS-DAP relationship is a kind of an abusive marriage. Love and comradeship are assumed to be there, resulting in the abused partner keeps feeling bottled-up and acting hyper-sensitive, and tries even harder to hide his true feeling with the abuser just so the marriage is intact. PAS grassroots maintain friendships with their counterparts and other ‘pro-PAS’ Malays and non-Malays and simply decide not to discuss relationship or racial politics. However there is an emotional blackmail going on because if DAP did mention PAS sensitivities; or PAS mention how the DAP abuse PAS, the relationship would be over.
A PAS member of my mosque was striking a conversation with me about the aspect of the emotional abuse within Chinese way of rearing pigs that use to causes pollution, inconvenience and uneasiness among Malays. This rearing is more often seen as used against the Malays, and to add salt to wounds words like, “Makan babi haram, bau tak haram maa” were thrown in.
According to him, a Malay, even a child, is raised to accept a very heavy sense of personal responsibility towards his neighbour that almost stand at par with his normal sense of personal responsibility towards Allah. To illustrate, a dog is more than a nuisance to a Malay, but because it belongs to his non-Malay neighbour, he is abused to keep a smiling face, just so to give face to his neighbour. It creates a disturbed personality who is always feeling guilty for not saying out and thus reinforcing the too-weak-guilt feeling of not standing up to his neighbour’s abusive behavior.
This perceived Malay “permissiveness” has socially “allowed” the kiasic and chauvinistic anti-Malay ultras to go way beyond the learned trauma of their suppressed homeland fore-father experiences that results in typical reactionary behavior when they land themselves on far-away foreign shores. They actually automatically participate in group behavior that is deliberately manipulative and abusive. Over the years, they have become increasingly nutty not only due to current events but due to the internet "alerts" coming to them from “off-shore kiasu chauvinistic ultra Chinese”, who set their wits to be humbly arrogant in the dream world of “Malaysia boleh land”, which to them must be truly treated as a “finders-keepers-boleh-land”.
Then, encouraged further by PAS; (or is it because PAS was successfully manipulated?) they extend their abuse towards our Sultans; by proxy at first?
So we are dealing with not only dangerous reactions based on past trauma – CPM insurgency, PAP, May 13 and now DAP/PKR - but hardcore chauvinists are actually being trained since childhood to interact with the Peribumis (PAS first UMNO next?) in a deceitful and arrogant manner (negarakuku?, Chin Peng?), in coordination with each other, to emotionally destroy the credibility of Peribumi critics, in addition to wrecking their wider social relationships. Remember Hindraf has gone oversea? Who has gone underground into PKR? It is actually like deliberate, wicked, planned behavior motivated by a egotistical self-righteous inborn superiority-complex.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Nasi Bubur Di Warung Perak
Ini cakap orang kampong. Bukan intelek. Bukan pengkaji sejarah. Bukan pengkaji sains politik. Setakat orang biasa. Tidak berdasarkan kajian kertas. Sekedar membaca apa yang berlaku.
Nasi bubur dan tepak sirih perak.
Kenapa pula salahkan sultan?
Isu tanah seribu tahun membuatkan orang melayu terasa diperalat. Orang melayu dianaktiri di tanahair sendiri.
Bila orang dap berkuasa, hal orang melayu diabai. Khususnya bila dap menguasai pas di perak, kepentingan cina dijunjung; kepentingan melayu ... nanti dulu .. bila sempat .. "kita buat cara lain".
Kenapa pula salahkan raja?
Sebelas bulan mereka berkuasaa di perak ... apa pembangunan untuk semua rakyat mereka buat? Bahasa melayu di papan tanda dan dinding bangunan diprojekkan supaya dibuang. Itu ada lah. Lain? Ada .. mereka berceramah sana sini siang malam. Tak ubah macam anak kecil baru dapat barang mainan idaman. Lupa kerja untuk tuan, sibuk main pondok pondok. Lupa akan tuan mereka si pengundi yang dah disuap janji.
Kenapa juga salahkan istana?
Rakyat sudah kamu suapi janji. Pru-12 ... mereka pilih kamu atas janji. Selepas terpilih kamu berkerisis sesama sendiri .. berebut barangan mainan. Yang tak puas hati merajuklah kerumah jiran. Kamu angkuh tak mahu pujuk. Sebaliknya kamu salahkan jiran, salahkan istana. Kamu? Tak salah? Ya .. kamu tak pernah salah. Sebelas bulan ... cukuplah .. apa salah.
Wahai kamu anak-anak kepada budak-budak pas. Bapa kamu diperkuda orang. Ia berlaku di depan mata kamu sendiri.
Wahai anak-anak. Cukuplah bapa kamu menjadi budak. Budak di perak dan budak di pulau pinang.
Wahai anak-anak budak. Cukuplah bapa-bapa kamu diperbudak-budak di selangor. Kandang babi di belakang dapur kamu.
Wahai anak-anak. Sebelum berjalan, carilah teman yang menemani. Jauhilah teman yang menunggangi ..yang menjadikan tercungap tergagap-gagap.
Kalau tiada .. berjalanlah sendiri. Coraklah tingkahmu sendiri. Kemudian oraklah langkahmu satu persatu. Tinggalkanlah teman bapamu kini. Jangan sampai anak-anak mu ditunggang orang seperti atukmu.
Nasi bubur dan tepak sirih perak.
Kenapa pula salahkan sultan?
Isu tanah seribu tahun membuatkan orang melayu terasa diperalat. Orang melayu dianaktiri di tanahair sendiri.
Bila orang dap berkuasa, hal orang melayu diabai. Khususnya bila dap menguasai pas di perak, kepentingan cina dijunjung; kepentingan melayu ... nanti dulu .. bila sempat .. "kita buat cara lain".
Kenapa pula salahkan raja?
Sebelas bulan mereka berkuasaa di perak ... apa pembangunan untuk semua rakyat mereka buat? Bahasa melayu di papan tanda dan dinding bangunan diprojekkan supaya dibuang. Itu ada lah. Lain? Ada .. mereka berceramah sana sini siang malam. Tak ubah macam anak kecil baru dapat barang mainan idaman. Lupa kerja untuk tuan, sibuk main pondok pondok. Lupa akan tuan mereka si pengundi yang dah disuap janji.
Kenapa juga salahkan istana?
Rakyat sudah kamu suapi janji. Pru-12 ... mereka pilih kamu atas janji. Selepas terpilih kamu berkerisis sesama sendiri .. berebut barangan mainan. Yang tak puas hati merajuklah kerumah jiran. Kamu angkuh tak mahu pujuk. Sebaliknya kamu salahkan jiran, salahkan istana. Kamu? Tak salah? Ya .. kamu tak pernah salah. Sebelas bulan ... cukuplah .. apa salah.
Wahai kamu anak-anak kepada budak-budak pas. Bapa kamu diperkuda orang. Ia berlaku di depan mata kamu sendiri.
Wahai anak-anak. Cukuplah bapa kamu menjadi budak. Budak di perak dan budak di pulau pinang.
Wahai anak-anak budak. Cukuplah bapa-bapa kamu diperbudak-budak di selangor. Kandang babi di belakang dapur kamu.
Wahai anak-anak. Sebelum berjalan, carilah teman yang menemani. Jauhilah teman yang menunggangi ..yang menjadikan tercungap tergagap-gagap.
Kalau tiada .. berjalanlah sendiri. Coraklah tingkahmu sendiri. Kemudian oraklah langkahmu satu persatu. Tinggalkanlah teman bapamu kini. Jangan sampai anak-anak mu ditunggang orang seperti atukmu.
Talak Tiga
Puan Siti Perak dah sah jatuhkan talak tiga kepada suaminya Tuan Nizar.
Nizar berguling-guling nangis atas lantai tak mahu keluar rumah.
Bigdogdotcom ceritakan bagaimana Nizar kelmarin penggil semua samsing-samsingnya ka rumah. Waktu itulah dia paksa Puan Perak bersekelaminan.
Wartawan tanya -- katanya nak tinggalkan zuriat tambahan mengenai tanah tanah perindastrian -- untuk anak luar nikahnya kot?
Barangkali dia ikut hukum Karpal -- heran .. orang parti islam mengambil fatwa dari sikulop sepet tak cebok.
Keliru kerana nafsu. Malangnya dia tidak sedar pengamal nafsu paling besar ialah Anwar. Tapi heran bila Anwar beramal dengan nafsunya, yang sanggama berturut-turut ialah Kit Siang, Guan Eng --- Karpal? Dia tak sanggup. Sanggama apa ... dah ganyut lisut.
Tanya Husain Lempoyang -- Guan Eng pancut kat mana.
Nizar berguling-guling nangis atas lantai tak mahu keluar rumah.
Bigdogdotcom ceritakan bagaimana Nizar kelmarin penggil semua samsing-samsingnya ka rumah. Waktu itulah dia paksa Puan Perak bersekelaminan.
Wartawan tanya -- katanya nak tinggalkan zuriat tambahan mengenai tanah tanah perindastrian -- untuk anak luar nikahnya kot?
Barangkali dia ikut hukum Karpal -- heran .. orang parti islam mengambil fatwa dari sikulop sepet tak cebok.
Keliru kerana nafsu. Malangnya dia tidak sedar pengamal nafsu paling besar ialah Anwar. Tapi heran bila Anwar beramal dengan nafsunya, yang sanggama berturut-turut ialah Kit Siang, Guan Eng --- Karpal? Dia tak sanggup. Sanggama apa ... dah ganyut lisut.
Tanya Husain Lempoyang -- Guan Eng pancut kat mana.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Nurdeen Dong Neng
Conversion Story of a Chinese Univ Student
Salaam Alaikum, bros and sis on TTI!
I'm not a new of TTI, so it's very late to introduce myself. Just last week, I was Don, an average Chinese univ student. And now, I'm Nurdeen, a new bro of yours. I'd like to talk about my conversion story. I'll be very happy if u like it.
I became interested in religion since starting my univ career, 4 or 5 years ago. I read the scriptures of Buddhism, Bible, also some basic information of Islam. Do u know what did i find in Islam? A big Surprise! My country sticks to the ideology of Materialism and Atheism, in our education system, "religion" is labeled as something fake and deceptive. The image of God, or gods was created by some stupid barbarians and was taken advantage of rulers. Men themselves create some idols and worship such idols and that's the essence of religion, they say. Well, but what did i c in Islam? As we all know, the very spirit of Islam is to destroy the worshipping of any idol, whatever a tree, a stone, a sculpture, a pic or a monarch. While what do those so-called Materialist, or atheist do? They say we don't believe in any superstition, but they worship their "revolutionary leader", or money, or power with 200% passion and enthusiasm. I appreciated the very core of Islam, however, at that time Islam was just A religion, not THE religion for me.
Then one night, laying on the bed, a thought suddenly hit me. I asked myself, do i accept the Kalimah "La illaha illa Allah, Muhammadur Rasulullah"? Ok, problem. Then why cant i become a Muslim? Wow it really shocked me, I couldn't believe such a crazy idea!!! Well at that time i was not prepared, but the seed of Iman began to grow.
Afterwards I studied many many articles, lectures, documentaries, TV episodes...... My knowledge of Islam expanded. In 2007, I met a Turkish sis online. One day she asked me, did u say the Shahadah? I answered no, not yet, coz I don't think I'm prepared. Then she said, why not? Do u accept Shahadah? I said yeah, I do. She said, then u should say it ASAP. Coz u don't know when will u die. Maybe 2morrow. Well she really inspired me and soon i said Shahadah (in Arabic, surely). Both she and i were very happy. Alhamdulillah I became a Muslim since that day, though my Iman was not very solid.
I started to know different sisters or bros worldwide. Inshallah they're all very very kind and cute and helpful. Some told me how to perform prayer, some introduced me the conditions of their countries, some talked with the Islamic history, well, i really learnt so much from these bros and sisters!!!
One night, I was listening to the recitation of Sheikh Minshary bin Rashid al-Afasy, Sura 55, ar-Rahman. It almost brought out my tears. I knew I would never ever leave Islam! At the same time I started to read the Qur'aan systematically. Well, the feeling was amazing! Some verses among it seemed not only answer the questions of Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w.)'s era, but contemporary issues. I don't know if I'm clearly, I mean the Qur'aan is not only guiding the ppl in Arabian peninsula in 7th century, but every one in every time. And I read some pamphlets before, saying Qur'aan was written by one or some persons, it's an artificial product, etc. Now I knew it's impossible. This book is beyond the imagination and understanding of human beings. No one, whatever Homer, Virgil, Dante or Dostoevsky can write such a book. What's more, I found in the Qur'aan, many ignorant ppl at that time also called Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. a liar, a deceiver, just like many ignorant ppl do today, and Allah s.w.t. protects Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. from any rumor and attack. Alhamdulillah!
So u know I was a Muslim, but I still worried about too much. I even didn't perform prayer. However, in 2008, I myself met many obstacles in my life, I was suffering big psychological burdens for something, once a time I thought I couldn't take it any more. But I knew I would never give up my faith in Allah s.w.t. During the gloomiest days, I knew I need the prayer. My hardness was the test from Allah. Faith is not so easy. Faith is valuable just after pains and sorrows. I'll remember that day forever. 16th, July, 2008, I prayed for the first time in my life. Some weeks later, one afternoon I was browsing the Qur'aan at random and I met the first 2 verses of Sura 110. "Itha jaa nasru Allahi waalfathu, Waraayta alnnasa yadkhuloona fee deeni Allahi afwajan." I couldn't control myself and my tears burnt out. 1400 years ago, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. was under the insult and persecution by Meccans, never losing his ambition. 1400 years later, a 23-year-old Chinese univ student decided to follow Prophet's path in his remaining life. Do u know what does it mean to me? It's much more than a legend or adventure. It likes FATE. Just 4 or 5 years ago I thought I would never believe in any religion, and now things changed, Allah s.w.t. wins. Plz think of it, bro and sis. Surely it's my FATE. It seemed so far, but when it comes, I don't know how to refuse. The only thing I can do is to embrace my FATE firmly, unswervingly.
In the Ramadan of 2008, I tried to keep fast. One day I was standing in the balcony of the school, a big crowds passed by me, went upstairs to take lunch. I gazed at them, then turned my head towards the sky. I was much more fortunately than them. They went to seek the food and success in this world, while I was on the path of true life. My feeling at that time can be described as "Noble Loneliness". Thx God He granted me Islam. I must cherish it, love it, praise it, follow it, it's more than my life.
Alhamdulillah in the end of 2008, all my burdens were removed miraculously. Things looked so fascinating and amazing. I can't believe in my achievements in this year. I knew Allah answered my prayer and now it's the time to do something for Him. Two weeks ago I was listening to an mp3 lecture by Imam Hisham al-Awadi. He asked, "what's the turning point in your life?" I knew, my turning point is now, here.
Last Tuesday I sent a msg to a Muslim friend, telling him I want to convert (I chatted with him before, but he didn't know my decision yet). He said ok, good, plz come to the masjid this Saturday. So u know, 17th, Jan. 2009, my turning point came. I performed the Asr prayer with my bros for the first time and talked with the Imam. Listening to my statement, the Imam said repeatedly "Allahu Akbar" and ic, both of us were very satisfied. The Imam gave me a Muslim name, Nurdeen, "the light of religion". So now I'm Nurdeen Dong Neng, a new bro of u all. I spent 4 years to be here with u, and there will be no regrets in my life anymore. Allahu Akbar!!!
Well it's the end of this thread. My dear bro and sis, I wish my story will help u to think of our faith and our fate. Before accepting Islam, I had no relation with any religion, neither my family, neither majority of my fellow ppl. Allah chose me even before I was born, and this fate binds me with u tightly. Let's raise our hands to seek the truth in our life. Our tears witness our faith, and Allah knows our heart best. May all Muslims have the goodness of this world and the Hereafter. May human beings understand and benefit from the light of Islam one day. Ameen.
Pls visit youtube for more Chinese Conversion Story:
Salaam Alaikum, bros and sis on TTI!
I'm not a new of TTI, so it's very late to introduce myself. Just last week, I was Don, an average Chinese univ student. And now, I'm Nurdeen, a new bro of yours. I'd like to talk about my conversion story. I'll be very happy if u like it.
I became interested in religion since starting my univ career, 4 or 5 years ago. I read the scriptures of Buddhism, Bible, also some basic information of Islam. Do u know what did i find in Islam? A big Surprise! My country sticks to the ideology of Materialism and Atheism, in our education system, "religion" is labeled as something fake and deceptive. The image of God, or gods was created by some stupid barbarians and was taken advantage of rulers. Men themselves create some idols and worship such idols and that's the essence of religion, they say. Well, but what did i c in Islam? As we all know, the very spirit of Islam is to destroy the worshipping of any idol, whatever a tree, a stone, a sculpture, a pic or a monarch. While what do those so-called Materialist, or atheist do? They say we don't believe in any superstition, but they worship their "revolutionary leader", or money, or power with 200% passion and enthusiasm. I appreciated the very core of Islam, however, at that time Islam was just A religion, not THE religion for me.
Then one night, laying on the bed, a thought suddenly hit me. I asked myself, do i accept the Kalimah "La illaha illa Allah, Muhammadur Rasulullah"? Ok, problem. Then why cant i become a Muslim? Wow it really shocked me, I couldn't believe such a crazy idea!!! Well at that time i was not prepared, but the seed of Iman began to grow.
Afterwards I studied many many articles, lectures, documentaries, TV episodes...... My knowledge of Islam expanded. In 2007, I met a Turkish sis online. One day she asked me, did u say the Shahadah? I answered no, not yet, coz I don't think I'm prepared. Then she said, why not? Do u accept Shahadah? I said yeah, I do. She said, then u should say it ASAP. Coz u don't know when will u die. Maybe 2morrow. Well she really inspired me and soon i said Shahadah (in Arabic, surely). Both she and i were very happy. Alhamdulillah I became a Muslim since that day, though my Iman was not very solid.
I started to know different sisters or bros worldwide. Inshallah they're all very very kind and cute and helpful. Some told me how to perform prayer, some introduced me the conditions of their countries, some talked with the Islamic history, well, i really learnt so much from these bros and sisters!!!
One night, I was listening to the recitation of Sheikh Minshary bin Rashid al-Afasy, Sura 55, ar-Rahman. It almost brought out my tears. I knew I would never ever leave Islam! At the same time I started to read the Qur'aan systematically. Well, the feeling was amazing! Some verses among it seemed not only answer the questions of Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w.)'s era, but contemporary issues. I don't know if I'm clearly, I mean the Qur'aan is not only guiding the ppl in Arabian peninsula in 7th century, but every one in every time. And I read some pamphlets before, saying Qur'aan was written by one or some persons, it's an artificial product, etc. Now I knew it's impossible. This book is beyond the imagination and understanding of human beings. No one, whatever Homer, Virgil, Dante or Dostoevsky can write such a book. What's more, I found in the Qur'aan, many ignorant ppl at that time also called Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. a liar, a deceiver, just like many ignorant ppl do today, and Allah s.w.t. protects Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. from any rumor and attack. Alhamdulillah!
So u know I was a Muslim, but I still worried about too much. I even didn't perform prayer. However, in 2008, I myself met many obstacles in my life, I was suffering big psychological burdens for something, once a time I thought I couldn't take it any more. But I knew I would never give up my faith in Allah s.w.t. During the gloomiest days, I knew I need the prayer. My hardness was the test from Allah. Faith is not so easy. Faith is valuable just after pains and sorrows. I'll remember that day forever. 16th, July, 2008, I prayed for the first time in my life. Some weeks later, one afternoon I was browsing the Qur'aan at random and I met the first 2 verses of Sura 110. "Itha jaa nasru Allahi waalfathu, Waraayta alnnasa yadkhuloona fee deeni Allahi afwajan." I couldn't control myself and my tears burnt out. 1400 years ago, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. was under the insult and persecution by Meccans, never losing his ambition. 1400 years later, a 23-year-old Chinese univ student decided to follow Prophet's path in his remaining life. Do u know what does it mean to me? It's much more than a legend or adventure. It likes FATE. Just 4 or 5 years ago I thought I would never believe in any religion, and now things changed, Allah s.w.t. wins. Plz think of it, bro and sis. Surely it's my FATE. It seemed so far, but when it comes, I don't know how to refuse. The only thing I can do is to embrace my FATE firmly, unswervingly.
In the Ramadan of 2008, I tried to keep fast. One day I was standing in the balcony of the school, a big crowds passed by me, went upstairs to take lunch. I gazed at them, then turned my head towards the sky. I was much more fortunately than them. They went to seek the food and success in this world, while I was on the path of true life. My feeling at that time can be described as "Noble Loneliness". Thx God He granted me Islam. I must cherish it, love it, praise it, follow it, it's more than my life.
Alhamdulillah in the end of 2008, all my burdens were removed miraculously. Things looked so fascinating and amazing. I can't believe in my achievements in this year. I knew Allah answered my prayer and now it's the time to do something for Him. Two weeks ago I was listening to an mp3 lecture by Imam Hisham al-Awadi. He asked, "what's the turning point in your life?" I knew, my turning point is now, here.
Last Tuesday I sent a msg to a Muslim friend, telling him I want to convert (I chatted with him before, but he didn't know my decision yet). He said ok, good, plz come to the masjid this Saturday. So u know, 17th, Jan. 2009, my turning point came. I performed the Asr prayer with my bros for the first time and talked with the Imam. Listening to my statement, the Imam said repeatedly "Allahu Akbar" and ic, both of us were very satisfied. The Imam gave me a Muslim name, Nurdeen, "the light of religion". So now I'm Nurdeen Dong Neng, a new bro of u all. I spent 4 years to be here with u, and there will be no regrets in my life anymore. Allahu Akbar!!!
Well it's the end of this thread. My dear bro and sis, I wish my story will help u to think of our faith and our fate. Before accepting Islam, I had no relation with any religion, neither my family, neither majority of my fellow ppl. Allah chose me even before I was born, and this fate binds me with u tightly. Let's raise our hands to seek the truth in our life. Our tears witness our faith, and Allah knows our heart best. May all Muslims have the goodness of this world and the Hereafter. May human beings understand and benefit from the light of Islam one day. Ameen.
Pls visit youtube for more Chinese Conversion Story:
Wahai Anak-Anak Budak
Wahai budak-budak pas. Kamu lihat atau tidak budak-budak dap? Mereka bertepok tampar di rumah menyorakkan kamu. Kegembiraan kerana kamu do their dirty work for them pada masa sama mereka sedang nikmati pemberian nizar.
Wahai budak-budak pas berketayap puteh dan bergamis /berjubah. Pakaian kamu tidak sesuai untuk kerja beramok-amokan di jalanan. Cuba lihat keliling. Ada budak hindraf dan cin peng bersama kamu? Mereka di rumah bertepuk tangan melihat jubah pakai ketayap ... dalam ketayap jubah itu kosong ... kosong akal ... kosong keinsafan ... kosong dari ingat kepada tuhan ... sekosong tin kosong ... sekosong galactic black hole.
Bajingan dap, cin ping dan hindraf bersorak melihat melayu jadi 'pahlawan' mereka. Kamu ingat tak ... seorang cina gerakan mulut busuk kata melayu pendatang? Ada orang cina tegur mereka? Segolongan cina menjunjung cin peng sebagai pejuang ... 'sahabat' tidak segan silu turut berarak sama. Tidakkah kamu insafi apa perjuangan mereka ini? Kamu melayu paria lebih paria dari hindraf paria tunjuk handal memperjuangkan perjuangan penunggang kamu.
Tidakkah kamu bangsa yang bersopan melayu? Kalau tidak setuju, mestikah berjubah dan berkopiah lalu tunjuk samsing?
Tidakkah sudah terang seterang siang hari, cina hindraf dap dan pkr, hal tanah saja, mereka makan daging sedang kamu makan tulangnya? Dan hal tanah bukan hal petai saga dari hutan bukit tempurung.
Kamu tidak tahu apa itu maruah ... kerana kamu hanya tahu jadi baruah.
Baruah punya pengkhianat.
Wahai budak-budak pas berketayap puteh dan bergamis /berjubah. Pakaian kamu tidak sesuai untuk kerja beramok-amokan di jalanan. Cuba lihat keliling. Ada budak hindraf dan cin peng bersama kamu? Mereka di rumah bertepuk tangan melihat jubah pakai ketayap ... dalam ketayap jubah itu kosong ... kosong akal ... kosong keinsafan ... kosong dari ingat kepada tuhan ... sekosong tin kosong ... sekosong galactic black hole.
Bajingan dap, cin ping dan hindraf bersorak melihat melayu jadi 'pahlawan' mereka. Kamu ingat tak ... seorang cina gerakan mulut busuk kata melayu pendatang? Ada orang cina tegur mereka? Segolongan cina menjunjung cin peng sebagai pejuang ... 'sahabat' tidak segan silu turut berarak sama. Tidakkah kamu insafi apa perjuangan mereka ini? Kamu melayu paria lebih paria dari hindraf paria tunjuk handal memperjuangkan perjuangan penunggang kamu.
Tidakkah kamu bangsa yang bersopan melayu? Kalau tidak setuju, mestikah berjubah dan berkopiah lalu tunjuk samsing?
Tidakkah sudah terang seterang siang hari, cina hindraf dap dan pkr, hal tanah saja, mereka makan daging sedang kamu makan tulangnya? Dan hal tanah bukan hal petai saga dari hutan bukit tempurung.
Kamu tidak tahu apa itu maruah ... kerana kamu hanya tahu jadi baruah.
Baruah punya pengkhianat.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Haris Ibrahim Mengajar Pengikutnya Bagaimana Hendak Kurang Ajar Cara Sopan.
Haris Ibrahim Mengajar Pengikutnya Bagaimana Hendak Kurang Ajar Cara Sopan.
H.I. memujuk anakbuahnya to "guide your monarch". Rujuk:-
Guide seolah-olah monarch buta akal?
Dahulu K. S. kata bahawa raja-raja tidak boleh masuk campur urusan kerajaan. Kekang langkah raja? Kasar betul dia. Biadab.
Sekarang H.I. beri fatwa kepada pengikutnya bagaimana hendak biadab cara sopan.
Bagi orang Melayu, hendak berhubung dengan rajanya ialah apabila dipanggil (sudah diperkenan), baru mengadap, itu pun dengan adab istana-kemelayuan khusus. Sedangkan pemilihan perkataan ditetapkan dari himpunan perbendaharaan kata istana, inikan pula pemilihan pada tingkah laku.
Mana sopan ikut cara terdesak-desak, mendesak-desak, melalui web diraja dan seumpamanya seperti yang ditunjuk-ajarkan oleh H.I.
Tuan HI, adakah urusan menghadap raja ini saperti urusan berbaris dan berpusu-pusu membeli tikit bas musim raya?
Bagaimana tinggi pelajaran seseorang itu, kalau tidak dihias dengan sopan santun bertempat, tidak ubah saperti kuda belang memanjat punggong pasangannya. Adakah ini yang kamu ajarkan anakbuah kamu untuk raja kamu? Setakat inikah "kedaulatan" yang kamu junjung?
Kerana terdesak, kerana naik minyak, kamu langgar sopan keistanaan saperti masuk pasar malam.
Selamat malam tuan HI.
H.I. memujuk anakbuahnya to "guide your monarch". Rujuk:-
Guide seolah-olah monarch buta akal?
Dahulu K. S. kata bahawa raja-raja tidak boleh masuk campur urusan kerajaan. Kekang langkah raja? Kasar betul dia. Biadab.
Sekarang H.I. beri fatwa kepada pengikutnya bagaimana hendak biadab cara sopan.
Bagi orang Melayu, hendak berhubung dengan rajanya ialah apabila dipanggil (sudah diperkenan), baru mengadap, itu pun dengan adab istana-kemelayuan khusus. Sedangkan pemilihan perkataan ditetapkan dari himpunan perbendaharaan kata istana, inikan pula pemilihan pada tingkah laku.
Mana sopan ikut cara terdesak-desak, mendesak-desak, melalui web diraja dan seumpamanya seperti yang ditunjuk-ajarkan oleh H.I.
Tuan HI, adakah urusan menghadap raja ini saperti urusan berbaris dan berpusu-pusu membeli tikit bas musim raya?
Bagaimana tinggi pelajaran seseorang itu, kalau tidak dihias dengan sopan santun bertempat, tidak ubah saperti kuda belang memanjat punggong pasangannya. Adakah ini yang kamu ajarkan anakbuah kamu untuk raja kamu? Setakat inikah "kedaulatan" yang kamu junjung?
Kerana terdesak, kerana naik minyak, kamu langgar sopan keistanaan saperti masuk pasar malam.
Selamat malam tuan HI.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Endless Propaganda -- The War on Terror is a Hoax
Endless Propaganda
The War on Terror is a Hoax
According to US government propaganda, terrorist cells are spread throughout America, making it necessary for the government to spy on all Americans and violate most other constitutional protections. Among President Bush’s last words as he left office was the warning that America would soon be struck again by Muslim terrorists.
If America were infected with terrorists, we would not need the government to tell us. We would know it from events. As there are no events, the US government substitutes warnings in order to keep alive the fear that causes the public to accept pointless wars, the infringement of civil liberty, national ID cards, and inconveniences and harassments when they fly.
The most obvious indication that there are no terrorist cells is that not a single neocon has been assassinated.
I do not approve of assassinations, and am ashamed of my country’s government for engaging in political assassination. The US and Israel have set a very bad example for al Qaeda to follow.
The US deals with al Qaeda and Taliban by assassinating their leaders, and Israel deals with Hamas by assassinating its leaders. It is reasonable to assume that al Qaeda would deal with the instigators and leaders of America’s wars in the Middle East in the same way.
Today every al Qaeda member is aware of the complicity of neoconservatives in the death and devastation inflicted on Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and Gaza. Moreover, neocons are highly visible and are soft targets compared to Hamas and Hezbollah leaders. Neocons have been identified in the media for years, and as everyone knows, multiple listings of their names are available online.
Neocons do not have Secret Service protection. Dreadful to contemplate, but it would be child’s play for al Qaeda to assassinate any and every neocon. Yet, neocons move around freely, a good indication that the US does not have a terrorist problem.
If, as neocons constantly allege, terrorists can smuggle nuclear weapons or dirty bombs into the US with which to wreak havoc upon our cities, terrorists can acquire weapons with which to assassinate any neocon or former government official.
Yet, the neocons, who are the Americans most hated by Muslims, remain unscathed.
The “war on terror” is a hoax that fronts for American control of oil pipelines, the profits of the military-security complex, the assault on civil liberty by fomenters of a police state, and Israel’s territorial expansion.
There were no al Qaeda in Iraq until the Americans brought them there by invading and overthrowing Saddam Hussein, who kept al Qaeda out of Iraq. The Taliban is not a terrorist organization, but a movement attempting to unify Afghanistan under Muslim law. The only Americans threatened by the Taliban are the Americans Bush sent to Afghanistan to kill Taliban and to impose a puppet state on the Afghan people.
Hamas is the democratically elected government of Palestine, or what little remains of Palestine after Israel’s illegal annexations. Hamas is a terrorist organization in the same sense that the Israeli government and the US government are terrorist organizations. In an effort to bring Hamas under Israeli hegemony, Israel employs terror bombing and assassinations against Palestinians. Hamas replies to the Israeli terror with homemade and ineffectual rockets.
Hezbollah represents the Shi’ites of southern Lebanon, another area in the Middle East that Israel seeks for its territorial expansion.
The US brands Hamas and Hezbollah “terrorist organizations” for no other reason than the US is on Israel’s side of the conflict. There is no objective basis for the US Department of State’s “finding” that Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist organizations. It is merely a propagandistic declaration.
Americans and Israelis do not call their bombings of civilians terror. What Americans and Israelis call terror is the response of oppressed people who are stateless because their countries are ruled by puppets loyal to the oppressors. These people, dispossessed of their own countries, have no State Departments, Defense Departments, seats in the United Nations, or voices in the mainstream media. They can submit to foreign hegemony or resist by the limited means available to them.
The fact that Israel and the United States carry on endless propaganda to prevent this fundamental truth from being realized indicates that it is Israel and the US that are in the wrong and the Palestinians, Lebanese, Iraqis, and Afghans who are being wronged.
The retired American generals who serve as war propagandists for Fox “News” are forever claiming that Iran arms the Iraqi and Afghan insurgents and Hamas. But where are the arms? To deal with American tanks, insurgents have to construct homemade explosive devices out of artillery shells. After six years of conflict the insurgents still have no weapon against the American helicopter gunships. Contrast this “arming” with the weaponry the US supplied to the Afghans three decades ago when they were fighting to drive out the Soviets.
The films of Israel’s murderous assault on Gaza show large numbers of Gazans fleeing from Israeli bombs or digging out the dead and maimed, and none of these people is armed. A person would think that by now every Palestinian would be armed, every man, woman, and child. Yet, all the films of the Israeli attack show an unarmed population. Hamas has to construct homemade rockets that are little more than a sign of defiance. If Hamas were armed by Iran, Israel’s assault on Gaza would have cost Israel its helicopter gunships, its tanks, and hundreds of lives of its soldiers.
Hamas is a small organization armed with small caliber rifles incapable of penetrating body armor. Hamas is unable to stop small bands of Israeli settlers from descending on West Bank Palestinian villages, driving out the Palestinians, and appropriating their land.
The great mystery is: why after 60 years of oppression are the Palestinians still an unarmed people? Clearly, the Muslim countries are complicit with Israel and the US in keeping the Palestinians unarmed.
The unsupported assertion that Iran supplies sophisticated arms to the Palestinians is like the unsupported assertion that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. These assertions are propagandistic justifications for killing Arab civilians and destroying civilian infrastructure in order to secure US and Israeli hegemony in the Middle East.
Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He is coauthor of The Tyranny of Good Intentions.He can be reached at:
By the name of the lord, god of all prophets, may He, quickens a savior for the oppressed.
Dengan nama tuhan bagi Daud, Musa, Isa dan Muhammad a.s.w mudah-mudahan DiDirikanNya pembela bagi mereka yang ditindas.
The War on Terror is a Hoax
According to US government propaganda, terrorist cells are spread throughout America, making it necessary for the government to spy on all Americans and violate most other constitutional protections. Among President Bush’s last words as he left office was the warning that America would soon be struck again by Muslim terrorists.
If America were infected with terrorists, we would not need the government to tell us. We would know it from events. As there are no events, the US government substitutes warnings in order to keep alive the fear that causes the public to accept pointless wars, the infringement of civil liberty, national ID cards, and inconveniences and harassments when they fly.
The most obvious indication that there are no terrorist cells is that not a single neocon has been assassinated.
I do not approve of assassinations, and am ashamed of my country’s government for engaging in political assassination. The US and Israel have set a very bad example for al Qaeda to follow.
The US deals with al Qaeda and Taliban by assassinating their leaders, and Israel deals with Hamas by assassinating its leaders. It is reasonable to assume that al Qaeda would deal with the instigators and leaders of America’s wars in the Middle East in the same way.
Today every al Qaeda member is aware of the complicity of neoconservatives in the death and devastation inflicted on Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and Gaza. Moreover, neocons are highly visible and are soft targets compared to Hamas and Hezbollah leaders. Neocons have been identified in the media for years, and as everyone knows, multiple listings of their names are available online.
Neocons do not have Secret Service protection. Dreadful to contemplate, but it would be child’s play for al Qaeda to assassinate any and every neocon. Yet, neocons move around freely, a good indication that the US does not have a terrorist problem.
If, as neocons constantly allege, terrorists can smuggle nuclear weapons or dirty bombs into the US with which to wreak havoc upon our cities, terrorists can acquire weapons with which to assassinate any neocon or former government official.
Yet, the neocons, who are the Americans most hated by Muslims, remain unscathed.
The “war on terror” is a hoax that fronts for American control of oil pipelines, the profits of the military-security complex, the assault on civil liberty by fomenters of a police state, and Israel’s territorial expansion.
There were no al Qaeda in Iraq until the Americans brought them there by invading and overthrowing Saddam Hussein, who kept al Qaeda out of Iraq. The Taliban is not a terrorist organization, but a movement attempting to unify Afghanistan under Muslim law. The only Americans threatened by the Taliban are the Americans Bush sent to Afghanistan to kill Taliban and to impose a puppet state on the Afghan people.
Hamas is the democratically elected government of Palestine, or what little remains of Palestine after Israel’s illegal annexations. Hamas is a terrorist organization in the same sense that the Israeli government and the US government are terrorist organizations. In an effort to bring Hamas under Israeli hegemony, Israel employs terror bombing and assassinations against Palestinians. Hamas replies to the Israeli terror with homemade and ineffectual rockets.
Hezbollah represents the Shi’ites of southern Lebanon, another area in the Middle East that Israel seeks for its territorial expansion.
The US brands Hamas and Hezbollah “terrorist organizations” for no other reason than the US is on Israel’s side of the conflict. There is no objective basis for the US Department of State’s “finding” that Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist organizations. It is merely a propagandistic declaration.
Americans and Israelis do not call their bombings of civilians terror. What Americans and Israelis call terror is the response of oppressed people who are stateless because their countries are ruled by puppets loyal to the oppressors. These people, dispossessed of their own countries, have no State Departments, Defense Departments, seats in the United Nations, or voices in the mainstream media. They can submit to foreign hegemony or resist by the limited means available to them.
The fact that Israel and the United States carry on endless propaganda to prevent this fundamental truth from being realized indicates that it is Israel and the US that are in the wrong and the Palestinians, Lebanese, Iraqis, and Afghans who are being wronged.
The retired American generals who serve as war propagandists for Fox “News” are forever claiming that Iran arms the Iraqi and Afghan insurgents and Hamas. But where are the arms? To deal with American tanks, insurgents have to construct homemade explosive devices out of artillery shells. After six years of conflict the insurgents still have no weapon against the American helicopter gunships. Contrast this “arming” with the weaponry the US supplied to the Afghans three decades ago when they were fighting to drive out the Soviets.
The films of Israel’s murderous assault on Gaza show large numbers of Gazans fleeing from Israeli bombs or digging out the dead and maimed, and none of these people is armed. A person would think that by now every Palestinian would be armed, every man, woman, and child. Yet, all the films of the Israeli attack show an unarmed population. Hamas has to construct homemade rockets that are little more than a sign of defiance. If Hamas were armed by Iran, Israel’s assault on Gaza would have cost Israel its helicopter gunships, its tanks, and hundreds of lives of its soldiers.
Hamas is a small organization armed with small caliber rifles incapable of penetrating body armor. Hamas is unable to stop small bands of Israeli settlers from descending on West Bank Palestinian villages, driving out the Palestinians, and appropriating their land.
The great mystery is: why after 60 years of oppression are the Palestinians still an unarmed people? Clearly, the Muslim countries are complicit with Israel and the US in keeping the Palestinians unarmed.
The unsupported assertion that Iran supplies sophisticated arms to the Palestinians is like the unsupported assertion that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. These assertions are propagandistic justifications for killing Arab civilians and destroying civilian infrastructure in order to secure US and Israeli hegemony in the Middle East.
Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He is coauthor of The Tyranny of Good Intentions.He can be reached at:
By the name of the lord, god of all prophets, may He, quickens a savior for the oppressed.
Dengan nama tuhan bagi Daud, Musa, Isa dan Muhammad a.s.w mudah-mudahan DiDirikanNya pembela bagi mereka yang ditindas.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Today in Solidarity We're All Palestinians
Today in Solidarity We're All Palestinians
Monday, 19 January 2009
Today in Solidarity We're All Palestinians - by Stephen Lendman
World outrage continues over Israeli war crimes and Washington's complicity. Gazans are now immortalized. Hamas is more popular than ever and remains resolute despite everything the IDF threw against it.
Democrats and Republicans share equal guilt. They fund Israeli state terror, are partnered in its aggression, and have collaboratively planned, supported, and/or agreed to it for the past 41 years. Continuity under Obama is assured. The current Gaza carnage is the worst since 1967. In spite of its "unilateral" ceasefire, sporadic Israeli attacks continue. The IDF merely redeployed. Gaza remains under siege, and human suffering is overwhelming and unrelieved.
Since December 27, Israel conducted terror bombings, tank and naval vessel shellings, and assault troop slaughter on the ground. Illegal weapons were used. Neighborhoods are burning and in ruins. Horrific wounds are reported. Civilians were willfully massacred. They comprise 80 - 90% of the casualties according to human rights organizations and medical authority reports. All 1.5 million Gazans were targeted. They still are. There's no place anywhere to hide.
Sporadic fighting continues after Israel's January 17 announcement. Earlier, Israeli Radio reported that more reservists were activated and that IDF operations were in "phase three." Forces on the ground pushed deeper into Gaza where they remained up to now. Attacks on neighborhoods and refugee camps intensified. Death and injury tolls mount. They approach 7000 but exclude potentially hundreds of unidentified bodies under rubble.
A Brief History of Israeli Terror Killings Since 1946
Gaza is full-scale war but just the latest bloodstained episode in Israel's six-decade reign of terror against Palestinians. This section reviews others since 1946, two years before the establishment of a Jewish state. The list is long, way-incomplete, very disturbing, and shows what Palestinians have endured for over 60 years. Their ordeal continues in the West Bank and Gaza under siege, still attacked, and, as always, betrayed by the dominant media.
The King David Hotel July 22, 1946 Bombing
The Menachem Begin-led Irgun planned and conducted the massacre of 92 Brits, Arabs and Jews, wounding 58 others. As head of the Jewish Agency, David Ben-Gurion approved the operation. It was to destroy British-gathered evidence that its leaders colluded with the Haganah, Palmach, Irgun and Stern gangs in a wave of terrorist crimes and killings. Bombing the King David Hotel was the most notorious and followed a pattern before and since of brutal Israeli state terrorism.
The British Secretariat of the Palestine Government and British Army HQ kept offices in the hotel. Attackers disguised as milkmen, planted explosives in milk containers, placed them in the basement and left. At the time, the action shocked the civilized world and outraged the British leadership and House of Commons.
Other Israeli Terrorist Incidents against Palestinians
-- Tira, December 11, 1947 - five Palestinians were killed and six injured;
-- a village outside Haifa, December 12, 1947 - 12 Palestinians killed;
-- a village outside Tel Aviv, December 14, 1947 - 18 Palestinians killed and 100 injured;
-- al-Khias, December 18, 1947 - the paramilitary Haganah killed 10 Palestinians, most inside their homes;
-- Haifa, December 30, 1947 - six Palestinians killed and 42 wounded;
-- Jerusalem, December 30, 1947 - Irgun terrorists threw a bomb from a speeding car killing 11 Palestinians and two Brits;
-- Balad Esh-Sheikh, December 31, 1947 - the Haganah killed 60 Palestinians, most inside their homes;
-- Jaffa, January 4, 1948 - the Stern Gang killed up to 30 and wounded 100 in a truck bombing;
-- the Semiramis Hotel, Jerusalem, January 4, 1948 - the Haganah bombed the hotel killing 25 civilians;
-- Jaffa Gate, Jerusalem, January 7, 1948 - 17 Palestinians killed;
-- Tireh, February 10, 1948 - seven Palestinians killed and five injured;
-- on a bus from Safad, February 12, 1948 - five Palestinians killed and five injured;
-- Sa'sa', February 14, 1948 - 60 Palestinians killed, mostly in their homes;
-- Qisarya, February 15 - 20, 1948 - 25 Palestinians killed;
-- Haifa, February 20, 1948 - six Palestinians killed and 36 wounded;
-- Haifa, March 3, 1948 - the Stern Gang blew up the Salameh Building killing 11 Palestinians and wounding 27;
-- al-Husayniyya, March 12 and 16 - 17 - the Palmach twice raided the village killing 15 and wounding 20 in the first attack; killing 30 in the second one;
-- Jews blew up a train near Benjamina on March 31, 1948 killing 25 Palestinians and wounding 61;
-- al-Sarafand, April 5, 1948 - 16 Palestinians were killed and 12 wounded, most when a house was mortared;
-- Dier Yassin, April 9, 1948 - the Menachem Begin-led Irgun slaughtered well over 120 Palestinian men, women and children in a bloody rampage; The New York Times reported 254 killed on April 13; 53 orphaned children were dumped like trash along the wall of the Old City; homes were dynamited with inhabitants inside; people were shot at close range, including children; the massacre marked the beginning of what followed during Israel's "War of Independence:" depopulating 531 towns and villages; 11 urban neighborhoods; massacring or displacing 800,000 Palestinians; and committing countless rapes and other atrocities;" remember Dier Yassin; it, too, is immortalized;
-- Tel Litvinsky, April 19, 1948 - Jews killed 90 Palestinians;
-- Tiberias, April 19, 1948 - Jews blew up a home killing Palestinians inside;
-- Ayn al-Zaytun and nearby villages, May 1 - 4, 1948 - 27 Palestinians killed;
-- Acre, May 18, 1948 - Israeli troops killed over 100 Palestinians;
-- al-Kabri, May 20, 1948 - Israeli forces killed villagers and machine-gunned children who survived;
-- al-Tantura, May 22 - 23, 1948 - Israeli troops killed over 200 villagers, mostly unarmed young men shot in cold blood;
-- on May 26, 1948, David Ben-Gurion formed the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) from the Haganah;
-- Lydda, July 11 - 12, 1948 - the IDF killed several hundred civilians, including 80 machine-gunned inside the Dahmash mosque;
-- Elot, late July, 1948 - the IDF arrested 46 young men; on August 3, several were found dead, and 14 of those arrested were shot in cold blood in an olive grove - in full view of the villagers;
-- Suqrir, August 29, 1948 - the IDF killed 10 villagers;
-- Hula, Lebanon, October 24 - 29, 1948 - the IDF machine-gunned 50 villagers;
-- al-Dawayima, October 29, 1948 - the IDF killed up to 200 villagers;
-- Majd al-Kurum, October 30, 1948 - the IDF slaughtered 20 or more villagers in cold blood;
-- Saliha, October 30, 1948 - IDF forces blew up a house killing 94 Palestinians;
-- Sa'sa', October 30, 1948 - hundreds of Palestinians were slaughtered in cold blood; the entire village was expelled;
-- Nahf, October 31, 1948 - a brutal massacre was carried out of unknown numbers;
-- Khirbat al-Wa'ra al-Sawda, November 2, 1948 - the IDF killed 14 villagers;
-- Beit Jala, January 6, 1952 - seven Palestinians were slaughtered in cold blood;
-- Jerusalem, April 22, 1953 - the IDF killed 10 Palestinians;
-- Bureji Refugee Camp, August 28, 1953 - the IDF killed 20 Palestinians and wounded 62 others;
-- Qibya, Jordan, October 14, 1953 - Ariel Sharon's infamous Unit 101 killed 70 villagers;
-- Nahalin, Jordan, March 28, 1954 - the IDF killed nine Arabs and wounded 19;
-- Gaza City, April 5, 1956 - IDF shelling killed 56 and wounded 193;
-- Kafr Kassem, October 29, 1956 - the IDF killed about 50 men, women and children;
-- the Suez War, October 29 - November 7, 1956 - the IDF executed about 273 Egyptian soldiers and civilians in cold blood;
-- Khan Yunis, November 3, 1956 - the IDF killed dozens of civilians in cold blood;
-- Rafah Refugee Camp, November 12, 1956 - the IDF slaughtered over 100 Palestinians;
-- Nuqeibi, Syria, March 16 - 17, 1962 - IDF artillery and aircraft killed at least 30 unarmed villagers;
-- Samu, Jordan, November 13, 1966 - the IDF destroyed 125 houses, a school, clinic and 15 houses in a nearby village killing 18 and wounded 54 in cold blood;
-- the Six-Day War, June 5 - 11, 1967 - IDF forces preemptively and without cause attacked Egypt, Syria and Jordan; they massacred as many as 2000 helpless or captured Egyptian soldiers; killed about 340 Syrian villagers in the Golan Heights and displaced more than 300,000 Palestinians who fled to the Jordan River's east bank along with others to Lebanon, Egypt and Syria;
-- the USS Liberty incident, June 8, 1967 - Israeli forces attacked and killed 34 Americans and wounded 171 in international waters; a Department of Defense inquiry whitewashed it as a case of "mistaken identity" despite clear knowledge it was a willful attack on a US naval intelligence vessel;
-- Rafah Refugee Camp, June 1967 - the IDF killed 23 Palestinians and buried them in a mass grave;
-- following the Six Day War, June 1967, 56 Palestinians were shot in cold blood trying to cross the Jordan River to the West Bank;
-- February 21, 1973, the IDF shot down Libya Airlines Flight 114 killing 106 passengers, including one American;
-- Hebron, February 25, 1994 - Baruch Goldstein massacred 29 praying Palestinians;
-- the First (1987 - 1992) and Second (2000 - 2005) Intifadas - thousands of Palestinians were killed and injured during IDF rampages against them;
-- the 1982 Lebanon invasion and occupation; 18,000 Lebanese and Palestinians were killed, including 3000 massacred in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps;
-- Jenin, 2002 - the most infamous of numerous massacres during the Second Intifada; the IDF invaded the city and refugee camp; cut them off from outside help; destroyed hundreds of buildings; buried many alive in them under rubble; cut off power and water as well as food and other essential to life supplies; refused to allow in help, including medical aid; and killed and wounded dozens of Palestinian civilians; some accounts cite hundreds as Israeli forces swept up bodies and buried them to avoid an accurate count;
-- the summer 2006 33-day (Second) Lebanon War - the IDF inflicted mass terror attacks and destruction throughout the country; around 1300 were killed; many more were wounded; one million (or one-fourth of the population) were displaced; and most vital infrastructure was destroyed to bring the country to a halt;
-- the June 2006 Operation Summer Rain against Gaza; all border crossings were closed isolating the Territory and preventing essential to life supplies from getting in; air strikes and shellings were used; three main bridges were destroyed; the main water pipe for the Nusairat and al-Boreji refugee camps as well as the Strip's only power plant supplying 80% of the Territory's electricity; the IDF moved into Gaza and took control;
-- the assault followed a series of bloody Israeli attacks: a weekend beach shelling killing eight Palestinians, including seven members of one family; 32 others were injured, including 13 children; a highway missile attack killing 11 and injuring 30; another missile attack killing three children and wounding 15;
-- during the same period, the IDF conducted around 50 incursions into Palestinian West Bank communities; farmland was razed; homes were raided; dozens taken into custody, including children; on June 29, nearly the entire Hamas leadership was arrested, including eight cabinet ministers, 25 PLC members from the Change and Reform Party, and other Hamas officials.
Palestinians have endured all of the above and far more for over 60 years, 41 under occupation:
-- many thousands of Palestinians were killed, injured, imprisoned, and tortured; since 1967, over 700,000 have been incarcerated; the great majority are tortured; many are held uncharged in administrative detention; anywhere from 10 - 12,000 Palestinians or more remain in prison at all times;
-- rampaging military incursions occur repeatedly throughout Occupied Palestine; in November 2007 alone, 786 West Bank raids were conducted; several Palestinians were killed; dozens wounded; and around 400 arrested; in addition, public and private properties were damaged; crops destroyed; land seized; curfews imposed; and free movement was and remains severely restricted;
-- in addition, settlement expansions seize West Bank land; the Separation Wall is taking another 10%; Palestinians have few rights, and since Hamas won a January 2006 PLC majority none at all in Gaza; desperation now plagues them with the Territory under siege, and approaches disaster since Israel launched late December terror bombings and ground and offshore attacks.
Professor Joseph Massad on Gaza Under Attack
Columbia University Professor and Middle East expert Joseph Massad, a Palestinian American, wrote this about Israel's Gaza attack and invasion:
-- "Since 2006, Arab regimes, neoliberal Arab intellectuals (in America and elsewhere), as well as (Fatah under president Mahmoud Abbas and appointed prime minister Salam Fayyad) reached an understanding that only Israel will be able to save them from Hizbollah and Hamas, both organizations constituting a threat to the open alliance Arab regimes have with the US and Israel against Iran and all progressive forces in the region;"
-- "A veritable open alliance now exists between (Fatah), Arab regimes, and Israel (with neoliberal intellectual Arab support), wherein Israel is subcontracted to decimate the Hamas government - the only democratically elected government in the entire Arab world," and therein lies its problem; Washington and Israel won't tolerate democracies; they want repressive regimes they can control; Fatah is a collaborationist ally; Abbas and Fayyad its quisling leadership; Massad calls this "treachery;" it and other Arab regimes "rule by terror and fear;"
-- Israel's carnage is its latest attempt "to ensure that all Arabs and all Palestinians are ruled by dictators and never by democratically elected officials;" Fatah and world powers approve; nonetheless, Palestinians "understand very well that Abbas, his clique, the Arab regimes, the US and Europe are all culpable in their slaughter" as is Israel; they're all "co-conspirators and active partners in crime."
The IDF performs admirably against defenseless civilians. The aftermath, however, is another matter. "Palestinian determination" is strong enough to make Fatah and Abbas "losers" provided popular resistance won't let Israel conquer populations, steal their land, destroy their livelihoods, imprison them in ghettos, and starve them into submission.
For the last century, Zionists haven't learned that "the Palestinian yearning for freedom (can't) be extinguished no matter how barbaric Israel's crimes become," how collaborationist are other Arab regimes, or how traitorous are some of their own people like Fatah. "The Gaza Ghetto Uprising will" continue their proud resistance never to "accept the legitimacy of a racist European colonial settlement in their midst."
Collaborationist Fatah West Bank Crackdowns
On January 8, AP reported that with Gaza fighting raging, West Bank police violently suppressed pro-Gaza demonstrations. "It's as if Gaza has become another country," said university student Mohammed Akram standing next to pictures showing injured Gazans. "You watch TV and see an entire family killed by a missile," said Hossam Salim. "They're not militants or Hamas or anything."
Other reports said PA police assaulted street demonstrators, focusing mainly on anyone carrying Hamas green flags. Violence and arrests followed as Abbas won't let street protests become large, persistent, or openly hostile to Israel. Demonstrators were shocked that police attacked them for supporting their own people in Gaza. Abbas has orders to crack down, and some say he's "on the side of the Jews."
The Jerusalem Post highlights a Fatah - IDF "Iron Fist" policy, a massive crackdown, against all opposition. Reporters and photographers are threatened and assaulted. It's too early to tell, but Massad believes this may backfire and defeat Abbas.
The New York Times may agree. In a January 14 article, correspondent Isabel Kershner headlined: "War on Hamas Saps Palestinian Leaders." She says Fatah and Abbas "seem increasingly beleaguered and marginalized, even in the Palestinian cities....they control....The more bombs in Gaza, the more Hamas' support (grows) at the expense of the (PA)." It wants control over Gaza, but according to Palestinian analyst Ghassan Khatib: "How can it make gains in a war in which it is one of the casualties?"
As a result, Hamas (like Hezbollah in Lebanon) is more popular than ever - among their own people and the Arab street. They represent popular resistance against colonial rule and complicit Arab regimes. If history is a guide, oppression in the end won't work. It provokes anger, dissent and revolt, then liberation. Palestinian unity must denounce Fatah and Abbas, back Hamas, support its popular resistance, and continue struggling for peace, social justice, self-determination, and freedom.
Israeli Human Rights Violations in a Typical Week
The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) compiles them daily for its weekly report. It's disturbing reading even without conflict and affects the West Bank as well as Gaza. Palestine is under military occupation. It's oppressive, illegal and continuous for the past 41 years.
PCHR gives detailed daily accounts of the Gaza slaughter. It also reports on Israel's West Bank oppression with collaborationist Fatah PA (Palestinian Authority) help. Abbas blamed Hamas for the violence, and prime minister Salam Fayyad said nothing to condemn it for the first 13 days of fighting. Afterwards, he made tepid comments, more indicative of complicity than condemnation. Why so? He's a former IMF and World Bank official with no standing among his people. In the 2006 PLC elections, he got 2.4% of the vote as a measure of his illegitimacy. He and Abbas are Israeli tools, enforcers, with considerable Western aid and weapons.
PCHR's West Bank report states:
"IOF (Israeli Occupation Forces) have continued to impose severe restrictions on (free movement), including (in) occupied East Jerusalem." It cites hundreds of checkpoints, roadblocks, closed and controlled roads, and the illegal "Annexation Wall" that will stretch 724 kilometers when finished. It mentions continued assaults, killings, harassments, searches, neighborhood incursions, arrests, and numerous other indignities against a traumatized people like Gazans:
-- two-thirds of West Bank roads between Palestinian communities are closed and/or fully militarized; 500 kilometers of roads are restricted;
-- one-third of the West Bank, including Occupied East Jerusalem, is off-limits to Palestinians without a military permit; very few are available;
-- from January 8 - 14, six Palestinians, including two women were arrested at checkpoints;
-- on January 8 in Hebron, Israeli forces raided homes; arrested two brothers; and shot and killed Ibrahim Shamlawi in cold blood;
-- the IDF fired on al-Fawar refugee camp demonstrators wounding two, including a child;
-- on January 9 in Madama village southwest of Nablus, the IDF raided homes and arrested three men plus another in Nablus;
-- another man was arrested in Qabatya village, southeast of Jenin; homes were raided and searched;
-- in two East Jerusalem areas, Israeli police, border guards and undercover units fired rubber-coated bullets, tear gas and sound bombs on young men and children demonstrating; dozens of children were treated for tear gas inhalation;
- in Hawara village, south of Nablus, Beit Ummar village, north of Hebron, and southern Hebron, the IDF fired on demonstrators, wounded five men and one child, and arrested two others;
-- on January 10 in Azmout village, northeast of Nablus, homes were raided and searched;
-- in Sa'ir village, northeast of Hebron, the IDF fired on demonstrators, wounding three;
-- on January 11 in Beit al-Roush village, southwest of Hebron, homes were raided and searched;
-- in Askar refugee camp, northeast of Nablus, more homes were raided, searched and one man was arrested;
-- on January in Beit Ummar village, north of Hebron, homes were raided, searched, and two men were arrested;
-- in Sa'ir village, northeast of Hebron, homes were raided, searched, and one young teenager was arrested, age 14;
-- on January 13 near Kiryat Arba settlement and Jouhar Mount in east Hebron, dozens of homes were raided and searched;
-- in Dura village, southwest of Hebron, homes were raided, searched and two men arrested;
-- in Beit Oula village, northwest of Hebron, homes were raided, searched and one man arrested;
-- in Ethna village, northwest of Hebron, the IDF shot and killed one man while he was farming his land; according to witnesses, he was handcuffed, blindfolded, and violently beaten for hours, then fired on and killed at point blank range;
-- on January 14 in Awa village, southwest of Hebron, homes were raided, searched and six men arrested;
-- in Sa'ir village, northeast of Hebron, homes were raided, searched and one teenager arrested; and
-- in Kufor Qallil village, east of Nablus, homes were raided, searched and another teenager arrested.
On January 19 (for next week's PCHR's report), sources indicate that the IDF "kidnapped seven Palestinian civilians" during morning pre-dawn West Bank city and town invasions.
Under military occupation, this is daily West Bank life today made harsher by oppressive Fatah security enforcement for Israel. New checkpoints, restrictions, curfews, and other measures are imposed at any time - against peaceful, non-combatant civilians. Palestinians live in daily fear of being harassed, arrested, tortured, or killed. Under siege and terror attacks, conditions in Gaza are worse, but no place in Occupied Palestine is safe, "ceasefire," or no "ceasefire."
Gaza Aggression Timeline
On December 27 without cause, Israeli aircraft launched terror bombings on Gaza - not coincidentally timed for when children were leaving and arriving at school. Relentless round-the-clock attacks have continued for over three weeks. Ceasefire negotiations continue. Under immense pressure and with US collaboration, IDF assaults may pause. This section reviews the timeline.
December 27 - Day One:
At 11:25AM, an initial "shock and awe" attack was launched with 60 aircraft hitting 50 targets simultaneously. By early afternoon, over 100 tons of bombs had fallen. Around 230 deaths were reported and 400 injured, many seriously. Most victims were civilians, many women and children. The same pattern continues daily. From 80 - 90% of casualties are non-combatants according to medical authorities and three human rights organizations on the ground. News reports and independent observers called December 27 the bloodiest day in Occupied Palestine since the 1967 Six Day War.
Day Two
Deaths rose to about 300, injuries to around 900. Dozens of round-the-clock sorties were flown plus helicopter and naval vessel attacks and tanks shellings from inside Israel. Targets from the start included government buildings, the parliament building, police stations, roads, a main water pipe, fuel tanks, schools, the Islamic University of Gaza, mosques, power facilities, sewage systems, TV stations, fishing boats, animal farms, charities, a mental health center, pharmacies, the main prison, ambulances, medical storage warehouses, private dwellings, commercial buildings, workshops, the control room of a telecommunications company - Gaza's entire infrastructure network and civilian neighborhoods. The Territory is being reduced to dysfunction and ruin. The idea is to render Hamas impotent and let Fatah control all Occupied Palestine.
Day Three
Around 335 deaths and 1400 injured have been counted. The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights(PCHR) reported that dozens of missiles hit "civilian facilities and mosques in densely populated areas (including refugee camps). In (one) very horrible crime (over night to early early morning), 22 Palestinian children were killed or wounded" while asleep at home.
Day Four
Deaths are up to 360. Injuries exceed 1400. PCHR reported that 23 private homes so far were bombed and 37 other civilian facilities.
Day Five
Deaths are now 390 and 1600 injured. PCHR reported that Israel "used fighter jets, helicopter gunships, drones and gunboats to launch hundreds of barbarian indiscriminate raids....with disregard for the (welfare), security and safety of the (entire) civilian population (and) vital services" they need. The humanitarian situation is "desperate."
Day Six
By New Year's day, deaths were up to 400 with 1700 injured.
Day Seven
Death and injury tolls mount - up to 420 killed and 1850 wounded, many so seriously they won't survive. Senior Hamas resistance leader Dr. Nizar Rayan was killed at home along with his wife and 11 of his children. PCHR reported that in the last 24 hours aircraft bombed and completely destroyed eight homes and a family meeting hall in Gaza City, 11 others in northern Gaza plus dozens of badly damaged neighboring homes in both locations. Six more were destroyed in central Gaza and three in Rafah. In the first seven days, 66 private homes were destroyed and their inhabitants killed or wounded.
Day Eight
Around 100 children and women so far were killed. More private homes and refugee camps are targeted. The New York Times reported that "Israeli tanks and troops swept across the border into Gaza on Saturday night opening a ground war....after a week of intense airstrikes."
Day Nine
Around 455 deaths are reported and 2300 injured. In one horrific incident, aircraft bombed a Jabalya mosque in northern Gaza killing 15 civilians, four children, and injuring 27 others. Ambulances trying to reach the wounded are attacked. AP reported that "Israeli ground troops and tanks cut swarths through the Gaza Strip on early Sunday, cutting the (Territory) into two and surrounding its biggest city (as the offensive) gained momentum."
Day Ten
Deaths reached 510. Injuries exceeded 2300. Daily counts are the best estimates. PCHR reported that Israeli forces pushed deeper into Gaza and fighting was intense in "densely populated residential areas;" whole families have been killed in attacks, many inside their homes.
Day Eleven
Deaths total 600 and injuries around 2400, including 130 children, 33 women and six medical personnel according to PCHR. Its investigations show "at least 90%" of Palestinian killed in the past few days are civilians. Everything is coming under fire. Israeli tanks shelled an UNWRA school used as a shelter killing at least 40 civilians inside. No place is safe. There's nowhere to hide. Gaza is totally isolated, surrounded, and cut off.
Day Twelve
Deaths jumped to 660 and injuries to 2800. The entire Strip is bombarded. Everything is targeted, including medical personnel and journalists. The enormity of the crimes is appalling. International community silence is shameful. Mass killing and destruction continue. No relief so far is in sight.
Day Thirteen
Deaths exceeded 700, including 169 children and 46 women. Injuries hit 3000. PCHR reported that even hospitals are attacked.
Day Fourteen
Deaths reached 760 and injuries around 3100. Thus far, 189 children, 50 women and six medical personnel have been killed.
Day Fifteen
The death toll hit 800. Injuries topped 3100. PCHR reported that the IDF "continued to attack and obstruct the work of medical, civil defense crews and humanitarian relief crews....(Israel) intends to cause maximum deaths and casualties among Palestinian civilians, and maximum destruction to their property."
Day Sixteen
Deaths numbered 852 with injuries up to 3200. PCHR reported that bombings against residential neighborhoods have been relentless, and ground operations expanded into more Palestinian towns, villages and residential areas. The IDF is using incendiary white phosphorous bombs "against civilians." They're shelling them with "flaming objects that explode into potentially lethal shrapnel while releasing suffocating white smoke." Severe burns to the bone, spasms, serious breathing difficulties, severed limbs, and other injuries are reported, many life-threatening.
Targeting civilians with white phosphorous (called Willy Pete) is illegal. It works by interacting with oxygen to produce fire and smoke for use as smokescreens or as a terror weapon. It's an incendiary like napalm and thermites. As a weapon, it can destroy an enemy's equipment, limit vision, or burn flesh to the bone. Exposure to the smoke can also cause liver, kidney, heart, lung, other organ damage and death. Ingesting it causes throat and lung blistering until victims suffocate while phosphorous burns their insides. Israeli forces are using this against civilians along with other terror weapons.
They're also forcing people from their homes, holding them in detention, treating them inhumanely, denying them food and water, and using them as human shields during clashes with Palestinian resistance fighters. Amnesty International's Israeli investigator Donatella Rovera told the London Guardian that:
"It's standard practice for Israeli soldiers to go into a house, lock up the family in a room on the ground floor, and use the rest of the house as a military base, as a sniper's position. That is the absolute textbook case of human shields." Other instances involved forcing Gazans at gunpoint to precede them into buildings to shield them from possible attack. The 1907 Hague Regulations and Fourth Geneva Convention prohibit these practices. Its Article 27 states:
"Protected (non-combatant) persons are entitled, in all circumstances, to respect for their persons....They shall at all times be humanely treated, and shall be protected especially against all acts of violence...."
Its Article 28 states:
"The presence of a protected person may not be used to render certain points immune from military operations." Civilians may not be placed alongside soldiers or military facilities to deter attacks on them.
Articles 31 and 51 also prohibit use of physical or moral coercion to force civilians to perform military tasks. Nonetheless, Israel uses these tactics repeatedly in defiance of its own High Court ruling against them.
Day Seventeen
Deaths reached 885 and injuries 3900. Indiscriminate attacks continued. The great majority of casualties are civilians. At least 211 are children.
On January 12, the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC - the successor body to its Commission on Human Rights) passed a Cuba-sponsored resolution condemning Israel's aggression and recommending international observers investigate atrocities on the ground. The vote was 33 ayes, one nay (Canada), and 13 abstentions by Germany, represented EU nations, South Korea, Switzerland, and others. Countries in support included Russia, China, Brazil and Argentina. America isn't a member.
Day Eighteen
Deaths hit 910 and injuries 4250.
Day Nineteen
Terror bombings and savage ground attacks continued round-the-clock. The Palestinian Health Ministry reported that confirmed deaths passed 1000 and over 4580 have been injured, many seriously with hundreds "clinically" dead. A Gaza City municipal facility was struck by a blast described as enormous. A central Gaza City cemetery was also hit spreading body parts and rotting flesh over a wide area and simultaneously destroying homes in Sheikh Radwan. Jabaliya Refugee camp was targeted with deaths reported, and Israeli tanks continue to shell houses in densely populated areas.
Entire neighborhoods have been leveled. Agricultural land has been razed. Attacks continue night and day. PCHR cites the "massive forced internal displacement of the civilian population of Gaza City" and other targeted areas.
Reuters, Haaretz, and the Egyptian news agency MENA reported that with changes Hamas may be ready to accept an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire. Hamas leader Salah Al-Bardawil praised Egypt's initiative as "the only one calling for an immediate stop to Israeli aggression."
Hamas representative in Lebanon Osama Hamdan told Al-Jazeera that changes still must be made. "There are still points of difference" so far unresolved. "The initiative in its present form does not realize the (Palestinian national) interest. Specific points have to be changed....We believe there is no initiative which cannot be modified or changed."
Key sticking points remain, including Israel wanting Fatah (the PA) in charge of administering Gaza's reconstruction and controlling its borders - essentially empowering the Abbas - Fayyad government in Gaza as well as the West Bank and neutralizing Hamas.
Other problems also exist, according to Deputy chairman of Hamas' Political Bureau, Moussa Abu Marzouk. He told Al-Arabiya television that:
"Israel did not abide by any of the previous truce conditions, and therefore there must be a short and pre-defined period between each stage that would allow us to evaluate the situation and agree to move on to the next stage."
In addition, Abbas' presidential term expired on January 9. He claims the right to retain it for another year until January 2010 parliamentary elections are held. Hamas disagrees and no longer recognizes him as president. Its spokesman, Mushir al-Masri said: "He's in power only because the Israelis and Americans want him to stay."
Either way, Hamas PLC representative Salah al-Bardawil said ceasefire negotiations seek the following goals: ending Israel's aggression; withdrawing all Israeli troops from Gaza; lifting the siege; reopening border crossings, rehabilitating the Strip, and compensating Gaza residents for the damage. From Damascus, Hamas political leader Khaled Meshal offered the same terms and said: "We will not accept any political movement that doesn't satisfy these demands."
White House spokesperson Dana Perino said: "We have every right to be skeptical of things that you see in the newspaper reported about Hamas. And so I think we need to wait and see what actually happens. And as things develop, we'll comment from there." A State Department official added that Hamas hasn't met ceasefire terms. "It's not a done deal. There are a number of Hamas conditions that (have) to be dealt with." It's clear that means empowering Fatah and neutralizing Hamas.
Day Twenty
Haaretz: "Gaza City hospital (Al-Quds) in flames after hit in Hamas-IDF fighting." Thousands of Palestinians fled in fear as Israeli tanks stormed the city and shelled it, including randomly on residential areas. At the same time, terror bombings continued round the clock. Before midday, confirmed deaths reached 1097 (including 335 children) plus around 5000 injured (including 400 children). Over 400 of the injured are in critical condition.
Israeli aircraft bombed UNWRA headquarters, injuring three employees and attacked two other hospitals from the air and ground. The IDF surrounded Al-Aqsa Hospital, according to volunteers inside. No one can get in or out. Reuters also reported that a media compound was attacked. Several injuries were reported. An IDF spokesperson said attacks will continue despite reports that Hamas may be near accepting an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire.
Hamas confirmed that its Interior Minister, Sa'ed Sayam and six others (including his son, brother and internal security department chief, Saleh Abu Sharekh) were killed when Israeli aircraft bombed his home.
Gaza Professor Said Abdelwahed emailed that his "neighborhood is under total control of Israeli army tanks, infantry and others after 13 hours of bombing and raiding. Snipers are outside (his) door." His later emailed included photos of his building that was damaged by shelling.
At the same time, Israeli gunboats intercepted another mercy ship (the Spirit of Humanity) in international waters. On board were doctors, journalists, European parliament members, and desperately needed medical supplies.
Bolivian President Evo Morales joined Hugo Chavez in severing diplomatic ties with Israel and said he'll ask the International Criminal Court to bring "genocide" charges against its government. He also denounced UN inaction and called for Shimon Peres to be stripped of his Nobel Peace Prize for supporting the slaughter.
Reports say the IDF "kidnapped" five West Bank Palestinians in pre-dawn raids, 60 more in Hebron since January 1, and others in Jenin and elsewhere. At the same time, foreign minister Livni "urge(d) the Red Cross (ICRC) to press Hamas for access to (the captured Israeli soldier) Gilad Shalit," according to "News Agencies" reports. She rises to new heights of hypocrisy.
While Gaza attacks continue, the Lebanese daily Al Safir reported a build-up of Israeli tanks, military vessels and Apache helicopters on its border:
"The Israeli army has mobilized its troops along the (southern) border from the western Lebanese village of Naqurah to the southern border village of Al Wazzani." As a result, the Lebanese army and Hezbollah are on high alert, and why not. Lebanon may be next according to Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya's January 18 "Israel's Next War" article on Global He cites reports that:
"This war is already in the advanced planning stage. In November 2008....the Israeli military held drills for a two-front war against Lebanon and Syria called Shiluv Zro'ot III (Crossing Arms III). The military exercise included a massive simulated invasion of both Syria and Lebanon. (Earlier), Tel Aviv also warned Beirut that it would declare war on the whole of Lebanon and not just Hezbollah."
Given Israel's past aggression on the country, this threat must be taken seriously. It may also be Obama's baptism of fire proof that permanent "wars on terror" will continue on his watch - against Lebanon, perhaps Iran, Syria, Pakistan, and so forth to solidify US hegemony while diverting attention from the collapsing the domestic economy.
Day Twenty-One
Casualties keep mounting. The latest confirmed death toll is 1133. Over 5150 have been injured. Israel is using Egypt to pressure Hamas to surrender. Abbas is on board in support. Khaled Meshal said never. "Israel will not be able to destroy our resistance, and the United States will not be able to dictate us their rules." They don't negotiate, they demand.
Hamas' spokesman in Lebanon, Usama Hamdan, said it will ignore an Israeli unilateral ceasefire agreement. "Either we hear what we have demanded or the result will be the continuation of the confrontation on the ground."
Meanwhile, reports claim Israeli forces are shooting Gazans waving white flags. On January 13, B'Tselem stated:
"Munir Shafik a-Najar (said) the army has been demolishing houses in his area." They use gunfire and loudspeakers ordering people out of their homes. "Rawhiya a-Najar stepped out of her house waving a white flag" and was shot in the head. Others were ordered to a school in a village center and were shot in cold blood. Casualties included three dead and many wounded.
General Assembly President Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann called Israel's assault "genocide" and told Al-Jazeera that he never believed the Security Council would do a thing. How can it with Washington vetoing all resolutions against Israel.
Day Twenty-Two
Confirmed deaths reached 1205. Injuries top 5300 with hundreds in critical condition. Six people were killed, including a woman and two of her children, when aircraft fired missiles at an UNWRA Beit Lahyia school used as a shelter. White phosphorous incendiaries and DIME weapons (that shred flesh to pieces) were used in the fourth attack on a UN school. In each case, Israel had the coordinates, knew the facilities were shelters, and shelled them anyway. Haaretz reported that a UN official wants "an investigation into possible war crimes...and that anyone who is guilty should be brought to justice."
In similar instances, Israel accuses Hamas of firing from schools, mosques, and civilian neighborhoods - the blame game, always against the victims to absolve the aggressor.
Meanwhile, Israel's cabinet will consider a "unilateral" ceasefire, according to Haaretz (and then declared it), in the wake of Washington and Tel Aviv signing a Friday agreement to:
-- "work cooperatively with prevent the supply of arms and related material to terrorist organizations....with a particular focus on" Gaza and Hamas;
-- NATO partners will be involved;
-- enhanced "US security and intelligence cooperation with regional governments" will as well;
-- enhanced "existing international sanctions and enforcement mechanisms" also;
-- "the United States and Israel will assist each other in these efforts" through intelligence sharing;
-- "the United States will accelerate its efforts to provide logistical and technical assistance and to train and equip regional security forces....;" and more.
In other words, Washington will reward Israeli aggression and war crimes with more aid and support. After a Tizpi Livni - Condoleezza Rice Washington meeting, the deal was done, but according to Livni, "If Hamas shoots, we'll have to continue. And if it shoots later on, we'll have to embark on another campaign."
For now, however, it appears that Israel and the Bush administration will quiet things down for the January 20 transition of power. Call it a "no-ceasefire" ceasefire, a pause, a conditional one, not a meaningful cessation of hostilities. Gaza is still occupied, under siege, isolated and alone. The Palestinian liberation struggle continues.
Day Twenty-Three
Overnight, Israel, as expected, announced a "no-ceasefire" ceasefire (beginning 2AM January 18), but vowed to assess the situation "minute-by-minute (and) respond with force" freely at any time. No Hamas demands were met. The occupation and siege continue. Borders will stay closed. Gaza remains isolated. The IDF keeps killing civilians. New deaths and injuries are reported. Corpses are being unearthed under rubble. The official known death toll exceeds 1300 but will rise considerably as new bodies are discovered.
Among the dead - 417 children, 108 women, 120 elderly, 14 medical personnel, and at least four journalists. Injuries exceed 5450. Dr. Muawiya Hassanen of the Palestinian Ministry of Health said dozens are still missing and believed dead.
Israel's Channel 10 reported that the IDF used half its air force over the past three weeks. It flew over 2500 sorties, dropped over 1000 tons of explosives plus tanks, artillery and navel vessels fired hundreds of shells from land and sea. Nonetheless, Hamas held firm and vows to resist until Gaza is free. Spokesman Fawzi Barhoum said:
"A unilateral ceasefire does not mean ending the aggression and ending the siege. These constitute acts of war so this won't mean an end to resistance." Nonetheless, on January 18, Hamas official in Cairo, Ayman Taha, announced a temporary ceasefire to "give Israel a week to withdraw," open all border crossings, and allow in "all materials, food, goods, and basic needs." Other Gaza resistance groups, except the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), agreed to honor the truce. It rejects a ceasefire, insists that "Israeli attack(s are) continuing," and said "armed resistance (will) continue as long as there is one Israeli soldier in Gaza."
For now, explosions are still heard in parts of the Strip. Reports also say shells hit a group of Rafah residents, and white phosphorous bombs struck the At-Tuffah neighborhood in eastern Gaza City. Also an attack helicopter shot at civilians in Jabaliya. So much for the "ceasefire" that can start and stop as Israel chooses in spite of Israeli Channel 10 reporting Israeli tanks and soldiers redeploying from deep inside Gaza positions. Israeli aircraft are still active overhead and naval vessels control coastal areas
Medical crews report "horrifying scenes" of dead bodies "found in pieces." Many are women and children. Images reveal mass destruction, death and despair.
New York Times Apologetics for Israeli War Crimes
On January 16, Jerusalem-based Steven Erlanger headlined: "Weighing Crimes and Ethics in the Fog of Urban Warfare" in typical New York Times fashion. Poor Israel. Despite three weeks of round the clock war crimes against isolated, beleaguered, and defenseless civilians, he quotes Israeli spokesman, Mark Regev saying that the IDF makes every effort "Not to target civilians, not to target UN people, not to target medical staff. All this is very clear in Israeli military doctrine" in spite of clear contradictory evidence.
Tel Aviv University's Asa Kashar helped write Israel's military ethical code. Erlanger cites him calling the IDF's ethical and legal standards high and conscientiously taught to its military. Another unnamed Israeli chief army legal officer as well saying war crimes charges are "deeply unfair and unjust."
He dismisses attacks on civilian neighborhoods, hospitals, ambulances, mosques, schools, UN shelters, Gaza's entire infrastructure, and civilians with no weapons waving white cloths. He cites Israeli claims of being attacked and responding, with no evidence to prove it. He quotes Israeli officials denying collective punishment and claiming no humanitarian crisis exists. He mentions Major Dallal saying: the fundamental question is "How does an army fight a terrorist group?"
Most fundamental is how The New York Times fronts for Israel, conceals its state terrorism, war crimes, and Washington's complicity in their commission.
A Final Comment
So far, it hardly matters whether or not a ceasefire holds. What does matter is growing world outrage, millions globally condemning Israeli terrorism, and potentially gathering enough momentum to matter. It's crucial to maintain pressure, demand Israeli war criminals be punished, and build a world movement for sanctions, divestment, boycott, isolation and UN General Assembly expulsion until Israel complies with international law, ends the Gaza siege, the occupation of Palestine, makes just restitution, grants Palestinians self-determination, and is held accountable before the International Criminal Court or a special tribunal for Israel.
On July 9, 2005, the Global BDS Movement (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) called for action until Israel "complies with international law and universal principles of human rights." It's long past time to stop inaction, timidity, and weak-kneed indecisiveness.
Since its illegitimate May 14, 1948 birth, Israel defiled the rule of law, abused its neighbors, committed genocide against the Palestinians, stole their land and future, and affronted all humanity with its arrogance. It's high time these practices end and Israel be held to account. If not now, when? If not by us, who? If that's not incentive enough, what is?
Stephen Lendman is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization. He lives in Chicago and can be reached at
Also visit his blog site at and listen to The Global Research News Hour on Monday through Friday at 10AM US Central time for cutting-edge discussions on world and national topics with distinguished guests. All programs are archived for easy listening.
In Solidarity With Heroic Gaza
1st Feb 2009
Excellent WORLD & GAZA news source:
(Gaza has only 2,000 beds - not coping)
(deliberate targeting)
(deliberately slaughtered)
(deliberate killings)
(deliberately bombed)
* SCHOOLS: 67 bombed
(all deliberaely targeted)
(deliberate targeting)
(deliberate destruction - no numbers yet)
WAREHOUSES 2 (phosphorous shelled)
(burnt - full of emergency food)
(tens of thousands - deliberate destruction)
* MOSQUES: 41 (totally destroyed)
Partial damaged: 51
* BUILDINGS DESTROYED: 1 in every 6 bombe
FISHING BOATS: 700 bombed
(deliberately destroyed)
VINEYARDS: destroyed
FRUIT ORCHARDS: (all bulldozed)
VEGETABLE FARMS: (total destruction)
CHICKEN FARMS: (total destruction)
BEE HIVES: all bombed
CEMETARIES: 5 desecrated
* HAMAS DEATHS: (never divulges)
CIVILIANS INJURED: (not divulged)
IDF DEATHS: (never divulges true numbers)
"Israel closed Gaza's banks on December 4th '08".
(before invasion)
"Israel must be judged at the International
Criminal Court - Universal petition”
Monday, 19 January 2009
Today in Solidarity We're All Palestinians - by Stephen Lendman
World outrage continues over Israeli war crimes and Washington's complicity. Gazans are now immortalized. Hamas is more popular than ever and remains resolute despite everything the IDF threw against it.
Democrats and Republicans share equal guilt. They fund Israeli state terror, are partnered in its aggression, and have collaboratively planned, supported, and/or agreed to it for the past 41 years. Continuity under Obama is assured. The current Gaza carnage is the worst since 1967. In spite of its "unilateral" ceasefire, sporadic Israeli attacks continue. The IDF merely redeployed. Gaza remains under siege, and human suffering is overwhelming and unrelieved.
Since December 27, Israel conducted terror bombings, tank and naval vessel shellings, and assault troop slaughter on the ground. Illegal weapons were used. Neighborhoods are burning and in ruins. Horrific wounds are reported. Civilians were willfully massacred. They comprise 80 - 90% of the casualties according to human rights organizations and medical authority reports. All 1.5 million Gazans were targeted. They still are. There's no place anywhere to hide.
Sporadic fighting continues after Israel's January 17 announcement. Earlier, Israeli Radio reported that more reservists were activated and that IDF operations were in "phase three." Forces on the ground pushed deeper into Gaza where they remained up to now. Attacks on neighborhoods and refugee camps intensified. Death and injury tolls mount. They approach 7000 but exclude potentially hundreds of unidentified bodies under rubble.
A Brief History of Israeli Terror Killings Since 1946
Gaza is full-scale war but just the latest bloodstained episode in Israel's six-decade reign of terror against Palestinians. This section reviews others since 1946, two years before the establishment of a Jewish state. The list is long, way-incomplete, very disturbing, and shows what Palestinians have endured for over 60 years. Their ordeal continues in the West Bank and Gaza under siege, still attacked, and, as always, betrayed by the dominant media.
The King David Hotel July 22, 1946 Bombing
The Menachem Begin-led Irgun planned and conducted the massacre of 92 Brits, Arabs and Jews, wounding 58 others. As head of the Jewish Agency, David Ben-Gurion approved the operation. It was to destroy British-gathered evidence that its leaders colluded with the Haganah, Palmach, Irgun and Stern gangs in a wave of terrorist crimes and killings. Bombing the King David Hotel was the most notorious and followed a pattern before and since of brutal Israeli state terrorism.
The British Secretariat of the Palestine Government and British Army HQ kept offices in the hotel. Attackers disguised as milkmen, planted explosives in milk containers, placed them in the basement and left. At the time, the action shocked the civilized world and outraged the British leadership and House of Commons.
Other Israeli Terrorist Incidents against Palestinians
-- Tira, December 11, 1947 - five Palestinians were killed and six injured;
-- a village outside Haifa, December 12, 1947 - 12 Palestinians killed;
-- a village outside Tel Aviv, December 14, 1947 - 18 Palestinians killed and 100 injured;
-- al-Khias, December 18, 1947 - the paramilitary Haganah killed 10 Palestinians, most inside their homes;
-- Haifa, December 30, 1947 - six Palestinians killed and 42 wounded;
-- Jerusalem, December 30, 1947 - Irgun terrorists threw a bomb from a speeding car killing 11 Palestinians and two Brits;
-- Balad Esh-Sheikh, December 31, 1947 - the Haganah killed 60 Palestinians, most inside their homes;
-- Jaffa, January 4, 1948 - the Stern Gang killed up to 30 and wounded 100 in a truck bombing;
-- the Semiramis Hotel, Jerusalem, January 4, 1948 - the Haganah bombed the hotel killing 25 civilians;
-- Jaffa Gate, Jerusalem, January 7, 1948 - 17 Palestinians killed;
-- Tireh, February 10, 1948 - seven Palestinians killed and five injured;
-- on a bus from Safad, February 12, 1948 - five Palestinians killed and five injured;
-- Sa'sa', February 14, 1948 - 60 Palestinians killed, mostly in their homes;
-- Qisarya, February 15 - 20, 1948 - 25 Palestinians killed;
-- Haifa, February 20, 1948 - six Palestinians killed and 36 wounded;
-- Haifa, March 3, 1948 - the Stern Gang blew up the Salameh Building killing 11 Palestinians and wounding 27;
-- al-Husayniyya, March 12 and 16 - 17 - the Palmach twice raided the village killing 15 and wounding 20 in the first attack; killing 30 in the second one;
-- Jews blew up a train near Benjamina on March 31, 1948 killing 25 Palestinians and wounding 61;
-- al-Sarafand, April 5, 1948 - 16 Palestinians were killed and 12 wounded, most when a house was mortared;
-- Dier Yassin, April 9, 1948 - the Menachem Begin-led Irgun slaughtered well over 120 Palestinian men, women and children in a bloody rampage; The New York Times reported 254 killed on April 13; 53 orphaned children were dumped like trash along the wall of the Old City; homes were dynamited with inhabitants inside; people were shot at close range, including children; the massacre marked the beginning of what followed during Israel's "War of Independence:" depopulating 531 towns and villages; 11 urban neighborhoods; massacring or displacing 800,000 Palestinians; and committing countless rapes and other atrocities;" remember Dier Yassin; it, too, is immortalized;
-- Tel Litvinsky, April 19, 1948 - Jews killed 90 Palestinians;
-- Tiberias, April 19, 1948 - Jews blew up a home killing Palestinians inside;
-- Ayn al-Zaytun and nearby villages, May 1 - 4, 1948 - 27 Palestinians killed;
-- Acre, May 18, 1948 - Israeli troops killed over 100 Palestinians;
-- al-Kabri, May 20, 1948 - Israeli forces killed villagers and machine-gunned children who survived;
-- al-Tantura, May 22 - 23, 1948 - Israeli troops killed over 200 villagers, mostly unarmed young men shot in cold blood;
-- on May 26, 1948, David Ben-Gurion formed the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) from the Haganah;
-- Lydda, July 11 - 12, 1948 - the IDF killed several hundred civilians, including 80 machine-gunned inside the Dahmash mosque;
-- Elot, late July, 1948 - the IDF arrested 46 young men; on August 3, several were found dead, and 14 of those arrested were shot in cold blood in an olive grove - in full view of the villagers;
-- Suqrir, August 29, 1948 - the IDF killed 10 villagers;
-- Hula, Lebanon, October 24 - 29, 1948 - the IDF machine-gunned 50 villagers;
-- al-Dawayima, October 29, 1948 - the IDF killed up to 200 villagers;
-- Majd al-Kurum, October 30, 1948 - the IDF slaughtered 20 or more villagers in cold blood;
-- Saliha, October 30, 1948 - IDF forces blew up a house killing 94 Palestinians;
-- Sa'sa', October 30, 1948 - hundreds of Palestinians were slaughtered in cold blood; the entire village was expelled;
-- Nahf, October 31, 1948 - a brutal massacre was carried out of unknown numbers;
-- Khirbat al-Wa'ra al-Sawda, November 2, 1948 - the IDF killed 14 villagers;
-- Beit Jala, January 6, 1952 - seven Palestinians were slaughtered in cold blood;
-- Jerusalem, April 22, 1953 - the IDF killed 10 Palestinians;
-- Bureji Refugee Camp, August 28, 1953 - the IDF killed 20 Palestinians and wounded 62 others;
-- Qibya, Jordan, October 14, 1953 - Ariel Sharon's infamous Unit 101 killed 70 villagers;
-- Nahalin, Jordan, March 28, 1954 - the IDF killed nine Arabs and wounded 19;
-- Gaza City, April 5, 1956 - IDF shelling killed 56 and wounded 193;
-- Kafr Kassem, October 29, 1956 - the IDF killed about 50 men, women and children;
-- the Suez War, October 29 - November 7, 1956 - the IDF executed about 273 Egyptian soldiers and civilians in cold blood;
-- Khan Yunis, November 3, 1956 - the IDF killed dozens of civilians in cold blood;
-- Rafah Refugee Camp, November 12, 1956 - the IDF slaughtered over 100 Palestinians;
-- Nuqeibi, Syria, March 16 - 17, 1962 - IDF artillery and aircraft killed at least 30 unarmed villagers;
-- Samu, Jordan, November 13, 1966 - the IDF destroyed 125 houses, a school, clinic and 15 houses in a nearby village killing 18 and wounded 54 in cold blood;
-- the Six-Day War, June 5 - 11, 1967 - IDF forces preemptively and without cause attacked Egypt, Syria and Jordan; they massacred as many as 2000 helpless or captured Egyptian soldiers; killed about 340 Syrian villagers in the Golan Heights and displaced more than 300,000 Palestinians who fled to the Jordan River's east bank along with others to Lebanon, Egypt and Syria;
-- the USS Liberty incident, June 8, 1967 - Israeli forces attacked and killed 34 Americans and wounded 171 in international waters; a Department of Defense inquiry whitewashed it as a case of "mistaken identity" despite clear knowledge it was a willful attack on a US naval intelligence vessel;
-- Rafah Refugee Camp, June 1967 - the IDF killed 23 Palestinians and buried them in a mass grave;
-- following the Six Day War, June 1967, 56 Palestinians were shot in cold blood trying to cross the Jordan River to the West Bank;
-- February 21, 1973, the IDF shot down Libya Airlines Flight 114 killing 106 passengers, including one American;
-- Hebron, February 25, 1994 - Baruch Goldstein massacred 29 praying Palestinians;
-- the First (1987 - 1992) and Second (2000 - 2005) Intifadas - thousands of Palestinians were killed and injured during IDF rampages against them;
-- the 1982 Lebanon invasion and occupation; 18,000 Lebanese and Palestinians were killed, including 3000 massacred in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps;
-- Jenin, 2002 - the most infamous of numerous massacres during the Second Intifada; the IDF invaded the city and refugee camp; cut them off from outside help; destroyed hundreds of buildings; buried many alive in them under rubble; cut off power and water as well as food and other essential to life supplies; refused to allow in help, including medical aid; and killed and wounded dozens of Palestinian civilians; some accounts cite hundreds as Israeli forces swept up bodies and buried them to avoid an accurate count;
-- the summer 2006 33-day (Second) Lebanon War - the IDF inflicted mass terror attacks and destruction throughout the country; around 1300 were killed; many more were wounded; one million (or one-fourth of the population) were displaced; and most vital infrastructure was destroyed to bring the country to a halt;
-- the June 2006 Operation Summer Rain against Gaza; all border crossings were closed isolating the Territory and preventing essential to life supplies from getting in; air strikes and shellings were used; three main bridges were destroyed; the main water pipe for the Nusairat and al-Boreji refugee camps as well as the Strip's only power plant supplying 80% of the Territory's electricity; the IDF moved into Gaza and took control;
-- the assault followed a series of bloody Israeli attacks: a weekend beach shelling killing eight Palestinians, including seven members of one family; 32 others were injured, including 13 children; a highway missile attack killing 11 and injuring 30; another missile attack killing three children and wounding 15;
-- during the same period, the IDF conducted around 50 incursions into Palestinian West Bank communities; farmland was razed; homes were raided; dozens taken into custody, including children; on June 29, nearly the entire Hamas leadership was arrested, including eight cabinet ministers, 25 PLC members from the Change and Reform Party, and other Hamas officials.
Palestinians have endured all of the above and far more for over 60 years, 41 under occupation:
-- many thousands of Palestinians were killed, injured, imprisoned, and tortured; since 1967, over 700,000 have been incarcerated; the great majority are tortured; many are held uncharged in administrative detention; anywhere from 10 - 12,000 Palestinians or more remain in prison at all times;
-- rampaging military incursions occur repeatedly throughout Occupied Palestine; in November 2007 alone, 786 West Bank raids were conducted; several Palestinians were killed; dozens wounded; and around 400 arrested; in addition, public and private properties were damaged; crops destroyed; land seized; curfews imposed; and free movement was and remains severely restricted;
-- in addition, settlement expansions seize West Bank land; the Separation Wall is taking another 10%; Palestinians have few rights, and since Hamas won a January 2006 PLC majority none at all in Gaza; desperation now plagues them with the Territory under siege, and approaches disaster since Israel launched late December terror bombings and ground and offshore attacks.
Professor Joseph Massad on Gaza Under Attack
Columbia University Professor and Middle East expert Joseph Massad, a Palestinian American, wrote this about Israel's Gaza attack and invasion:
-- "Since 2006, Arab regimes, neoliberal Arab intellectuals (in America and elsewhere), as well as (Fatah under president Mahmoud Abbas and appointed prime minister Salam Fayyad) reached an understanding that only Israel will be able to save them from Hizbollah and Hamas, both organizations constituting a threat to the open alliance Arab regimes have with the US and Israel against Iran and all progressive forces in the region;"
-- "A veritable open alliance now exists between (Fatah), Arab regimes, and Israel (with neoliberal intellectual Arab support), wherein Israel is subcontracted to decimate the Hamas government - the only democratically elected government in the entire Arab world," and therein lies its problem; Washington and Israel won't tolerate democracies; they want repressive regimes they can control; Fatah is a collaborationist ally; Abbas and Fayyad its quisling leadership; Massad calls this "treachery;" it and other Arab regimes "rule by terror and fear;"
-- Israel's carnage is its latest attempt "to ensure that all Arabs and all Palestinians are ruled by dictators and never by democratically elected officials;" Fatah and world powers approve; nonetheless, Palestinians "understand very well that Abbas, his clique, the Arab regimes, the US and Europe are all culpable in their slaughter" as is Israel; they're all "co-conspirators and active partners in crime."
The IDF performs admirably against defenseless civilians. The aftermath, however, is another matter. "Palestinian determination" is strong enough to make Fatah and Abbas "losers" provided popular resistance won't let Israel conquer populations, steal their land, destroy their livelihoods, imprison them in ghettos, and starve them into submission.
For the last century, Zionists haven't learned that "the Palestinian yearning for freedom (can't) be extinguished no matter how barbaric Israel's crimes become," how collaborationist are other Arab regimes, or how traitorous are some of their own people like Fatah. "The Gaza Ghetto Uprising will" continue their proud resistance never to "accept the legitimacy of a racist European colonial settlement in their midst."
Collaborationist Fatah West Bank Crackdowns
On January 8, AP reported that with Gaza fighting raging, West Bank police violently suppressed pro-Gaza demonstrations. "It's as if Gaza has become another country," said university student Mohammed Akram standing next to pictures showing injured Gazans. "You watch TV and see an entire family killed by a missile," said Hossam Salim. "They're not militants or Hamas or anything."
Other reports said PA police assaulted street demonstrators, focusing mainly on anyone carrying Hamas green flags. Violence and arrests followed as Abbas won't let street protests become large, persistent, or openly hostile to Israel. Demonstrators were shocked that police attacked them for supporting their own people in Gaza. Abbas has orders to crack down, and some say he's "on the side of the Jews."
The Jerusalem Post highlights a Fatah - IDF "Iron Fist" policy, a massive crackdown, against all opposition. Reporters and photographers are threatened and assaulted. It's too early to tell, but Massad believes this may backfire and defeat Abbas.
The New York Times may agree. In a January 14 article, correspondent Isabel Kershner headlined: "War on Hamas Saps Palestinian Leaders." She says Fatah and Abbas "seem increasingly beleaguered and marginalized, even in the Palestinian cities....they control....The more bombs in Gaza, the more Hamas' support (grows) at the expense of the (PA)." It wants control over Gaza, but according to Palestinian analyst Ghassan Khatib: "How can it make gains in a war in which it is one of the casualties?"
As a result, Hamas (like Hezbollah in Lebanon) is more popular than ever - among their own people and the Arab street. They represent popular resistance against colonial rule and complicit Arab regimes. If history is a guide, oppression in the end won't work. It provokes anger, dissent and revolt, then liberation. Palestinian unity must denounce Fatah and Abbas, back Hamas, support its popular resistance, and continue struggling for peace, social justice, self-determination, and freedom.
Israeli Human Rights Violations in a Typical Week
The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) compiles them daily for its weekly report. It's disturbing reading even without conflict and affects the West Bank as well as Gaza. Palestine is under military occupation. It's oppressive, illegal and continuous for the past 41 years.
PCHR gives detailed daily accounts of the Gaza slaughter. It also reports on Israel's West Bank oppression with collaborationist Fatah PA (Palestinian Authority) help. Abbas blamed Hamas for the violence, and prime minister Salam Fayyad said nothing to condemn it for the first 13 days of fighting. Afterwards, he made tepid comments, more indicative of complicity than condemnation. Why so? He's a former IMF and World Bank official with no standing among his people. In the 2006 PLC elections, he got 2.4% of the vote as a measure of his illegitimacy. He and Abbas are Israeli tools, enforcers, with considerable Western aid and weapons.
PCHR's West Bank report states:
"IOF (Israeli Occupation Forces) have continued to impose severe restrictions on (free movement), including (in) occupied East Jerusalem." It cites hundreds of checkpoints, roadblocks, closed and controlled roads, and the illegal "Annexation Wall" that will stretch 724 kilometers when finished. It mentions continued assaults, killings, harassments, searches, neighborhood incursions, arrests, and numerous other indignities against a traumatized people like Gazans:
-- two-thirds of West Bank roads between Palestinian communities are closed and/or fully militarized; 500 kilometers of roads are restricted;
-- one-third of the West Bank, including Occupied East Jerusalem, is off-limits to Palestinians without a military permit; very few are available;
-- from January 8 - 14, six Palestinians, including two women were arrested at checkpoints;
-- on January 8 in Hebron, Israeli forces raided homes; arrested two brothers; and shot and killed Ibrahim Shamlawi in cold blood;
-- the IDF fired on al-Fawar refugee camp demonstrators wounding two, including a child;
-- on January 9 in Madama village southwest of Nablus, the IDF raided homes and arrested three men plus another in Nablus;
-- another man was arrested in Qabatya village, southeast of Jenin; homes were raided and searched;
-- in two East Jerusalem areas, Israeli police, border guards and undercover units fired rubber-coated bullets, tear gas and sound bombs on young men and children demonstrating; dozens of children were treated for tear gas inhalation;
- in Hawara village, south of Nablus, Beit Ummar village, north of Hebron, and southern Hebron, the IDF fired on demonstrators, wounded five men and one child, and arrested two others;
-- on January 10 in Azmout village, northeast of Nablus, homes were raided and searched;
-- in Sa'ir village, northeast of Hebron, the IDF fired on demonstrators, wounding three;
-- on January 11 in Beit al-Roush village, southwest of Hebron, homes were raided and searched;
-- in Askar refugee camp, northeast of Nablus, more homes were raided, searched and one man was arrested;
-- on January in Beit Ummar village, north of Hebron, homes were raided, searched, and two men were arrested;
-- in Sa'ir village, northeast of Hebron, homes were raided, searched, and one young teenager was arrested, age 14;
-- on January 13 near Kiryat Arba settlement and Jouhar Mount in east Hebron, dozens of homes were raided and searched;
-- in Dura village, southwest of Hebron, homes were raided, searched and two men arrested;
-- in Beit Oula village, northwest of Hebron, homes were raided, searched and one man arrested;
-- in Ethna village, northwest of Hebron, the IDF shot and killed one man while he was farming his land; according to witnesses, he was handcuffed, blindfolded, and violently beaten for hours, then fired on and killed at point blank range;
-- on January 14 in Awa village, southwest of Hebron, homes were raided, searched and six men arrested;
-- in Sa'ir village, northeast of Hebron, homes were raided, searched and one teenager arrested; and
-- in Kufor Qallil village, east of Nablus, homes were raided, searched and another teenager arrested.
On January 19 (for next week's PCHR's report), sources indicate that the IDF "kidnapped seven Palestinian civilians" during morning pre-dawn West Bank city and town invasions.
Under military occupation, this is daily West Bank life today made harsher by oppressive Fatah security enforcement for Israel. New checkpoints, restrictions, curfews, and other measures are imposed at any time - against peaceful, non-combatant civilians. Palestinians live in daily fear of being harassed, arrested, tortured, or killed. Under siege and terror attacks, conditions in Gaza are worse, but no place in Occupied Palestine is safe, "ceasefire," or no "ceasefire."
Gaza Aggression Timeline
On December 27 without cause, Israeli aircraft launched terror bombings on Gaza - not coincidentally timed for when children were leaving and arriving at school. Relentless round-the-clock attacks have continued for over three weeks. Ceasefire negotiations continue. Under immense pressure and with US collaboration, IDF assaults may pause. This section reviews the timeline.
December 27 - Day One:
At 11:25AM, an initial "shock and awe" attack was launched with 60 aircraft hitting 50 targets simultaneously. By early afternoon, over 100 tons of bombs had fallen. Around 230 deaths were reported and 400 injured, many seriously. Most victims were civilians, many women and children. The same pattern continues daily. From 80 - 90% of casualties are non-combatants according to medical authorities and three human rights organizations on the ground. News reports and independent observers called December 27 the bloodiest day in Occupied Palestine since the 1967 Six Day War.
Day Two
Deaths rose to about 300, injuries to around 900. Dozens of round-the-clock sorties were flown plus helicopter and naval vessel attacks and tanks shellings from inside Israel. Targets from the start included government buildings, the parliament building, police stations, roads, a main water pipe, fuel tanks, schools, the Islamic University of Gaza, mosques, power facilities, sewage systems, TV stations, fishing boats, animal farms, charities, a mental health center, pharmacies, the main prison, ambulances, medical storage warehouses, private dwellings, commercial buildings, workshops, the control room of a telecommunications company - Gaza's entire infrastructure network and civilian neighborhoods. The Territory is being reduced to dysfunction and ruin. The idea is to render Hamas impotent and let Fatah control all Occupied Palestine.
Day Three
Around 335 deaths and 1400 injured have been counted. The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights(PCHR) reported that dozens of missiles hit "civilian facilities and mosques in densely populated areas (including refugee camps). In (one) very horrible crime (over night to early early morning), 22 Palestinian children were killed or wounded" while asleep at home.
Day Four
Deaths are up to 360. Injuries exceed 1400. PCHR reported that 23 private homes so far were bombed and 37 other civilian facilities.
Day Five
Deaths are now 390 and 1600 injured. PCHR reported that Israel "used fighter jets, helicopter gunships, drones and gunboats to launch hundreds of barbarian indiscriminate raids....with disregard for the (welfare), security and safety of the (entire) civilian population (and) vital services" they need. The humanitarian situation is "desperate."
Day Six
By New Year's day, deaths were up to 400 with 1700 injured.
Day Seven
Death and injury tolls mount - up to 420 killed and 1850 wounded, many so seriously they won't survive. Senior Hamas resistance leader Dr. Nizar Rayan was killed at home along with his wife and 11 of his children. PCHR reported that in the last 24 hours aircraft bombed and completely destroyed eight homes and a family meeting hall in Gaza City, 11 others in northern Gaza plus dozens of badly damaged neighboring homes in both locations. Six more were destroyed in central Gaza and three in Rafah. In the first seven days, 66 private homes were destroyed and their inhabitants killed or wounded.
Day Eight
Around 100 children and women so far were killed. More private homes and refugee camps are targeted. The New York Times reported that "Israeli tanks and troops swept across the border into Gaza on Saturday night opening a ground war....after a week of intense airstrikes."
Day Nine
Around 455 deaths are reported and 2300 injured. In one horrific incident, aircraft bombed a Jabalya mosque in northern Gaza killing 15 civilians, four children, and injuring 27 others. Ambulances trying to reach the wounded are attacked. AP reported that "Israeli ground troops and tanks cut swarths through the Gaza Strip on early Sunday, cutting the (Territory) into two and surrounding its biggest city (as the offensive) gained momentum."
Day Ten
Deaths reached 510. Injuries exceeded 2300. Daily counts are the best estimates. PCHR reported that Israeli forces pushed deeper into Gaza and fighting was intense in "densely populated residential areas;" whole families have been killed in attacks, many inside their homes.
Day Eleven
Deaths total 600 and injuries around 2400, including 130 children, 33 women and six medical personnel according to PCHR. Its investigations show "at least 90%" of Palestinian killed in the past few days are civilians. Everything is coming under fire. Israeli tanks shelled an UNWRA school used as a shelter killing at least 40 civilians inside. No place is safe. There's nowhere to hide. Gaza is totally isolated, surrounded, and cut off.
Day Twelve
Deaths jumped to 660 and injuries to 2800. The entire Strip is bombarded. Everything is targeted, including medical personnel and journalists. The enormity of the crimes is appalling. International community silence is shameful. Mass killing and destruction continue. No relief so far is in sight.
Day Thirteen
Deaths exceeded 700, including 169 children and 46 women. Injuries hit 3000. PCHR reported that even hospitals are attacked.
Day Fourteen
Deaths reached 760 and injuries around 3100. Thus far, 189 children, 50 women and six medical personnel have been killed.
Day Fifteen
The death toll hit 800. Injuries topped 3100. PCHR reported that the IDF "continued to attack and obstruct the work of medical, civil defense crews and humanitarian relief crews....(Israel) intends to cause maximum deaths and casualties among Palestinian civilians, and maximum destruction to their property."
Day Sixteen
Deaths numbered 852 with injuries up to 3200. PCHR reported that bombings against residential neighborhoods have been relentless, and ground operations expanded into more Palestinian towns, villages and residential areas. The IDF is using incendiary white phosphorous bombs "against civilians." They're shelling them with "flaming objects that explode into potentially lethal shrapnel while releasing suffocating white smoke." Severe burns to the bone, spasms, serious breathing difficulties, severed limbs, and other injuries are reported, many life-threatening.
Targeting civilians with white phosphorous (called Willy Pete) is illegal. It works by interacting with oxygen to produce fire and smoke for use as smokescreens or as a terror weapon. It's an incendiary like napalm and thermites. As a weapon, it can destroy an enemy's equipment, limit vision, or burn flesh to the bone. Exposure to the smoke can also cause liver, kidney, heart, lung, other organ damage and death. Ingesting it causes throat and lung blistering until victims suffocate while phosphorous burns their insides. Israeli forces are using this against civilians along with other terror weapons.
They're also forcing people from their homes, holding them in detention, treating them inhumanely, denying them food and water, and using them as human shields during clashes with Palestinian resistance fighters. Amnesty International's Israeli investigator Donatella Rovera told the London Guardian that:
"It's standard practice for Israeli soldiers to go into a house, lock up the family in a room on the ground floor, and use the rest of the house as a military base, as a sniper's position. That is the absolute textbook case of human shields." Other instances involved forcing Gazans at gunpoint to precede them into buildings to shield them from possible attack. The 1907 Hague Regulations and Fourth Geneva Convention prohibit these practices. Its Article 27 states:
"Protected (non-combatant) persons are entitled, in all circumstances, to respect for their persons....They shall at all times be humanely treated, and shall be protected especially against all acts of violence...."
Its Article 28 states:
"The presence of a protected person may not be used to render certain points immune from military operations." Civilians may not be placed alongside soldiers or military facilities to deter attacks on them.
Articles 31 and 51 also prohibit use of physical or moral coercion to force civilians to perform military tasks. Nonetheless, Israel uses these tactics repeatedly in defiance of its own High Court ruling against them.
Day Seventeen
Deaths reached 885 and injuries 3900. Indiscriminate attacks continued. The great majority of casualties are civilians. At least 211 are children.
On January 12, the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC - the successor body to its Commission on Human Rights) passed a Cuba-sponsored resolution condemning Israel's aggression and recommending international observers investigate atrocities on the ground. The vote was 33 ayes, one nay (Canada), and 13 abstentions by Germany, represented EU nations, South Korea, Switzerland, and others. Countries in support included Russia, China, Brazil and Argentina. America isn't a member.
Day Eighteen
Deaths hit 910 and injuries 4250.
Day Nineteen
Terror bombings and savage ground attacks continued round-the-clock. The Palestinian Health Ministry reported that confirmed deaths passed 1000 and over 4580 have been injured, many seriously with hundreds "clinically" dead. A Gaza City municipal facility was struck by a blast described as enormous. A central Gaza City cemetery was also hit spreading body parts and rotting flesh over a wide area and simultaneously destroying homes in Sheikh Radwan. Jabaliya Refugee camp was targeted with deaths reported, and Israeli tanks continue to shell houses in densely populated areas.
Entire neighborhoods have been leveled. Agricultural land has been razed. Attacks continue night and day. PCHR cites the "massive forced internal displacement of the civilian population of Gaza City" and other targeted areas.
Reuters, Haaretz, and the Egyptian news agency MENA reported that with changes Hamas may be ready to accept an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire. Hamas leader Salah Al-Bardawil praised Egypt's initiative as "the only one calling for an immediate stop to Israeli aggression."
Hamas representative in Lebanon Osama Hamdan told Al-Jazeera that changes still must be made. "There are still points of difference" so far unresolved. "The initiative in its present form does not realize the (Palestinian national) interest. Specific points have to be changed....We believe there is no initiative which cannot be modified or changed."
Key sticking points remain, including Israel wanting Fatah (the PA) in charge of administering Gaza's reconstruction and controlling its borders - essentially empowering the Abbas - Fayyad government in Gaza as well as the West Bank and neutralizing Hamas.
Other problems also exist, according to Deputy chairman of Hamas' Political Bureau, Moussa Abu Marzouk. He told Al-Arabiya television that:
"Israel did not abide by any of the previous truce conditions, and therefore there must be a short and pre-defined period between each stage that would allow us to evaluate the situation and agree to move on to the next stage."
In addition, Abbas' presidential term expired on January 9. He claims the right to retain it for another year until January 2010 parliamentary elections are held. Hamas disagrees and no longer recognizes him as president. Its spokesman, Mushir al-Masri said: "He's in power only because the Israelis and Americans want him to stay."
Either way, Hamas PLC representative Salah al-Bardawil said ceasefire negotiations seek the following goals: ending Israel's aggression; withdrawing all Israeli troops from Gaza; lifting the siege; reopening border crossings, rehabilitating the Strip, and compensating Gaza residents for the damage. From Damascus, Hamas political leader Khaled Meshal offered the same terms and said: "We will not accept any political movement that doesn't satisfy these demands."
White House spokesperson Dana Perino said: "We have every right to be skeptical of things that you see in the newspaper reported about Hamas. And so I think we need to wait and see what actually happens. And as things develop, we'll comment from there." A State Department official added that Hamas hasn't met ceasefire terms. "It's not a done deal. There are a number of Hamas conditions that (have) to be dealt with." It's clear that means empowering Fatah and neutralizing Hamas.
Day Twenty
Haaretz: "Gaza City hospital (Al-Quds) in flames after hit in Hamas-IDF fighting." Thousands of Palestinians fled in fear as Israeli tanks stormed the city and shelled it, including randomly on residential areas. At the same time, terror bombings continued round the clock. Before midday, confirmed deaths reached 1097 (including 335 children) plus around 5000 injured (including 400 children). Over 400 of the injured are in critical condition.
Israeli aircraft bombed UNWRA headquarters, injuring three employees and attacked two other hospitals from the air and ground. The IDF surrounded Al-Aqsa Hospital, according to volunteers inside. No one can get in or out. Reuters also reported that a media compound was attacked. Several injuries were reported. An IDF spokesperson said attacks will continue despite reports that Hamas may be near accepting an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire.
Hamas confirmed that its Interior Minister, Sa'ed Sayam and six others (including his son, brother and internal security department chief, Saleh Abu Sharekh) were killed when Israeli aircraft bombed his home.
Gaza Professor Said Abdelwahed emailed that his "neighborhood is under total control of Israeli army tanks, infantry and others after 13 hours of bombing and raiding. Snipers are outside (his) door." His later emailed included photos of his building that was damaged by shelling.
At the same time, Israeli gunboats intercepted another mercy ship (the Spirit of Humanity) in international waters. On board were doctors, journalists, European parliament members, and desperately needed medical supplies.
Bolivian President Evo Morales joined Hugo Chavez in severing diplomatic ties with Israel and said he'll ask the International Criminal Court to bring "genocide" charges against its government. He also denounced UN inaction and called for Shimon Peres to be stripped of his Nobel Peace Prize for supporting the slaughter.
Reports say the IDF "kidnapped" five West Bank Palestinians in pre-dawn raids, 60 more in Hebron since January 1, and others in Jenin and elsewhere. At the same time, foreign minister Livni "urge(d) the Red Cross (ICRC) to press Hamas for access to (the captured Israeli soldier) Gilad Shalit," according to "News Agencies" reports. She rises to new heights of hypocrisy.
While Gaza attacks continue, the Lebanese daily Al Safir reported a build-up of Israeli tanks, military vessels and Apache helicopters on its border:
"The Israeli army has mobilized its troops along the (southern) border from the western Lebanese village of Naqurah to the southern border village of Al Wazzani." As a result, the Lebanese army and Hezbollah are on high alert, and why not. Lebanon may be next according to Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya's January 18 "Israel's Next War" article on Global He cites reports that:
"This war is already in the advanced planning stage. In November 2008....the Israeli military held drills for a two-front war against Lebanon and Syria called Shiluv Zro'ot III (Crossing Arms III). The military exercise included a massive simulated invasion of both Syria and Lebanon. (Earlier), Tel Aviv also warned Beirut that it would declare war on the whole of Lebanon and not just Hezbollah."
Given Israel's past aggression on the country, this threat must be taken seriously. It may also be Obama's baptism of fire proof that permanent "wars on terror" will continue on his watch - against Lebanon, perhaps Iran, Syria, Pakistan, and so forth to solidify US hegemony while diverting attention from the collapsing the domestic economy.
Day Twenty-One
Casualties keep mounting. The latest confirmed death toll is 1133. Over 5150 have been injured. Israel is using Egypt to pressure Hamas to surrender. Abbas is on board in support. Khaled Meshal said never. "Israel will not be able to destroy our resistance, and the United States will not be able to dictate us their rules." They don't negotiate, they demand.
Hamas' spokesman in Lebanon, Usama Hamdan, said it will ignore an Israeli unilateral ceasefire agreement. "Either we hear what we have demanded or the result will be the continuation of the confrontation on the ground."
Meanwhile, reports claim Israeli forces are shooting Gazans waving white flags. On January 13, B'Tselem stated:
"Munir Shafik a-Najar (said) the army has been demolishing houses in his area." They use gunfire and loudspeakers ordering people out of their homes. "Rawhiya a-Najar stepped out of her house waving a white flag" and was shot in the head. Others were ordered to a school in a village center and were shot in cold blood. Casualties included three dead and many wounded.
General Assembly President Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann called Israel's assault "genocide" and told Al-Jazeera that he never believed the Security Council would do a thing. How can it with Washington vetoing all resolutions against Israel.
Day Twenty-Two
Confirmed deaths reached 1205. Injuries top 5300 with hundreds in critical condition. Six people were killed, including a woman and two of her children, when aircraft fired missiles at an UNWRA Beit Lahyia school used as a shelter. White phosphorous incendiaries and DIME weapons (that shred flesh to pieces) were used in the fourth attack on a UN school. In each case, Israel had the coordinates, knew the facilities were shelters, and shelled them anyway. Haaretz reported that a UN official wants "an investigation into possible war crimes...and that anyone who is guilty should be brought to justice."
In similar instances, Israel accuses Hamas of firing from schools, mosques, and civilian neighborhoods - the blame game, always against the victims to absolve the aggressor.
Meanwhile, Israel's cabinet will consider a "unilateral" ceasefire, according to Haaretz (and then declared it), in the wake of Washington and Tel Aviv signing a Friday agreement to:
-- "work cooperatively with prevent the supply of arms and related material to terrorist organizations....with a particular focus on" Gaza and Hamas;
-- NATO partners will be involved;
-- enhanced "US security and intelligence cooperation with regional governments" will as well;
-- enhanced "existing international sanctions and enforcement mechanisms" also;
-- "the United States and Israel will assist each other in these efforts" through intelligence sharing;
-- "the United States will accelerate its efforts to provide logistical and technical assistance and to train and equip regional security forces....;" and more.
In other words, Washington will reward Israeli aggression and war crimes with more aid and support. After a Tizpi Livni - Condoleezza Rice Washington meeting, the deal was done, but according to Livni, "If Hamas shoots, we'll have to continue. And if it shoots later on, we'll have to embark on another campaign."
For now, however, it appears that Israel and the Bush administration will quiet things down for the January 20 transition of power. Call it a "no-ceasefire" ceasefire, a pause, a conditional one, not a meaningful cessation of hostilities. Gaza is still occupied, under siege, isolated and alone. The Palestinian liberation struggle continues.
Day Twenty-Three
Overnight, Israel, as expected, announced a "no-ceasefire" ceasefire (beginning 2AM January 18), but vowed to assess the situation "minute-by-minute (and) respond with force" freely at any time. No Hamas demands were met. The occupation and siege continue. Borders will stay closed. Gaza remains isolated. The IDF keeps killing civilians. New deaths and injuries are reported. Corpses are being unearthed under rubble. The official known death toll exceeds 1300 but will rise considerably as new bodies are discovered.
Among the dead - 417 children, 108 women, 120 elderly, 14 medical personnel, and at least four journalists. Injuries exceed 5450. Dr. Muawiya Hassanen of the Palestinian Ministry of Health said dozens are still missing and believed dead.
Israel's Channel 10 reported that the IDF used half its air force over the past three weeks. It flew over 2500 sorties, dropped over 1000 tons of explosives plus tanks, artillery and navel vessels fired hundreds of shells from land and sea. Nonetheless, Hamas held firm and vows to resist until Gaza is free. Spokesman Fawzi Barhoum said:
"A unilateral ceasefire does not mean ending the aggression and ending the siege. These constitute acts of war so this won't mean an end to resistance." Nonetheless, on January 18, Hamas official in Cairo, Ayman Taha, announced a temporary ceasefire to "give Israel a week to withdraw," open all border crossings, and allow in "all materials, food, goods, and basic needs." Other Gaza resistance groups, except the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), agreed to honor the truce. It rejects a ceasefire, insists that "Israeli attack(s are) continuing," and said "armed resistance (will) continue as long as there is one Israeli soldier in Gaza."
For now, explosions are still heard in parts of the Strip. Reports also say shells hit a group of Rafah residents, and white phosphorous bombs struck the At-Tuffah neighborhood in eastern Gaza City. Also an attack helicopter shot at civilians in Jabaliya. So much for the "ceasefire" that can start and stop as Israel chooses in spite of Israeli Channel 10 reporting Israeli tanks and soldiers redeploying from deep inside Gaza positions. Israeli aircraft are still active overhead and naval vessels control coastal areas
Medical crews report "horrifying scenes" of dead bodies "found in pieces." Many are women and children. Images reveal mass destruction, death and despair.
New York Times Apologetics for Israeli War Crimes
On January 16, Jerusalem-based Steven Erlanger headlined: "Weighing Crimes and Ethics in the Fog of Urban Warfare" in typical New York Times fashion. Poor Israel. Despite three weeks of round the clock war crimes against isolated, beleaguered, and defenseless civilians, he quotes Israeli spokesman, Mark Regev saying that the IDF makes every effort "Not to target civilians, not to target UN people, not to target medical staff. All this is very clear in Israeli military doctrine" in spite of clear contradictory evidence.
Tel Aviv University's Asa Kashar helped write Israel's military ethical code. Erlanger cites him calling the IDF's ethical and legal standards high and conscientiously taught to its military. Another unnamed Israeli chief army legal officer as well saying war crimes charges are "deeply unfair and unjust."
He dismisses attacks on civilian neighborhoods, hospitals, ambulances, mosques, schools, UN shelters, Gaza's entire infrastructure, and civilians with no weapons waving white cloths. He cites Israeli claims of being attacked and responding, with no evidence to prove it. He quotes Israeli officials denying collective punishment and claiming no humanitarian crisis exists. He mentions Major Dallal saying: the fundamental question is "How does an army fight a terrorist group?"
Most fundamental is how The New York Times fronts for Israel, conceals its state terrorism, war crimes, and Washington's complicity in their commission.
A Final Comment
So far, it hardly matters whether or not a ceasefire holds. What does matter is growing world outrage, millions globally condemning Israeli terrorism, and potentially gathering enough momentum to matter. It's crucial to maintain pressure, demand Israeli war criminals be punished, and build a world movement for sanctions, divestment, boycott, isolation and UN General Assembly expulsion until Israel complies with international law, ends the Gaza siege, the occupation of Palestine, makes just restitution, grants Palestinians self-determination, and is held accountable before the International Criminal Court or a special tribunal for Israel.
On July 9, 2005, the Global BDS Movement (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) called for action until Israel "complies with international law and universal principles of human rights." It's long past time to stop inaction, timidity, and weak-kneed indecisiveness.
Since its illegitimate May 14, 1948 birth, Israel defiled the rule of law, abused its neighbors, committed genocide against the Palestinians, stole their land and future, and affronted all humanity with its arrogance. It's high time these practices end and Israel be held to account. If not now, when? If not by us, who? If that's not incentive enough, what is?
Stephen Lendman is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization. He lives in Chicago and can be reached at
Also visit his blog site at and listen to The Global Research News Hour on Monday through Friday at 10AM US Central time for cutting-edge discussions on world and national topics with distinguished guests. All programs are archived for easy listening.
In Solidarity With Heroic Gaza
1st Feb 2009
Excellent WORLD & GAZA news source:
(Gaza has only 2,000 beds - not coping)
(deliberate targeting)
(deliberately slaughtered)
(deliberate killings)
(deliberately bombed)
* SCHOOLS: 67 bombed
(all deliberaely targeted)
(deliberate targeting)
(deliberate destruction - no numbers yet)
WAREHOUSES 2 (phosphorous shelled)
(burnt - full of emergency food)
(tens of thousands - deliberate destruction)
* MOSQUES: 41 (totally destroyed)
Partial damaged: 51
* BUILDINGS DESTROYED: 1 in every 6 bombe
FISHING BOATS: 700 bombed
(deliberately destroyed)
VINEYARDS: destroyed
FRUIT ORCHARDS: (all bulldozed)
VEGETABLE FARMS: (total destruction)
CHICKEN FARMS: (total destruction)
BEE HIVES: all bombed
CEMETARIES: 5 desecrated
* HAMAS DEATHS: (never divulges)
CIVILIANS INJURED: (not divulged)
IDF DEATHS: (never divulges true numbers)
"Israel closed Gaza's banks on December 4th '08".
(before invasion)
"Israel must be judged at the International
Criminal Court - Universal petition”
Sunday, February 1, 2009
The Wounds
The Wounds of Gaza 2009
Written by annelk
January 30, 2009 at 9:47 am
This first-hand field report and analysis comes direct from UK physicians Dr Ghassan Abu Sittah and Dr Swee Ang in Gaza. Please consider supporting their important medical efforts through any designated charities or through MAP.
Forthcoming dispatches will be published here as received; here is the first which provides background to the situation as well as salient medical and political details often directly garnered on the situation at hand. Emphasis in bold is editorial.
The wounds of Gaza are deep. Dr Ghassan describes it as multi-layered. Are we talking about the Khan Younis massacre of 5,000 in 1956 or the execution of 35,000 prisoners of war by Israel in 1967? Yet more wounds of the First Intifada, when civil disobedience by an occupied people against the occupiers resulted in massive wounded and hundreds dead? We also cannot discount the 5,420 wounded in southern Gaza alone since 2000. Hence what we are referring to below are only that of the invasion as of 27 December 2008.
Over the period of 27 December 2008 to the ceasefire of 18 Jan 2009, it was estimated that a million and a half tons of explosives were dropped on Gaza Strip. Gaza is 25 miles by 5 miles and home to 1.5 million people. This makes it the most crowded area in the whole world. Prior to this Gaza has been completely blockaded and starved for 50 days. In fact since the Palestinian election Gaza has been under total or partial blockade for several years.
On the first day of the invasion, 250 persons were killed. Every single police station in Gaza was bombed killing large numbers of police officers. Having wiped out the police force, attention was turned to non-government targets. Gaza was bombed from the air by F16 and Apache helicopters, shelled from the sea by Israeli gunboats and from the land by tank artillery. Many schools were reduced to rubble, including the American School of Gaza, 40 mosques, hospitals, UN buildings, and of course 21,000 homes, 4,000 of which were demolished completely. It is estimated that 100,000 people are now homeless.
The weapons used apart from conventional bombs and high explosives also include unconventional weapons of which at least 4 categories could be identified:
1. Phosphorus Shells and bombs.
The bombs dropped were described by eyewitnesses as exploding at high altitude scattering a large canopy of phosphorus bomblets which cover a large area. During the land invasion, eyewitnesses describe the tanks shelling into homes first with a conventional shell. Once the walls are destroyed, a second shell – a phosphorus shell is then shot into the homes. Used in this manner, the phosphorus explodes and burns the families and the homes. Many charred bodies were found among burning phosphorus particles.
One area of concern is the phosphorus seems to be in a special stabilizing agent. This results in the phosphorus being more stable and not completely burning out. Residues still cover the fields, playground and compounds. They ignite when picked up by curious kids, or produce fumes when farmers return to water their fields. One returning farming family on watering their field met with clouds of fumes producing epistaxis. Thus the phosphorus residues probably treated with a stabilizer also act as anti-personnel weapons against children and make the return to normal life difficult without certain hazards.
Surgeons from hospitals are also reporting cases where after primary laparotomy for relatively small wounds with minimal contamination find on second look laparotomy increasing areas of tissue necrosis at about 3 days. Patients then become gravely ill and by about 10 days those patients needing a third re-look encounter massive liver necrosis. This may or may not be accompanied by generalized bleeding, kidney failure and heart failure and death. Although acidosis, liver necrosis and sudden cardiac arrest due to hypocalcemia is known to be a complication of white phosphorus it is not possible to attribute these complications as being due to phosphorus alone.
There is real urgency to analyze and identify the real nature of this modified phosphorus as to its long term effect on the people of Gaza. There is also urgency in collecting and disposing of the phosphorus residues littering the entire Gaza Strip. As they give off toxic fumes when coming into contact with water, once the rain falls the whole area would be polluted with acid phosphorus fumes. Children should be warned not to handle and play with these phosphorus residues.
2. Heavy Bombs
The use of DIME (dense inert material explosives) were evident, though it is unsure whether depleted uranium were used in the south. In the civilian areas, surviving patients were found to have limbs truncated by DIME, since the stumps apart from being characteristically cut off in guillotine fashion also fail to bleed. Bomb casing and shrapnels are extremely heavy.
3. Fuel Air Explosives
Bunker busters and implosion bombs have been used. There are buildings especially the 8-storey Science and Technology Building of the Islamic University of Gaza which had been reduced to a pile of rubble no higher than 5-6 feet.
4. Silent Bombs
People in Gaza described a silent bomb which is extremely destructive. The bomb arrives as a silent projectile at most with a whistling sound and creates a large area where all objects and living things are vaporized with minimal trace. We are unable to fit this into conventional weapons but the possibility of new particle weapons being tested should be suspected.
5. Executions
Survivors describe Israeli tanks arriving in front of homes asking residents to come out. Children, old people and women would come forward and as they were lined up they were just fired on and killed. Families have lost tens of their members through such executions. The deliberate targeting of unarmed children and women is well documented by human right groups in the Gaza Strip over the past month.
6. Targeting of ambulances
Thirteen ambulances had been fired upon killing drivers and first aid personnel in the process of rescue and evacuation of the wounded.
7. Cluster bombs
The first patients wounded by cluster were brought into Abu Yusef Najjar Hospital. Since more than 50% of the tunnels have been destroyed, Gaza has lost part of her lifeline. These tunnels contrary to popular belief are not for weapons, though small light weapons could have been smuggled through them. However they are the main stay of food and fuel for Gaza. Palestinians are beginning to tunnel again. However it became clear that cluster bombs were dropped on to the Rafah border and the first was accidentally set off by tunneling. Five burns patients were brought in after setting off a booby trap kind of device.
As of 25 January 2009, the death toll was estimated at 1,350 with the numbers increasing daily. This is due to the severely wounded continuing to die in hospitals. 60% of those killed were children.
The severely injured numbered 5,450, with 40% being children. These are mainly large burns and polytrauma patients. Single limb fractures and walking wounded are not included in these figures.
Through our conversations with doctors and nurses the word holocaust and catastrophe were repeatedly used. The medical staff all bear the psychological trauma of the past month living though the situation and dealing with mass casualties which swamped their casualties and operating rooms. Many patients died in the Accident and Emergency Department while awaiting treatment. In a district hospital, the orthopaedic surgeon carried out 13 external fixations in less than a day.
It is estimated that of the severely injured, 1,600 will suffer permanently disabilities. These include amputations, spinal cord injuries, head injuries, large burns with crippling contractures.
The death and injury toll is especially high in this recent assault due to several factors.
1. No escape: As Gaza is sealed by Israeli troops, no one can escape the bombardment and the land invasion. There is simply no escape. Even within the Gaza Strip itself, movement from north to south is impossible as Israeli tanks had cut the northern half of Gaza from the south. Compare this with the situation in Lebanon 1982 and 2006, when it was possible for people to escape from an area of heavy bombardment to an area of relative calm – there was no such is option for Gaza.
2. Gaza is very densely populated. It is eerie to see that the bombs used by Israel have been precision bombs. They have a hundred percent hit rate on buildings which are crowded with people. Examples are the central market, police stations. Schools, the UN compounds used as a safety shelter from bombardment, mosques (40 of them destroyed), and the homes of families who thought they were safe as there were no combatants in them and high rise flats where a single implosion bomb would destroy multiple families. This pattern of consistent targeting of civilians makes one suspect that the military targets are but collateral damage, while civilians are the primary targets.
3. The quantity and quality of the ammunition being used as described above.
4. Gaza’s lack of defense against the modern weapons of Israel. She has no tanks, no planes, no anti-aircraft missiles against the invading army. We experienced that first hand in a minor clash of Israeli tank shells versus Palestinian AK47 return fire. The forces were simply unmatched.
5. Absence of well constructed bomb shelters for civilians. Unfortunately these will also be no match for bunker busters possessed by the Israeli Army.
Taking the above points into consideration, the next assault on Gaza would be just as disastrous. The people of Gaza are extremely vulnerable and defenseless in the event of yet another attack. The International Community, if it were serious about preventing this large scale of deaths and injuries, will have to develop a defense force for Gaza if it is considered desirable for Gaza were to continue to be inadequately armed to defend herself.
The Wounds of Gaza 2009
Written by annelk
January 30, 2009 at 9:47 am
This first-hand field report and analysis comes direct from UK physicians Dr Ghassan Abu Sittah and Dr Swee Ang in Gaza. Please consider supporting their important medical efforts through any designated charities or through MAP.
Forthcoming dispatches will be published here as received; here is the first which provides background to the situation as well as salient medical and political details often directly garnered on the situation at hand. Emphasis in bold is editorial.
The wounds of Gaza are deep. Dr Ghassan describes it as multi-layered. Are we talking about the Khan Younis massacre of 5,000 in 1956 or the execution of 35,000 prisoners of war by Israel in 1967? Yet more wounds of the First Intifada, when civil disobedience by an occupied people against the occupiers resulted in massive wounded and hundreds dead? We also cannot discount the 5,420 wounded in southern Gaza alone since 2000. Hence what we are referring to below are only that of the invasion as of 27 December 2008.
Over the period of 27 December 2008 to the ceasefire of 18 Jan 2009, it was estimated that a million and a half tons of explosives were dropped on Gaza Strip. Gaza is 25 miles by 5 miles and home to 1.5 million people. This makes it the most crowded area in the whole world. Prior to this Gaza has been completely blockaded and starved for 50 days. In fact since the Palestinian election Gaza has been under total or partial blockade for several years.
On the first day of the invasion, 250 persons were killed. Every single police station in Gaza was bombed killing large numbers of police officers. Having wiped out the police force, attention was turned to non-government targets. Gaza was bombed from the air by F16 and Apache helicopters, shelled from the sea by Israeli gunboats and from the land by tank artillery. Many schools were reduced to rubble, including the American School of Gaza, 40 mosques, hospitals, UN buildings, and of course 21,000 homes, 4,000 of which were demolished completely. It is estimated that 100,000 people are now homeless.
The weapons used apart from conventional bombs and high explosives also include unconventional weapons of which at least 4 categories could be identified:
1. Phosphorus Shells and bombs.
The bombs dropped were described by eyewitnesses as exploding at high altitude scattering a large canopy of phosphorus bomblets which cover a large area. During the land invasion, eyewitnesses describe the tanks shelling into homes first with a conventional shell. Once the walls are destroyed, a second shell – a phosphorus shell is then shot into the homes. Used in this manner, the phosphorus explodes and burns the families and the homes. Many charred bodies were found among burning phosphorus particles.
One area of concern is the phosphorus seems to be in a special stabilizing agent. This results in the phosphorus being more stable and not completely burning out. Residues still cover the fields, playground and compounds. They ignite when picked up by curious kids, or produce fumes when farmers return to water their fields. One returning farming family on watering their field met with clouds of fumes producing epistaxis. Thus the phosphorus residues probably treated with a stabilizer also act as anti-personnel weapons against children and make the return to normal life difficult without certain hazards.
Surgeons from hospitals are also reporting cases where after primary laparotomy for relatively small wounds with minimal contamination find on second look laparotomy increasing areas of tissue necrosis at about 3 days. Patients then become gravely ill and by about 10 days those patients needing a third re-look encounter massive liver necrosis. This may or may not be accompanied by generalized bleeding, kidney failure and heart failure and death. Although acidosis, liver necrosis and sudden cardiac arrest due to hypocalcemia is known to be a complication of white phosphorus it is not possible to attribute these complications as being due to phosphorus alone.
There is real urgency to analyze and identify the real nature of this modified phosphorus as to its long term effect on the people of Gaza. There is also urgency in collecting and disposing of the phosphorus residues littering the entire Gaza Strip. As they give off toxic fumes when coming into contact with water, once the rain falls the whole area would be polluted with acid phosphorus fumes. Children should be warned not to handle and play with these phosphorus residues.
2. Heavy Bombs
The use of DIME (dense inert material explosives) were evident, though it is unsure whether depleted uranium were used in the south. In the civilian areas, surviving patients were found to have limbs truncated by DIME, since the stumps apart from being characteristically cut off in guillotine fashion also fail to bleed. Bomb casing and shrapnels are extremely heavy.
3. Fuel Air Explosives
Bunker busters and implosion bombs have been used. There are buildings especially the 8-storey Science and Technology Building of the Islamic University of Gaza which had been reduced to a pile of rubble no higher than 5-6 feet.
4. Silent Bombs
People in Gaza described a silent bomb which is extremely destructive. The bomb arrives as a silent projectile at most with a whistling sound and creates a large area where all objects and living things are vaporized with minimal trace. We are unable to fit this into conventional weapons but the possibility of new particle weapons being tested should be suspected.
5. Executions
Survivors describe Israeli tanks arriving in front of homes asking residents to come out. Children, old people and women would come forward and as they were lined up they were just fired on and killed. Families have lost tens of their members through such executions. The deliberate targeting of unarmed children and women is well documented by human right groups in the Gaza Strip over the past month.
6. Targeting of ambulances
Thirteen ambulances had been fired upon killing drivers and first aid personnel in the process of rescue and evacuation of the wounded.
7. Cluster bombs
The first patients wounded by cluster were brought into Abu Yusef Najjar Hospital. Since more than 50% of the tunnels have been destroyed, Gaza has lost part of her lifeline. These tunnels contrary to popular belief are not for weapons, though small light weapons could have been smuggled through them. However they are the main stay of food and fuel for Gaza. Palestinians are beginning to tunnel again. However it became clear that cluster bombs were dropped on to the Rafah border and the first was accidentally set off by tunneling. Five burns patients were brought in after setting off a booby trap kind of device.
As of 25 January 2009, the death toll was estimated at 1,350 with the numbers increasing daily. This is due to the severely wounded continuing to die in hospitals. 60% of those killed were children.
The severely injured numbered 5,450, with 40% being children. These are mainly large burns and polytrauma patients. Single limb fractures and walking wounded are not included in these figures.
Through our conversations with doctors and nurses the word holocaust and catastrophe were repeatedly used. The medical staff all bear the psychological trauma of the past month living though the situation and dealing with mass casualties which swamped their casualties and operating rooms. Many patients died in the Accident and Emergency Department while awaiting treatment. In a district hospital, the orthopaedic surgeon carried out 13 external fixations in less than a day.
It is estimated that of the severely injured, 1,600 will suffer permanently disabilities. These include amputations, spinal cord injuries, head injuries, large burns with crippling contractures.
The death and injury toll is especially high in this recent assault due to several factors.
1. No escape: As Gaza is sealed by Israeli troops, no one can escape the bombardment and the land invasion. There is simply no escape. Even within the Gaza Strip itself, movement from north to south is impossible as Israeli tanks had cut the northern half of Gaza from the south. Compare this with the situation in Lebanon 1982 and 2006, when it was possible for people to escape from an area of heavy bombardment to an area of relative calm – there was no such is option for Gaza.
2. Gaza is very densely populated. It is eerie to see that the bombs used by Israel have been precision bombs. They have a hundred percent hit rate on buildings which are crowded with people. Examples are the central market, police stations. Schools, the UN compounds used as a safety shelter from bombardment, mosques (40 of them destroyed), and the homes of families who thought they were safe as there were no combatants in them and high rise flats where a single implosion bomb would destroy multiple families. This pattern of consistent targeting of civilians makes one suspect that the military targets are but collateral damage, while civilians are the primary targets.
3. The quantity and quality of the ammunition being used as described above.
4. Gaza’s lack of defense against the modern weapons of Israel. She has no tanks, no planes, no anti-aircraft missiles against the invading army. We experienced that first hand in a minor clash of Israeli tank shells versus Palestinian AK47 return fire. The forces were simply unmatched.
5. Absence of well constructed bomb shelters for civilians. Unfortunately these will also be no match for bunker busters possessed by the Israeli Army.
Taking the above points into consideration, the next assault on Gaza would be just as disastrous. The people of Gaza are extremely vulnerable and defenseless in the event of yet another attack. The International Community, if it were serious about preventing this large scale of deaths and injuries, will have to develop a defense force for Gaza if it is considered desirable for Gaza were to continue to be inadequately armed to defend herself.
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