Satu Bahasa Satu Bangsa Satu Negara

Sunday, April 5, 2009

One Malaysia and Ketuanan Rakyat.

One Malaysia and Ketuanan Rakyat.

Ketuanan Rakyat paddles their brand of Bangsa Malaysia. Its philosophy is deeply grounded in “we want this we want that .. you (BN) cannot do this, you cannot do that, this is my way, this is the right way .. your way is unacceptable”.

They begged EPF, Petronas, ValueCap, DanaHarta etc etc etc to be handed over to the rakyat ... meaning Ketuanan Rakyat.

All the while, their way that they impose on us breeds unrest, disruption, fragmentation and disjointed society.

All the while, their wrangling (among themselves) breeds infighting for power and wealth, scandals and intrigues causing ferment and decay from within their ranks and organization.

They can’t even manage their breakfast tables .. would we trust them with our nation?

Ketuanan Rakyat is the mother of all mobs .. is a fragmented virulent anarchy-assembly-line controlled my a Malay Murtad Madman who in return is controlled by an alien power, based away from our shores.

Ask the DAP about it .. then believe what they claim otherwise .. believe everything except what they utter.

Meaning .. Ketuanan Rakyat is owned by offshore aliens. You can feel what they are doing .. what they have done .. controlling only 5 states .. but spreading havock and deep fermentation throughout all the 13 states.

They demand for the end of the so called “Ketuanan Umno/BN”. The BN/UMNO says, “ ... yea .. if you have something better ..”

They have none .. except hatred .. they colour evering with hatred .. the good becomes bad .. the beautiful becomes ugly .. the bad becomes rotten .. love become hate .. they have the pseudo-Midas touch .. whatever they touch turns cold, frigid, putrid, noxious, vile rancorous poison.

Whoever so much as looks at these Pakatan Rakyat Gorgons is turned into snakes.

Those calon bebas jokers of Selambau ... what do they stand for? For Ketuanan Rakyat .. for themselves. They are the by-products of mother of all snakes PR and mother of Greek legend Gorgons-the-serpant-with-human-head PKR.

Now they claim that the rakyat (meaning ketuanan rakyat) build this nation. Not this party, nor that party. They stress that no party is responsible. Only rakyat.

We say, what is rakyat without a head? You find any sensibly governed nation of this world without a figure head?

They say this and claim that. All for a notorious reason.

They want to rub off any norm of figureheads of governance. They imply that ketuanan rakyat is enough. Yea .. enough as a shady interpretation of power-in-the-hands-of-all-rakyat .. no need for a figurehead. The gullibles swallowed hook line and sinker.

In reality, that so called power-in-the-hands-of-all-rakyat .. no need for a figurehead IS A MOB. They want a mob to rule our nation.

That is Ketuanan Rakyat. And this faceless (not so faceless actually, for we know who they are) manufacturer of “ketuanan rakyat” will lurk in shadows, remotely controlling selected few most daring and vocal gila-babi-membabi-buta hardcore mobsters, who in turn lead and control the mindless mob.

Yes, Ketuanan Rakyat is mob rule. The supreme figurehead is “hidden” within DAP, who controls several Melayu Murtads nurturing sidekicks makkal sakti hindrafs mobsters and PKR who helped stiched together a rancorous PR, which shall eventually crumble down like so much sand castles overwhelmed by beach squalls initiated by the architect and builders of One Malaysia.

Political parties like Gerakan, MIC and MCA, indeed all BN component parties should stage a comeback to star brightly in the Malaysian radar this time.

Let not PKR and DAP speaks for the people and we’ll see that PAS is back with BN for good, for Malaysia, for One Malaysia.


Anonymous said...


The power hungry mobs of Pakatan must be stopped.

They have manipulated freedom (of speech, assembly), freedom of religon, the basis of Islam as the official religon, the status of the Malays. Give them an inch and they ask for a mile. Release 13 trouble making mobsters and they ask for the release of all.

They want ISA repealed because they want to have anarchy. Hypocrites of the highest order.

Today they play on racial sentiments and ask for equality. Give them that and they want more. Next they will question the equality since they cannot be PM, give them that and they will ask for more. They will then ask why only Malays can be heads of state. It will never end.

Put our foots down. This has to stop!

Tam Dalyell said...

Salam Melayu Lama

Yes. I am with you. These mobs must be stopped. Put our foots down ... on them. No let up.

Mobs ask for equality? The only equality for them is any windowless dark isolated rooms somewhere God knows where .. lock it and throw the keys into quicksand pits of Taiping.

Mobs want to be PM? Mobs want to be heads of state? Sure. Join the Ketuanan Melayu first ... the only brand of Melayu that demands.

These mobs has only contemt for other forms of ever compromising Melayus.

Anonymous said...



Kembara Politik said...

Salam Pakcik Dal,

Artikel yang sangat menarik! Perghhh...bergoncang hati bila baca. Dan saya turut bersetuju dengan komen Melayu Lama.

Saya cuma ingin mengajak pembaca persoalan ini. Persoalan penting yang perlu dijawab oleh semua rakyat Malaysia ialah:

Apakah kita memerlukan Ketuanan Rakyat sedangkan perkataan ‘rakyat’ dalam Ketuanan Rakyat tersebut sebenarnya hanyalah rebranding/repackaging Malaysian Malaysia yang dicanang DAP?

Apakah rakyat tidak sedar bahawa para pemimpin PR yang gilakan kuasa ini hanya mempergunakan perkataan ‘rakyat’ dalam mencapai objektif mereka? ‘Rakyat’ itu sebenarnya para pemimpin PR yang gilakan kuasa dan mahu mencorak Malaysia mengikut selera puak-puak chauvinist dalam DAP & PKR.

Penekanan yang terlampau kepada konsep perjuangan ‘rakyat ‘ (sebenarnya konsep Malaysian Malaysia) sehinggakan kuasa prerogative Sultan pun tidak dihormati oleh mereka-mereka ini. Sehinggakan ada yang ingin menyaman Sultan?

Objektif dan kaedah mereka ini dapat dinilai melalui kata-kata dan tindakan mereka. Contohnya: Ragunath Kesavan (Bar Council President) secara terang-terangan berkeras menekankan bahawa mandate perlu diserahkan kepada rakyat tanpa mahu melihat ketika bila mandate yang perlu diberikan kepada rakyat dan ketika bila pula peranan Sultan diperlukan.

Apakah dengan terlalu/terlebih menekankan perkataan ‘rakyat’ akan mengheret rakyat sebenar untuk mencabul sistem yang telah lama dijunjung tinggi. Rakyat, rakyat, rakyat tetapi lupa perkataan Raja: KeRAJAan (macam Demi Negara tulis).

Mereka bukannya lupa tapi buat-buat lupa demi menjayakan Malaysian Malaysia yang mahu menolak peranan Raja-raja dalam negara. Mereka sebenarnya mahu kebebasan mutlak agar tiada siapa yang mampu menghalang segala tindak tanduk jahat mereka.

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, kau bukakan hati mereka-mereka agar segera insaf dan kembali mempertahankan Malaysia bumi tercinta dari anasir jahat yang berselindung di sebalik konsep kononnya perjuanagan demi ‘rakyat’ untuk kembali mempertahankan negara.

Perjuangan bukan Demi ‘Rakyat’ – Malaysian Malaysia DAP tetapi yang paling penting…Demi Negara! Ya Demi Negara Malaysia tercinta – negara Malaysia yang satu-satunya! One Malaysia!

Tam Dalyell said...

Ya laa Bang Jeff .. baru saya sedar .. ari ni saya belajar satu pelajaran dari Cikgu Jeffry aku ni. Dia kata, “KLU KETUANAN MELAYU TELAH DICABAR, SAPE LG YG NAK MEMPERTAHANKAN HAK ORG MELAYU.”

Hak orang Melayu. Ada dalam perlembagaan. Artikel berapa? Tanya yang ahli. Itu Melayu punya. Yang empunya nya adalah Melayu. Melayu tuannya. Melayu tuan hak istimewa itu. Ketuanan Melayu, antara lain, berdiri atas hak ini .. hak yang sudah diperlembagakan.

Tidak sekali-kali seperti yang dimomok-tafsirkan oleh Mob Dap Pkr Hindraf tu. Mereka dakwa ada tuan ada hamba.

Mereka dakwa begitu kerana semata-mata untuk mengunci mulut Melayu. Mereka berhujjah begitu supaya mereka boleh menyelitkan ungkapan “hak sama rata”.

Sama rata bahagi-bahagi pisang, duit, beras, ...... bolehlah. Percuma sama rata bahagi-bahagi “kedaulatan dan kemelayuan” tak boleh lagi.

Dulu dah terkena. Percuma-cuma bagi kerakyatan. Nak samarata dalam hak ini, join Ketuanan Melayu dulu. Nak jadi MB, join Ketuanan Melayu dulu. Nak jadi PM, join Ketuanan Melayu dulu.

Nak jadi raja???? Berani-berani ko karpal singh. Jangan sampai kita menyasal bagi kerakyatan percuma.

Melaka, Pulau Pinang bolehlah … rajanya Omputih dah cilok. Patut-patut dirikan balik Raja di dua tempat tu. Dirikan Ketuanan Melayu di situ.

Melayu yang submissive, Melayu yang permissive tak mampu galas perjuangan seperti ini.

Anonymous said...


Tepat sekali ulasan Saudara Kembara Politik!

Dengan izin, meneruskan ulasan Saudara, saya juga ingin menyentuh bab dan perihal pertikaian konsep Ketuanan Melayu.

Seperti kata Saudara Kembara Politik, puak-puak Pakatan ini boleh jadi lupa atau buat-buat lupa. Bukan sahaja dari perihal kedudukan dan bidang kuasa Raja-Raja malah juga dalam isu Ketuanan Melayu.

Kijang Mas of Demi Negara said it best:
1. What ketuanan rakyat are they talking about? The Rulers and rakyat are one and the same.
2. Ketuanan Melayu shoul be viewed in the same manner as how we view hosts and their guests. If we are guests, we do not question the rights of the host in their own home. On the other hand, the hosts provides the best hospitality towards it's guests in the best possible manner. And if I may take that further, the hospitality towards the guests should not be at the expense of the host losing his home.

None of this Master-Slave nonsense as propegated by the ignorant (or pretending to be ignorant) Pakatan types.

It is rather unfortunate to see that the Pakatan types are in a mode denial. While it is everyone's right to an opinion with the assumed right of agreeing to disagree, I find that the mobs seem to insist that their way is the right and only way.

Are these examples of an open society, a society that practices freedom of speech? I serously doubt it. A rhethorical agenda at best. I forsee that irresponsible behaviour like making false accusations without substantial evidence, illegal assembly, slander and other foms of anarchy are the order of the day for them. Manipulation of religion is another, somehow exclusively theirs in their eyes.

Those are not qualities sensible people look for in their leaders.

Kembara Politik said...

Salam Melayu Lama,

Very true Sir.

There's no Master-Slave as propagated by them. They ask for the NEP to be abolished. They control the biggest portion of economic wealth (more than 40% and they still want some more).

Well, seems like they love the socioeconomics imbalance among races not to be reduced. IF the British had not implemented divide and rule policy, do you think that they will be able to control more than 40% of the economic wealth? I don't think so. So many demand by them.

So, siapa yang cuba nak jadi TUAN sebenarnya ni?