Taking A Stand
One and all ought to be loyal to something. One has to put one’s foot down some place. One has to take a stand somewhere. It is impractical to be middle-of-the-road all time. One has to have a point of orientation.
The question is, where. Where is that right place. At least the proof of that place.
But there is no such thing as a proof of a proof and so on. In order to find that right place to take a stand, one has to search and find that place.
The writer hopes to illustrate a method.
It is a matter of finding a junction. Call it a point of convergence, or a truth universally agreed or compromised upon.
We search for truth wherever we can find them. We only know that we are approaching success if all our different paths start to come together, to converge at the same point.
If ... let’s consider our Bangsa Malayu. We look for indication of divine faith. We are led to Islam. This is one path.
We look for sign of aspiration and struggle.
They aspire for freedom from any forms of subjugation. This is another path.
They struggle for success for themselves and all other than themselves. They engage themselves for “Keranamu Malaysia”. Yet another path.
We have a firmly grounded root for oneness ... belief for Bangsa, Agama, Negara ... the point of convergence.
We set out looking for truth in two different places .. let’s say Umno and Pas .. and we find ourselves going down different lanes headed for different destinations. But these “two destinations” are in reality “one”.
There is no such thing as “two is one”. Faith teaches one is one. One Bangsa. One Agama. One Negara.
But this point of convergence seems to lead to different path. That's because we are looking away from this converging point. We should be looking from our point of origin to this point of destination ... of convergence .. our mating point.
Perhaps the proponent of One Malaysia has one hell of one task to herd these multi-coloured Malaysian sheeps from these different paths, to one hell of a sheep’s pen. It is a job no other shepherd should envy at these times of trials, except perhaps those madmen-who-pine-for-PMship.
Perhaps, and hopefully, this proponent of One Malaysia has the right materials and strength to lead these multi-coloured Malaysian sheeps through their different paths and “elephant walks”; to mate (yes mate) at that point of convergence, that point of universal truth, to graze harmoniously together in One Happy Malaysia; and has the grit and gumption to see it all through.
Best wishes for my Malaysia. I stand for Keranamu Malaysia .. meaning because of you I am like this, because of me Malaysia is like this and keranamu Malaysia all Malays (Bangsa Malaysia) should stand together.
Keranamu Malaysia.
psstt..wahh nmpk berseri sket blog ni hehehe
Sokong mesti sokong.
Berseri atau tidak .. tengoklaaa sapa cikgunya.
Mkasyeh band Jeff.
Salam Uncle Dal,
I love this part:
"Perhaps, and hopefully, this proponent of One Malaysia has the right materials and strength to lead these multi-coloured Malaysian sheeps through their different paths and “elephant walks”; to mate (yes mate) at that point of convergence, that point of universal truth, to graze harmoniously together in One Happy Malaysia; and has the grit and gumption to see it all through."
Graze harmoniously together in One Happy Malaysia...One Malaysia! Yeah! That's the spirit of the true Anak Bangsa Malaysia! Let's unite as One Malaysia!
P/S: Yes, to mate....hehe...(mating seasons?).
Still remember this?
"Stage three. Stage of surrendering to fate. No more fight. Like me .. oghe tuo. Here one must have “bantuan hidup”. Tak daa bantuan luar … tak hidup."
And Kembara Politik .. do you remember this? ..
".. Kembara Politik, how old are you? 12? 13? younger than Long? haha .....why you so notti one? .."
Yean.. you notti boy.
Uncle Dal,
How can I forget that kind of words from Auntie zaza?
Aduh! Malu-malu..mana mahu letak muka?
This is a very well thought out post, Dal. You are doing great as a blogger with your own niche. You might remember I had mentioned this from very early on, when I followed the link from Demi Negara. What Zazaland said is correct - it only affirms what I had said from MONTHS ago. Your involvement in commenting at Demi Negara has also helped - technically, your writings have gotten solid and tight.
I think this area is also your strength - an aspect where your knowledge of Islam and current politics are put to good use for everyone's benefit. Including myself, of course. Keep it up, Dal! You are an asset to the SoPo community (although mesti ada orang yang MEMBENCI Heheh!)
Kehadhiran Bang Mat, Guru yang saya hormati, ka teratak yang kontang tanpa hiasan ini, memujuk saya untuk kenduri kesyukuran sembelih seekor kambing.
Saya nak jemput semua komuniti Deminegara makan seorang 1/2 cucuk satey.
Namun begitu, masih jauh dan luas jalan yang saya mesti lalui untuk mengekori jejak cikgu .. jauh sekali untuk berani-berani berdiri sama tinggi duduk sama rendah dengan cikgu.
Saya akan terus belajar melalui pengamatan teliti terhadap penulisan cikgu .. sesekali menyampuk satu atau dua komen kalau berani .. menjolok respons untuk dijadikan panduan.
Terima kasih Bang Mat, cikgu yang saya hormati. Tanpa cikgu, Tuanku KijangMas, Tuan Apocryphalist, Tuan SatD, Jebatmustdie dan lain-lain warga Deminegara, entah di mana saya. Tak lupa Pn Zazaland dan Kembara Politik. Both fighters with special talents .. softl hits .. multiple disastrous effects.
Dan sekarang saya ada kkawan baru. Heh heh. Semua macam street fighter dan hit man je. Harap-harap tambah meriah majlis-majlis kita di blogosphere.
Salam Pakcik Dal dan semua yang ada.
1/2 cucuk satay aje ....tak cukup lah, mesti ada satay ayam, satay kambing dan satay lembu tau ....dah lama ni tak makan satay....kepingin sekali deh!
Membaca pa yang ditulis oleh Sdra Mat Cendana dll, saya gembira kerana saya tidak salah dengan mengatakan yang Pakcik adalah seorang penulis yang benar benar prolifik dan cintakan tanah airnya. Pakcik juga mempunyai tatatertib yang mengkagumkan ....tidak ada kata kata nesta atau maki makian ....saya tak tertipu ...
Till later..
ps .....saya tahu siapa kawan kawan baru Pakcik, memang betul macam street fighters habis ....kelakar pun ada ...
Betul apa yang dikatakan oleh Mat Cendana dan Auntie zazaland. Dan saya juga rasanya tak salah menilai penulisan individu. Antara blog yang mempunyai gaya penulisan yang menarik ialah: Demi Negara, Jebat Must Die, Reflections: Melayu Lama dan Tam Dalyell.
P/S: Bila la Zazaland nak berblogging? Tulis artikel dan terbit dalam blog.
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