Satu Bahasa Satu Bangsa Satu Negara

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

First The Ripples, Then The ......

PR rempits deserve the loudest of hurrahs from blind and deaf Malaysians for wreaking havoc throughout the nation right from its inception.

Everybody wishing for the demise of PR similar to that of previous bulls in a china shop will not be disappointed.

PR will surely oblige them. The writings on the wall has turn to ripples on the ground. In a few more gasp of last PR breath and final spasmic convulsions of life-remnants this ripples will morph into an earthquake, shattering all vestiges of PR’s pathetic existence.

PKR has no valid preparation for Selambau and Batang Ai. PKR is fighting with itself. Rotting from inside. Defections here, there and allover. Breakups of branches everywhere. PKR is a liability to PR. With PKR gone, nothing stops PR from shattering to pieces.

PAS, get out of there.

Weakened as it seems BN to be (if at all), it is still strong enough to take whatever PR can give. “Is that all you have got?” BN says HUMBLY. BN do not, will not stoop so low as the PR .. resorting to character assassinating any and all connected to BN.

BN is too focused at and for the welfare of the people and the nation to be side-tracked by the childish pranks of destructive PR and its lackeys and sidekicks are too well versed with.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sebelum Dan Sesudah Mac 29, 2009.

8Mac2008 –
PR mendabik dada.
DAP menumbangkan MCA, Gerakan.
Fugitif hindraf meratah MIC.
Atas bantuan Melayu murtad.

Sabversif kominis tunjuk taring.
Anti-Melayu anti-Islam tayang belang.
Hak Melayu, Sultan dipersoal.
PR mendirikan kepincangan, nafsu.
Janji tinggal janji.
Permusuhan agenda utama.
Keretakan, perpecahan merata-rata.

Melayu tammat bersidang.
Mentari baru di ufuk timur.
Langkah tersusun menghidang;
Kebajikan untuk kawan, lawan.
Memperkasa warisan setengah abad.
Bayangan Tun di belakang tabir,
Ucapan Najib kunci kehancuran PR.

Tumpul kembali taring sabversif.
Tersekat langkah anti-Melayu anti-Islam.
Malap selalu Perusak Rakyat.
Terduduk PR mengimbau kenangan satahun jagung.
Berkubur satu persatu; tanpa sisa tanpa nisan.
Tanpa tangisan yang menangisi.

Tapi Melayu masih dalam bahaya.
Sebahaya menghadapi Malayan Union.
Melayu luar Melayu dalam perlu bersatu.

Pergerakan PR sudah tiada lajaknya lagi. Skandal PKR jadi penyebab. Ramai pejuang Hindrafnya kecewa, maka mahu keluar.

Oleh itu propaganda DAP dan PKR menyebarkan daayah konon kalau Pas masuk BN, Pas dan Umno akan hancur. Pengundi Cina dan India tidak akan mengundi Pas. Pengundi Melayu yang membenci Pas tidak akan mengundi Umno. Pengundi Melayu yang membenci Umno akan memboikot Pas.

Tetapi rakyat kuat menjangka bahawa Presiden Pas sudah menginjak sebelah kaki di kaki lima BN.

Sudah ketara sangat bahawa Pas Selangor melagukan irama sama dengan BN/Umno mahukan Elizabeth dikenakan tindakan.

Namun, pada asasnya mereka memusuhi Melayu. Mereka mengusahakan kehancuran Umno. Lalu sehingga kini, mereka mengira-ngira ketibaan hari itu. Mereka menanda tarikh PRU akan datang – tarikh tekad mengalahkan Umno, seterusnya BN.

Untuk itu mereka mengidamkan gandingan Anuar, Zaid dan Razaliegh; kerana sudah jadi rahsia terbuka yang bukan Melayu DAP dan PKR mencurigai Anuar dari mula.

Pun ada juga suara begini dalam Umno, “ Pemuda Umno tanpa segan silu memilih perasuah menjadi ketua mereka. Di pilihan mendatang kami akan tinggalkan Umno, pindah ka mana saja asalkan jangan Pas, Pkr apatah lagi Dap kerana kesemuanya menaungi manusia rejects saperti Ketua Pemuda; terutama Pkr.”

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sirih Pulang Ka Gagang.

Muhyiddin sedang berucap.
Mahathir masuk.
Semua hadhirin bangun.

Selamat pulang Tun.
Kejutan yang manis.
Tak sedar air mata menitis.
Kita tahu Tun masih sayangkan kita.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pembukaan Kisah Chef Tok Jib

(Babak Menghapus Polotik Wang)
Petua ditinggal jangan

UMNO berbendang
Padi huma padi bukit

Musim tuai padi ditampi
Asingkan hampa dari isi
Hampa masih tidak terasing

(Babak JK Disciplin)
Pak Tani dirikan irik
Menapis isi dari hampa
Irik usang maka bocor
Hampa bercampor isi - ka dapor

Peluang terakhir bagi Pak Tani
Menanak tanpa antah hampa
Mak Tani sisih hampa buang pergi
Menghimpun hanya isi ditanak
Supaya nasi tak dicemari antah

Orang kata UMNO dah ajal
Bila dedalu dibiar dipilih
Di depankan tak boleh diikut
Di belakangkan menungkat tumit.

Tinggal satu – last kopek
Pantang mati kepalang ajal.

(Babak Pembentukan Jentera Pentadbiran)
Terserah Mak Tani celik perhati?
Kepentingan jemaah dari peribadi?
Celik mata celik hati?
Mengatur susun hidangan bangsa?
Setiap pinggan tanpa antah?
Resepi terakhir sajian Tok Najib?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Abu Jahal - buktikan Aku salah

Rasulullah s.a.w. hanya menyampaikan apa sahaja yang Allah s.w.t. wahyukan.

Abu Jahal dustakan apa sahaja yang Rasulullah s.a.w. sampaikan kepada ummatnya.

Ringkasnya Rasulullah s.a.w. percaya apa sahaja Allah s.w.t. wahyukan.
Abu Jahal tidak mahu percaya langsong. Abu Jahal berpendirian bahawa Allah s.w.t dan Rasulullah s.a.w. adalah pembohong yang berbohong.

Sepuluh tahun sebelum Abu Jahal mati, Allah s.w.t. turunkan:
Surah Al-Masadd atau Al-Lahab
Dengan nama Allah, Yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Mengasihani
(1) Binasalah kedua-dua tangan Abu Lahab dan binasalah dia bersama;
(2) Hartanya dan segala yang diusahakannya, tidak dapat menolongnya.
(3) Dia akan menderita bakaran api Neraka yang marak menjulang.
(4) Dan juga isterinya, seorang perempuan pemunggah kayu api.
(5) Di lehernya sejenis tali, dari tali-tali yang dipintal.

Di kalangan jahiliah, telek menelek adalah amalan asam garam mereka.

Surah ini memberi tahu, memforetell atau meramalkan bahawa Abu Jahal akan masuk neraka - bahawa dia tidak akan masuk Islam pun.

Abu Jahal ada masa sepuluh tahun (lebih dari cukup) untuk membuktikan bahawa Allah s.w.t. tidak betul dan Rasulullah s.a.w. pembohong.

Dengan masuk Islam sahaja, mudah musuh Islam boleh berkata, “Tengok, Abu Jahal dah masuk Islam, akan masuk syorga. Nyatalah agama baru ini salah …..” dllsbgnya.

Tetapi tidak. Abu Jahal tidak berdaya hendak mengambil peluang keemasannya itu.

Kenapa agaknya ya?

Mengapa Rasulullah s.a.w. begitu yakin menyebarkan surah ini padahal dengan mudah dia s.a.w. boleh dimalukan oleh musuh-musuhnya.

Ratusan ayat Qur-an seperti ini yang mencabar, … percaya atau tidak, buktikan Aku salah … ... cabaran yang tidak sanggup disambut oleh makhluqNya.
Soddakta ya Allah.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Murtad Bangsa

Ketuanan Melayu. Ini satu daripada elemen-elemen perjuangan Malay survival. Setiap Melayu adalah pejuangnya. Tiada siapa berhak menafikan ini dari Melayu memperjuangkan kelangsungan kedaulatan kemelayuannya di atas tanah tumpah darah sendiri.

Murtad Melayu. Murtad dari Islam ... tinggallah bangsa yang ada padanya. Tetapi jika murtad dari Melayu? Melayu bukan, apa pun bukan? Bangsa apa itu? Itek tak sudu ayam tak patuk. PKR kutip.

Malaysian murtad. Hindraf dan segala chauvanis anasir anti-Melayu anti-Islam pun bangsa Malaysia yang sudah murtad. Masuk Omputih. Di rumah ... sesame sendiri cakap Omputih ... kulit tak Omputih ... di luar rumah caci hamun sultan. Murtad Malaysian.

Si anti-Melayu dengan sengaja mentafsirkan ketuanan Melayu sebagai hubungan tuan dengan hamba. Melayu tuan mereka hamba ... akibatnya timbul kebencian terhadap Melayu. Lalu mereka menangguk di air keruh.

Dari asal lagi, sebelum pendatang anti-Melayu ini datang pun, Raja-Raja dan bangsa Melayu adalah tuan rantau ini. Begitulah, setiap kewujudan ada tuannya. Sedangkan busut ada tuannya, ada penunggunya. Inikan pula darah Melayu dalam kenegaraan Melayu.

Ini rantau Melayu. Ketuanannya pastilah berlandaskan Melayu dan Kemelayuannya. Begitulah di rantau India, berdirilah di sana ketuanan Indian; di Jepun berdiri ketuanan Jepun; di China berdiri ketuanan Cina. Di mana pun begitu. Hanya di sini chauvanis, anti-Melayu anti-Islam keturunan pendatang bermati-matian hendak memadam Ketuanan Melayu ... dengan dipendekari oleh Melayu murtad.

Pada satu ketika ramailah pendatang dibenarkan kongsi kuasa melalui kepunyaan – mereka dibenarkan mempunyai tanah, rumah dsbnya. Merekalah tuan punya kepada herta mereka.

Tanah Melayu adalah tercorak atas ciri kemelayuan –- budayanya, bahasanya, resamnya, resminya, rasmiya, kedaulatannya, Raja-Rajanya, agamanya, keidentitiannya dll sebagainya. Ketuanan Melayu berdiri di atas nilai-nilai tersebut.

Kemudian, pada satu ketika, kaum pendatang dan keturunan mereka, terutama yang chauvanis anti-Melayu anti-Islam, apabila mereka menyangka merekalah pencarum terbesar kepada kekayaan negara, mereka merasa pula merekalah tuan kepada negara. Mereka mula tuntut hak sama konon, dengan mula mendakwa bahawa Melayu juga kaum pendatang dan sebagainya. Dan memburukkan Melayu sebagai “tuan” yang menumpang kepada “kekayaan” mereka melalui tafsiran bahawa Ketuanan Melayu adalah hubungan “tuan – hamba”.

Ketuanan Melayu bukan berdiri di atas “kebesaran harta atau kepunyaan keatas harta kekayaan” sahaja. Bangsa Palestine menolak ketuanan Yahudi walaupun Israel jauh lebih kaya dan gagah dari mereka. Ketuanan Melayu berdiri terutamanya di atas “kemelayuan dengan norma-norma budaya, bahasa, resam, resmi, rasmi, kedaulatan, Raja-Raja Melayu, agama, keidentitian dll sebagainya” yang di atas.

Maka mana-mana bukan-Melayu boleh berdiri dalam ruang lingkup ketuanan Melayu hanya apabila dia sudah terserap kedalam norma-norma tersebut dan mengamalkannya sebagai norma Bangsa Malaysia. Sekali-kali tidak selagi mereka masih mengamalkan norma kebudayaan, bahasa, resam dllsbgnya negara asal usul mereka.

Tidak ada Melayu yang akan menerima (kecuali Melayu murtad) dakwaan dan desakan bukan-Melayu untuk mengongsi kesamarataan ketuanan semata-mata atas dasar kepunyaan harta dan penguasaan kekayaan sahaja. Nilai “ketuanan” tidak pernah terletak kepada asset yang tangible yang mengurang mengikut kekerapan penggunaan. Ketuanan Melayu berdiri di atas nilai kemelayuan yang semakin menokok tambah dengan kekerapan penggunaan.

Wadahnya sudah disediakan. Bangsa Malaysia. Melayu sanggup menjadi Malaysia. Mengapa tidak si bukan Melayu?

Tetapi malang. Segala murtad yang chauvanis, anti-Melayu anti-Islam, sudah mula memberi tafsiran yang tersendiri terhadap “Bangsa Malaysia,” - tafsiran yang mengikut acuan dan pewarnaan citarasa unilateral ‘vested interest’ mereka.

Jika demikian, kita berminat pula kembali kepada setengah abad dahulu – lalu mencorak semula segala-galanya mengikut acuan asal – Bangsa Melayu.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

“Ketuanan Rakyat” Bertujuan Untuk “De-human-izing” Minda Kemanusiaan.

Ketuanan Rakyat. Perjuangan ini menjurus kepada memadam perhubungan kemanusiaan antara manusia dengan manusia. Sejauh yang telah berlaku atas dasar amalan ketuanan rakyat oleh PR; demonstrasi menjadi-jadi, tidak mengendahkan undang-undang, menyekat perjalanan kerajaan, menggalakkan kurang ajar, menggugat keamanan, memberanikan si bejat keparat memaki mencerci apa sahaja berkenaan kemMlayuan dan Raja-Raja, menjadikan parlimen sebuah sarkis mempamirkan aksi badut-badut kehormat dan sumpah seranah serta tuduhan-tuduhan liar yang biasanya dilaungkan pelacur dan pondan kaki rayau kutu jalanan, dan berbagai lagi yang sengaja membakar hati satu-satu puak untuk melaga-lagakan berbagai puak pula.

Ketuanan Rakyat menghidupkan, menegakkan dan mengaktifkan “mob-rule”. Justru ia melumpuhkan “rule of law”. Ia mematikan keluhuran undang-undang. Yang ironinya gerakan ini dipendekari oleh pengamal-pengamal undang-undang dalam dan yang pro-PR. "Mob" tidak pernah berlandaskan kewarasan fikiran. Akibat menganggotai mob ialah ‘menghalalkan’ perbuatan di luar kewarasan fikiran dan keluhuran undang-undang. “Mob rule” mensepakati siapa sahaja yang paling membabi buta, siapa paling nekad, siapa paling lantang dan pitah berpidato, dan siapa paling buta akan kerasionalan fikiran. Hubungan antara insan kepada insan dalam "mob" berlandas kepada nafs dan amarah. Hubungan sebegini sudah tidak lagi bersifat kemanusiaan. Hubungan sabegini lebih kepada keiblisan. Maka berlakulah “the de-humanizing of the human mind”.

Ini bukan cara Malaysia. Ini bukan budaya kita.

Ketuanan Rakyat hanya merusakkan binaan yang tersusun berusia setengah abad ini. Ketuanan rakyak hanya memdirikan mob rule yang dirumus memahkotakan seorang manusia gila kuasa, yang tidak bermoral, yang berperangai jijik, yang melayan nafsu kebinatangan, yang menyimpan dendam kesumat tidak berkesudahan terhadap siapa sahaja yang cuba menghalang kemaraannya ka tahta negara bukan untuk penduduk negaranya bahkan untuk kerakusan dirinya.

Senario paling malang ialah bila kumpulan pejuang agama diheret sama. Kalaupun binaan berusia setengah abad itu ada cacat celanya, bergotong royong bagi mengganti yang cacat itu adalah lebih baik dari merobohkan seluruh binaan. Mencantas dahan yang dihinggapi dedalu adalah lebih bijak dalam “membaik pulih”, dari menebang pokok tersebut.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Maju Hadapan Ka Mana Bang Nuar?

Maju ka hadapan? Ka hadapan mana? Tiada mara ka hadapan melainkan dengan dan melalui UMNO/BN. Tiada maju ka hadapan untuk Batang Ai, Bukit Gantang atau Bukit Selambau kecuali bersama UMNO/BN. PR tidak pernah menyumbang apa-apa kebaikan kepada rakyat kecuali kekecohan, kelam kabut dan huru hara.

Dosa paling besar dilakukan oleh Melayu PKR ialah menternak babi beser-besaran. Dosa paling besar dilakukan Melayu PAS ialah mengagihkan tanah gran 1000 tahun kepada hanya Cina … Melayu diberi sekangkang kera untuk tapak surau. Dosa paling besar dilakukan sesetengah Cina dan Indian Hindraf ialah belot kepada BN ketika diperlukan.

Anuar ialah kepala pejuang Melayu yang hasil perjuangannya tumpah ka luar Melayu, yang hasil juangnya merugikan Melayu, yang hasil juangnya menikam Melayu dari belakang, yang hasil juangnya memperkasa semangat anti-Melayu anti-Islam anti-raja. Kejayaan Anuar dan rakan penderhakanya ialah memecah belahkan Melayu. Orang bukan Melayu DAP PKR yang mengaut keuntungan dari perjuangan Anuar harus diragui ketaatan mereka kepada Malaysia. Malaysia tidak pernah dianggap pertiwi tanah tumpah ketaatan perjuangan mereka.

Keputusan rebutan kuasa dalam PAS memberi kesan kepada maju atau mundurnya arus penyatuan Melayu ... penyatuan Melayu bererti kepupusan PR. Begitu juga melemah atau menguatnya UMNO, mempengarohi penyatuan semula Melayu.

Sementara itu perhimpunan Melayu seperti dikhabarkan oleh Another Brick In The Wall – semacam perhimpunan menentang Malayan Union - dengan dihadiri Tun M – akan menyalakan banyak lagi obor kemelayuan menghangatkan semangat kesatuan dan perjuangan Melayu.

Sementara itu juga, Melayu-Melayu dedalu beracun bukan-pontianak tetapi penghisap darah sudah mula (dulu mereka ini ada pelindung) diheret ka muka pengadilan.

Sementara itu juga Melayu-Melayu murtad yang mendirikan tok-pek-kong di bawah pokok demokrasi di Ipoh sudah kudong lumpuh kerana jangkitan sial celaka disebar oleh penderhaka penyangak DAP PKR panglima anti-Melayu anti-Islam yang didalangi kuasa asing.

Proses pembersihan UMNO sedang berjalan. Melayu kenalah bersih. Jangan bagi peluang kepada si pengotor saperti DAP PKR itu membasuh Melayu. Jangan percaya mereka, kerana tabiat mereka ialah membasuh daki dengan air kencing.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Anything. As Long As It Is Convenient.

Sebarang keputusan utama adalah dalam urusan DAP tanpa sangat mengharapkan pertimbangan bersama dari PAS atau PKR. PR ingin menyediakan peruntukan secukupnya untuk Batang Ai atau Bkt. Selambau atau Bkt. Gantang, tapi apakan daya semua duit dah habis untuk mendirikan kuil di bawah pokok democrazy Ipoh.

Itupun khabarnya pada malam harinya orang-orang halimunan PKR datang kopek keping-keping mar-mar sampai habis buat tangkal wakil pilihanraya di dua bukit satu batang mereka itu.

PR hopes to build a Malaysia that is different from that built by BN; ....
..... different in the sense that all should be depending on telek nasib based on 169 numerology;
..... trail and error devoid of blue prints as long as it is not like anything made-by-BN-image;
..... all should be congruent to the philosophy of free-for-all, first-come-first-served, grab-for-scraps, hit-and-run-finders-keepers, no-holds-barred-melee-regulations made by DAPPKR-never-mind-PAS, partner or not, as-long-as-PAS-can-be-made-used-of.

Nizar refuses to resign. He believes he is lawfully the MB. What do you believe Kit Siang? Why don’t you use the Palace to increase the chance of PR’s survival?

No? It is true then that you really don’t care what happens to PAS or PKR as long as you can keep up your heinous game of “baling batu sembunyi tangan”?

You don’t have to show your loyalty or rather disloyalty to any DYMM Raja Melayu, as long as PAS faces the music or that old goat Karpal absorbs all the heat of your blown-cover underhandedness.

In the art of manipulation Anwar and Kit are in a class of their own. Congratulation PR. You have been had ... made used of.

PR, you are blessed with two manipulative gurus from whom you can expect no blessed good whatsoever.

PAS, get out of there while the going is good.

But naive and gullible square people like the fraternities of Zorrow and Haris Teapot fit snugly into the round holes of both Nuar and Kit. Nice fit.

Go on. Keep on dreaming, marching, candle vigilling and screaming your tantrums off out and in of parliament, and get yourselves suspended everywhere. One by one your top misfits are getting themselves compromised. No tomorrow for PR.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Islamophobists claim that Muhammad (s.a.w) was an imposter. Did he find this from a library 1430 years ago … and collect them into the Qur-an?

Islamophobists claim that Muhammad (s.a.w) was an imposter. Did he (Muhammad s.a.w) find this from a library in Dark Europe or Global USA 1430 years ago … and collect them into the Qur-an?

The Constellations Sun and Moon.

The Bible tells us that the sun and the moon just as two lights of differing size.

The Qur’an tells of constellations (buroojan); and differentiates the sun from the moon by using distinguising terms: the moon as light (noor), and the sun as lamp (siraaj).

Blessed is He Who made constellations in the skies, and placed therein a Lamp and a Moon giving light; The Devine Qur-an 25:61

And made the moon a light in their midst, and made the sun as a (Glorious) Lamp? The Divine Qur-an 71:16

Where did Muhammad s.a.w. get this knowledge of astronomy from?

Did he have radio telescopes and space travel gears to scientifically collect data that the sun as “alive” burning itself to produce heat and light; that the moon as a “dead” hunk reflecting light; and that all these are part of a constellation?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Dr. Jeffrey Lang: His Journey To Islam

Qur-an al kareem -(7:172)
And (remember) when your Lord brought forth from the Children of Adam, from their loins, their seed (or from Adam's loin his offspring) and made them testify as to themselves (saying): "Am I not your Lord?" They said: "Yes! We testify," lest you should say on the Day of Resurrection: "Verily, we have been unaware of this."

Ringkasnya, apabila Allah jadikan kita di alam roh dahulu, Allah bertanya, “Bukankah Aku Tuhan mu?” Dalam lain perkataan, “Apa hubungan Aku dengan engkau?”

Kita jawab, “Aku akui Engkau Tuhanku.” Dalam lain perkataan, “Hubungan kita ialah Engkau Tuhanku, aku hambaMu.”

Sesiapa yang tidak dapat menjawab sedemikian, ketika melalui hidup didunia nanti, dia tidak dapat menjalin hubungan dengan Allah melalui syahadah “Asyhadu al lailaha illallah wa asyhu anna Muhammad ar rasu lallah”.

Sejak permulaan kita lagi, Allah telah menjalin hubungan dengan kita. Beruntunglah hamba, yang berjihad mengekalkan hubungan itu …

Mari kita hayati contoh bagaimana rasanya hubungan ini melalui pengakuan seorang hamba Allah bernama Dr. Jeffrey Lang dalam pengembaraannya menjalin hubungan melalui Islam menuju Allah.


Dr. Jeffrey Lang: His Journey To Islam

“Dad, do you believe in heaven?”

When young Jeffery asked his father about the existence of heaven as they walked their dog along the beach, it was apparent that this child possessed a highly inquisitive mind. There perhaps was also a sign that he would subject things to a logical scrutiny and validate them from a rational perspective. Little surprise was it, then, that one day he would end up being a professor of mathematics, a matter where there is no place for anything but logic.

During his senior years at the Notre Dam Boys High, a Catholic school, he formed certain rational objections against belief in the existence of a Supreme Being. Discussions with the school Priest, his parents, and classmates could not convince him of the existence of God, and to the dismay of the Priest and his parents, he turned into an atheist at the age of eighteen. He was to remain so for the next ten years throughout his undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral studies. It was a little before or after his becoming an atheist that he first saw the following dream:

It was a tiny room with no furniture, and there was nothing on its grayish-white walls. Its only adornment was the predominantly red-and-white patterned carpet that covered the floor. There was a small window, like a basement window, above and facing us, filling the room with bril¬liant light. We were in rows; I was in the third. There were only men, no women, and all of us were sitting on our heels and facing the direction of the window.

It felt foreign. I recognized no one. Perhaps I was in another country. We bowed down uniformly, our faces to the floor. It was serene and quiet, as if all sound had been turned off. All at once, we sat back on our heels. As I looked ahead, I realized that we were being led by someone in front who was off to my left, in the middle, below the window. He stood alone. I only had the briefest glance at his back. He was wearing a long white gown, and on his head was a white scarf with a red design. And that is when I would awaken.

During the next ten years of his atheist life, he was to see the same dream several times. He would not be disturbed by the dream, however, for he would feel strangely comfortable when he awoke. But not knowing what it was, he could not make any sense out of it and thus gave no importance to it despite its repetitions.

Ten years later in his first lecture at the University of San Francisco, he met a Muslim student who attended his mathematics class. He was soon to develop a friendship with him and his family. Religion, however, was not the topic of discussion during the time he shared with that Muslim family, and it was much later that one of the family members handed to him a copy of the Qur’an.

He was not looking for a religion. Nevertheless, he started reading the Qur’an, but with a strong prejudice. “You cannot simply read the Qur’an, not if you take it seriously. You either have surrendered to it already or you fight it. It attacks tenaciously, directly, personally; it debates, criticizes, shames, and challenges. From the outset it draws the line of battle, and I was on the other side.” Thus he found himself in an interesting battle. “I was at a severe disadvantage, for it became clear that the Author knew me better than I knew myself.” It was as if the Author was reading his mind. Every night he would make up certain questions and objections, but would find the answer in his next readings as he continued his readings in the accepted order. “The Qur’an was always way ahead of my thinking; it was erasing barriers I had built years ago and was addressing my queries.”

He fought vigorously with objections and questions, but it was apparent that he was loosing the battle. “I was being led, working my way into a corner that contained only one choice.”

It was early 80’s and there were not many Muslims at the University of San Francisco campus. He discovered a small place at the basement of a church where a few Muslim students made their daily prayers. After much struggle in his mind, he came up with enough courage to go and visit that place. When he came out of that place a few hours later, he had already declared the shahada, the proclamation of a new life – “I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His messenger.”

After he made his proclamation, it was the time for the afternoon prayer and he was invited to participate. He stood up in rows with other students behind a prayer leader named Ghassan, and started following them in prayer –

We bowed down in prostration with our faces on the red-and-white carpet. It was serene and quiet, as if the sound had been turned off. And then we sat back on our heels again.

As I looked ahead, I could see Ghassan, off to my left, in the middle, below the window that was flooding the room with light. He was alone, without a row. He was wearing a long white gown and on his head was a white scarf with a red design.

The dream! I screamed inwardly. The dream exactly! I had forgotten it completely, and now I was stunned and frightened. Am I dreaming? I wondered. Will I awaken? I tried to focus on what was happening to determine whether I was asleep. A rush of cold flowed through my body, making me shudder. My God, this is real! Then the coldness subsided, succeeded by gentle warmth radiating from within. Tears welled up in my eyes.

Everyone’s journey to Islam is unique, varying from one another in many different ways, but Dr. Lang’s is an interesting one. From one who challenged the existence of God, he became a firm believer in God. From a warrior who fought a fierce battler against the Qur’an, he became one who surrendered to it. From one who never knew love and who only wanted to live a comfortable materialistic life until he died and became “long-forgotten soil underneath an unmarked grave”, he turned into one whose life became full of love, mercy, and spiritualism. “God will bring you to your knees, Jeffery!”, said his father when he denied the existence of God at the age of eighteen. Ten years later, that became a reality. He was now on his knees, and his forehead on the ground. The highest part of his body that contained all of his knowledge and intellect was now on the lowest ground in complete submission before the Majesty of God.

Like all Muslim reverts, Dr. Lang felt that he was favored by God’s mercy and that it was God Himself who directed him to Islam. “I perceived that God was always near, directing my life, creating the circumstances and opportunities to choose, yet always leaving the crucial choices to me. I was awestruck by the realization of the intimacy and love that reveals, not because we deserve it, but because it is always there and all we have to do is turn to Him to receive it. I cannot say with certainty what the meaning of that vision was, but I could not help seeing in it a sign, a favor, and a new chance.”

Dr. Lang is author of two books – both make interesting readings and are useful for both Muslim converts and born Muslims to read. He is married with three daughters. It is no surprising that his children shared some of his inquisitive mind. The boy who threw questions at his father, was now a father himself who was to face questions from his children. One day he was confronted by his eight-year-old daughter Jameelah after he finished the noon prayer with her –

“Daddy, why do we pray?”

Her question caught me off guard. I didn’t expect it from an eight year old. I knew of course the most obvious answer — that as Muslims we are obligated to — but I did not want to waste the opportunity to share with her the experience and benefits of salah. Nevertheless, as I tried to put together a reply in my mind, I bought a little time by beginning with, ‘We pray because God wants us to!’

‘But why, daddy, what does praying do?’ she asked.

‘It is hard to explain to a young person, honey. Someday, if you do the five prayers every day, I’m sure you’ll understand, but I’ll do my best to answer your question.’

‘You see, sweetheart. God is the source of all the love, mercy, kindness, and wisdom — of all the beauty — that we experience and feel. Like the sun is the source of the light we see in the daytime, God is the source of all of these and much more. Thus, the love I feel for you, your sisters, and mommy is given to me by God. We know that God is kind and merciful by all the things He has given us in this life. But when we pray, we can feel God’s love, kindness, and mercy in a very special way, in the most powerful way.

For example, you know that mommy and I love you by the way we take care of you. But when we hug you and kiss you, you can really feel how much we love you. In a similar way, we know that God loves and is kind to us by the way He takes care of us. But when we pray, we can feel His love in a very real and special way.’

‘Does praying make you a better daddy?’ She asked me.

‘I hope so and I would like to think so, because once you are touched by God’s love and kindness in the prayer, it is so beautiful and powerful, that you need to share it with those around you, especially your family. Sometimes, after a hard day at work, I feel so exhausted that I just want to be alone. But if I feel God’s kindness and mercy in the prayer, I look at my family and remember what a great gift you are to me, and all the love and happiness I get from being your daddy and mommy’s husband. I’m not saying that I am the perfect father, but I believe I would not be as good a father without the prayers. Am I making any sense at all?’

‘I kind of understand what you mean,’ Jameelah answered.

Then she hugged me and said, ‘And I love you, Daddy!’

‘I love you too, sweetie pie. I love you too.’

Note: Jeffrey Lang is currently an associate professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Kansas. In addition to numerous articles, he has written three books that are widely read among American Muslims.

Struggling to Surrender, Beltsville, 1994
Even Angels Ask, Beltsville, 1997
Losing My Religion: A Call for Help, Beltsville, 2004
He gives lectures at various universities as well as at Islamic conferences and conventions.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Di Antara Dua Kehendak Melayu Mendatang

Orang Melayu hanya satu
Melayani dua kehendak

Umpama menoleh ka kanan
Juga menoleh ka kiri

Orang Melayu hanya satu
Terbelah sudah
Belahan kiri belahan kanan

Keupayaan tidak bertokok
Bilangan tidak bertambah
Kehendak sendiri-sendiri
Kehendak bangsa - kehendak agama
Bertelur sebiji riuh sa kampong
Kokok berderai ekor bergelumang ..

Kedua-dua kehendak tidak salah
Mengapa berpisah dua belah
Mengapa berlaku resah gelisah
Mengapa makan tak kenyang mandi tak basah

Gelisah bukan kerana berpisah
Terbelah bukan berlawanan arah
Rupanya dikuasai
Kehendak kiri - kehendak kanan

Jangan hanya kehendak sendiri
Lalui juga Kehendak Yang Satu
Walaupun arah berlainan tuju
Dia sampaikan ka matlamat yang satu
Kerana diselusuri Kehendak Yang Satu
Dalam kitabNya dengan firman …

3:103 – Dan berpeganglah kamu semuanya kepada tali Allah,
dan janganlah kamu bercerai berai,
dan ingatlah akan ni’mat Allah kepadamu ketika kamu dahulu bermusuh musuhan,
maka Allah mempersatukan hatimu,
lalu menjadilah kamu karena ni’mat Allah orang-orang yang bersaudara;
dan kamu telah berada di tepi jurang neraka,
lalu Allah menyelamatkan kamu daripadanya.
Demikianlah Allah menerangkan ayat-ayatNya kepadamu,
agar kamu mendapat petunjuk.

3:105 – Dan janganlah kamu menyerupai orang-orang yang bercerai-berai dan berselisih
sesudah datang keterangan yang jelas kepada mereka.
Mereka itulah orang-orang yang mendapat siksa yang berat.

Iaitu ….
Jangan bercerai-berai
Usah menyerupai yang bercerai-berai.

Kehendak Yang Satu - KehendakNya
Di antaraa dua kehandak sendiri-sendiri.
Itu istikharah ...
Ya Allah, gerakkan pilihanMu untuk kami

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Of Coy Glances And Shy Smiles

Malayu is UMNO; and is ‘Bangsa’.
Malayu is PAS; and is ‘Agama’.
Malayu is UMNO is PAS.

When this Bangsa is separated from this Agama, it fails to realize its full potential.. THE MAXIMUM GOOD OF ITSELF FOR BANGSA MALAYSIA.

That is Ketuanan Melayu for all; joining hands with all Bangsa to build a Bangsa Malaysia based on kemelayuan. No other bangsa can fulfill this struggle alone.

Look at PAP in Singapore or PAS in Perak or PKR in Selangor or DAP in Penang. They all say being multiracial. Talking is very different from doing.

The PR ‘strategist’ sees this natural PASUMNO indivisiveness and this potential. If this indivisible potential is realized, it spells doomsday for all these ricists-chauvevist-kiasus-communists.

To survive they are forced to surface as anti-Malay anti-Islam ... bringing their clandestine warfare against the Malay into the open.

To survive they must rope PAS in. As an opening strategy, the younger ones offers to ‘softens’ their stand vis-a-vis PAS’ Islamic State struggle ... to the ire of oldguards like Karpal Singh.

Thus a wedge is driven into the indivisible Malay. Now their finishing move is to destroy UMNO. One way is to relentlessly attack anything connected to the Malays ... kris, songkok, Sekolah Kebangsaan, DEB, Najib, Tun ... anything.

The Malay penderhakas in PKR and DAP rightly belongs to Bujang Senang of Sungai Rejang Sarawak.

The Malay race is an endangered species. 2000 years ago the Malay Archipelago straddles the whole of South East Asia. Today Kemboja is gone. Some parts becomes Thailand or Filipina. Indonesia and Malaysia has recently lost one limb or another.

PASUMNO is the last surviving Malay, the younger generation of which are exchanging coy glances and shy smiles. Should arrange more valentine days for them.

Assisted by the antics of the deceitful anti-Malay anti-Islam elements within the society, the time is accelerating fast for the realization of the closing of THE GAPS ... the coming together for the MAXIMUM GOOD FOR THE MALAYS SHARED BY ALL BANGSA MALAYSIA.

Assisted by the correctly deliberated hands-on approach and approved societal-centered actions or inaction by Najib, the much awaited changes would result in the accelerated restructuring towards yet another MAXIMUM GOOD FOR ALL BANGSA MALAYSIA.

But of course, Najib should be of such strength that, he would / should not budge from his seats even if the mountains are blown away from their bases due to any upheavals. Absolutely no other option is opened for him.

PKR aspires to be the backbone of PR but is progressively proven not a good alternative. It is just a compendium of empty wallets that has failed miserably to deliver its promises. Voting patterns will revert to before 2008.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Your Actions We Believe, Your Words We Doubt

PR already has a disunited motley collection of misfits and rogue activists and misguided ngos bent on disrupting any forms of law and order adept at spinning and spreading chaos and discord aimed at anything even remotely connected to the Malays and Islam.

PR is as united as any pack of carrion vultures after a decomposing putrid carcass untouchable even to the lowliest of any self-respecting deprived beetle dung.

PR is viscously fated and fitted with coloured lenses through which it sees anything that is right as wrong, anything ugly as beautiful, right as their divine monopoly and wrong as the natural cosmetics of others.

Some well meaning Malays are unwittingly dragged into their conniving lustful base cannibalistic subterfuge.

To these ‘willing’ victims we say,
“Get out of this all-pervasive bottomless whirlpool. You deserve more ... a more deserving struggle for ourselves, our bangsa, our negara and our agama. Do justice to the pangs of pain suffered by our dear mothers while giving birth to us. We are not just a two-cents single-ply tissue paper used to clean the messy noses of the likes of Anuar(s) or Siva(s) or Ngeh(s)-Nga(s) or whoever and whatever up there driving our lives.”

But of course nobody can do anything against any devil which by nature derive immense satisfaction from the sufferings of others resulting from the natural sadistic impulse intrinsic of any live devil.

At best, they (PKR especially) are just former disgruntled leaders from UMNO, MCA, MIC or any of the component parties of BN .. each with many immense personal axe to grind against everybody and everything, at the same time nurturing a list of ulterior motives as long as the shopping list of any festival open houses.

The younger DAP leaders made a claim that they are more amenable to PAS’ Islamic ideology and the creation of an Islamic state. If this is true, let us welcome this ‘apparent change’.

But can we believe them? What we have heard are just words. We chose to believe when we see it – the reality of these words. Your actions we believe, your words we doubt. In the meantime, these words of promises have the effect to soften and to lull, worse still to bring down the alertness of its intended victims – the muslim Malays.

It is just a variation of ‘strategical retreat’ adopted time and again by any seasoned animal of prey. And DAP is just that. Remember Singapore? Penang? Batu Puteh? PAS has swallowed all ... hook line and sinker. Gullible PAS. Innocent gunting dalam lipatan.

According to the main planning bodies within PR, PAS is just, by its very nature, “exactly like UMNO. It separates people according to what they profess to believe (not even according to how they act, ...)” The Malay proverb to describe PAS’ position is “bagai telur di hujung tanduk”

PR treats PAS as its arch enemy (UMNO) who in turn looks at PAS as an innocent gunting dalam lipatan.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Ranjau Di Tepi Jalan

PPMI adalah umpan supaya tumpuan Melayu terpesong dari perjuangan survivability bangsa. Awas orang-orang Melayu.

Dalam perkiraan “ahli strategi perjuangan” golongan anti-Melayu anti –Islam chongak mereka adalah seperti berikut sekarang:-

1)PAS (bermaksud PR) semakin kuat dengan membolot simpati Melayu luar Bandar.
2) PKR membolot ketaatan Melayu urban.
3) Apa yang tinggal untuk UMNO? Kehancuran.
4) Tiba-tiba isu “Allah” dibangkitkan oleh UMNO. Ini adalah pergerakan ‘checkmate’ yang UMNO gerakkan.
5) Tidak ada pilihan. PR (maksud golongan anti-Melayu anti-Islam) mesti pesongkan tumpuan Melayu ka arah lain.
6) Bermula dari isu ‘celaka’ dan PPMI, orang Melayu akan dijadikan terlatah-latah dengan perkara-perkara lebih remeh dari isu Bangsa dan Agama. Jangan biarkan Melayu memainkan isu ‘Allah’ di pentas utama.

DYMM Sultan Selangor sudah membuat seruan. Bersatu dalam hal bangsa dan agama.

Terkadang sesetengah NGO Melayu akan kedengaran memperjuangkan hal kemelayuan dan bangsa.

Tetapi kita perlu menelitinya itu perjuangan sempit atau luas. Kita perlu waspada ianya tidak diperkudakan oleh musuh. Kita jangan terlatah seperti isu memo ka Istana Jumaat lepas. Usaha itu nyata sudah bukan isu pelajaran atau bahasa lagi. Ia sudah jadi demonstrasi jalanan seperti di Perak (yang berlaku selepas sembahyang Jumaat juga). Melayu sudak diperkena lagi di sini.

PAS sudah diperkudakan. Dalam isu 'Allah' kedengan suara-suara PAS melagukan gurindam anti-Islam anti-Melayu. PPMI sudah diperkudakan. UMNO hampir diperkudakan melalui dan oleh si tamak pelahap dan si gila kuasa.

Munkinkah ini sumua kerana … Melayu mudah percaya .. Melayu mudah kena .. Melayu mudah lupa.. Melayu gullible.

Sepatutnya Melayu bukan sahaja menguasai Bahasa Melayu, malahan Bahasa Arab dan Bahasa Inggeris. Tidak cukup sekedar menguasai matematik dan sains dalam bahasa Inggeris sahaja.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Meludah Ka Langit

Sa orang "strategist DAP" berkata bahawa Cina dan India DAP terutamanya yg duduk di Malaysia sepatutnya berterima kasih kepada orang-orang Melayu kerana pendatang diterima sebagai warganegara.

Dan juga, tambahnya , adalah diharapkan bila Najib naik menjadi PM April nanti, Gerakan akan tahu tempat sebenarnya.

“Terkadang saya tidak tahu apa bezanya antara Gerakan dan DAP kecuali kita berdua memakai sarung tangan yang sama,” katanya selanjutnya.

Demikianlah sendiwara musang tua DAP ini. Dia bermain psikologi terbalik dalam usahanya menjadikan pengikutnya bertambah ultra pada masa yang sama supaya Gerakan dibenci oleh BN kerana kononnya Gerakan memainkan peranan aktif dalam menyerahkan Pulau Pinang kepada DAP PR12 lalu.

Melayu seluruh tanah air terutama PAS, mesti pandai memainkan peranan seperti yang sudah digariskan bagi menjadikan DAP dan sekelian pengkhianat bangsa ini cacing kepanasan dalam tempoh beberapa masa ka hadapan ini.

Kita merasa, adalah mustahak hari ini DAP/PR Pulau Pinang dikritik sebagaimana kita mengkritik Gerakan/BN dahulu. Kita kritik PR/DAP Pulau Pinang sekarang semata-mata kerana prestasi buruknya.

Rakyat Malaysia telah celik sekarang .. telah sedar bahawa mereka telah digula-gulakan oleh PR. MACC serta PDRM wajib menegakkan keadilan dengan membasmi korapsi, rasuah, salah guna kuasa, tidak bermoral dan penipuan pemuka-pemuka PR yang semakin berleluasa semenjak naik memerintah di lima negeri baru-baru ini.

Kita lihat keadaan ribut, kelam kabut, panik dan anarki-kebebasan-bersuara yang berleluasa di Perak adalah kerana kesilapan dan keputusan berat sebelah yang diambil oleh PR dalam mengurus kerajaan Perak semasa di dalam penguasaan mereka. Semua ini telah mendedahkan tembelang DAP dan PKR yang chauvanis dan ultra kecinaan serta hipokrasi keagamaan PAS. Melayu umumnya, samada di luar atau di dalam PAS, menjadi begitu marah kerana PAS kontan 100% dijadikan penjilat sisa-sisa dari dulang sajian DAP/PKR.

Di sebaliknya pula, keadaan ini adalah satu keberuntungan dari segi psaikologi kemelayuan serantau. Ketidak puasan hati yang terpendam dalam dada kemelayuan serantau kepada ketidak adilan DAP/PKR akan membawa kesan positif kepada perjuangan kemelayuan pada PR13 kelak.

Sesudah berlonggok-longgok cacian dihamburkan kepada DYMM Sultan, dan sesudah kes-kes mahkamah memakan diri sendiri, PR dengan muka teramat tebalnya, cuba merangkak-rangkak balik ka tangga istana mengharapkan dapat menjilat ludahnya kembali. Cina dan Indian DAP dan PKR tidak akan pernah sedar, bahawa ludah yang dilepaskannya ka langit, tidak pernah jatuh ka tangga istana, melainkan jatuh ka muka sendiri. Malangnya yang dipaksa merangkak-rangkak kembali ialah penderhaka Melayu Islam dalam PAS.

Kita perhatikan sahaja, samada PR terjumpa kembali ludahnya di tangga istana.

Daulat Tuanku.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I Beg To Differ

The present total disaster in Perak is reflective of the inaptness and incongruity of PR. It has no respect what so ever of any law or the constitution except its own. With PR around, or at least with PR’s brand of opposition around, the future of Malaysia is bleak indeed.

There are voices from both sides calling for a pact to cooperate in administering the state and solve economic problems. However, there are also voices against it.

The marriage of convenience between DAP PAS PKR has produced and caused nothing but numerous inconveniences to each other even before their honeymoon is over. There are a good many spousal abuses traded in among them. One cannot but wander what type of ‘love’ would develop when two highly territorial beast of prey share a carcass ... should the call materialize that is.

Two party systems? Are Malaysians ready for it? That is for Malaysians of the coming generation to decide. Right now, what are we to do with ourselves and our indecisive leaders?

If only Malaysians can pick some leaders or is blessed with some leaders as narrated by Khalid al Walid. Or perhaps for the time being it is better to send PR back to where it came from.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Rasulullah saw Berpesan.

Dalam suasana kelam kabut dan suram akibat dilanda Penyangak Rakus, mari kita bertenang-tenang dengan pesanan-pesanan Rasulullah saw.

Imam Ibn Hambal ra. menyampaikan pesanan Rasulullah saw melalui riwayat yang berikut:

Seorang sahabat, Khalid ibn Al Walid ra. meriwayatkan:

Seorang Badwi duduk semajlis dengan Rasulullah saw lalu berkata , "Ya Rasulullah (saw), ajarilah kami beberapa perkara berkenaan hidup dan mati kami."
Bertanyalah, sambut Rasulullah saw.

Saya ingin menjadi paling berilmu.
Bertaqwalah kepada Allah. Kamu akan menjadi yang paling berilmu.

Saya ingin menjadi yang paling kaya.

Saya ingin menjadi yang paling adil.
Inginkan untuk orang lain apa yang kamu ingin untuk diri sendiri.

Saya ingin menjadi manusia yang terbaik.
Buat baik kepada semua.

Saya ingin menjadi yang paling diredhoi Allah.
Sibokkan diri dalam memuji Allah.

Saya ingin menyempurnakan iman.
Baiki akhlaq.

Saya ingin menjadi sebahagian dari orang yang soleh.
Puja Allah jika kamu melihatNya. Jika tidak kamu melihatNya, ketahuilah bahawa Dia melihatmu.

Saya ingin mentaatiNya.
Awasi perintah (hubunganmu dengan) Allah.

Saya ingin dibersihkan dari dosa.
Bersuci dari dicemari.

Di Hari Berbangkit, saya ingin dibangkitkan dalam nur.
Jangan zalimi dirimu dan selainmu.

Saya ingin Allah merahmati saya.
Berlaku kasih dan rahim kepada dirimu dan selainmu, Allah akan merahmatimu di Hari Berbangkit.

Saya inginkan disedikitkan dosa saya.
Beristighfar kepada Allah sebanyak-banyaknya.

Saya ingin menjadi paling mulia.
Jangan mengadu kepada sesama makhluk.

Saya ingin menjadi yang paling teguh.
Bertawakal kepada Allah.

Saya ingin mengembangkan rezeki saya.
Jaga segala kesucian.

Saya ingin dikasihi Allah dan Rasulnya.
Kasihilah apa yang diKasihi Allah dan Rasulnya.

Saya ingin selamat dari murka Allah di Hari Berbangkit.
Jangan lepaskan marahmu kepada sesama hamba.

Saya ingin do'aku dikabulkan.
Jauhi segala larangan.

Saya ingin tidak diaibkan Allah di Hari Berbangkit.
Pertahankan kesucian.

Saya ingin mendapat perlindungan Allah di Hari Perhitungan.
Jangan buka keaiban saudaramu.

Apa yang akan menghindarkan diri dari dosa?
Air mata, kerendahan hati dan sakit.

Apakah sebaik-baik perilaku di pandangan Allah?
Berlemah-lembut, berendah-diri dan sabar.

Apakah kejahatan terkeji dipandangan Allah?
Panas baran dan kedekut.

Apakah yang meredakan kemurkaan Allah dihidup dunia dan akhirat?
Sedekah yang disembunyikan dan berbaik hati sesama saudara.

Apakah yang memadamkan api neraka di Hari Berhitung?
Bersabar dalam kesusahan dan malapetaka.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Why Pig Fat Is Not Mentioned But Code(s) Are Printed??

This was dropped into my email this morning.

Why Pig Fat is not mentioned but code(s) are printed??

PIG FAT By Dr. M. Amjad Khan

In nearly all the western countries including Europe, the PRIMARY choice for meat is PIG. There are a lot of farms in these countries to breed this animal. In France alone, Pig Farms account for more than 42,000.

PIGS have the highest quantity of FAT in their body than any other animal. But Europeans and Americans try to avoid fats.

Thus, where does the FAT from these PIGS go? All pigs are cut in slaughter houses under the control of the department of food and it was the headache of the department of food to dispose of the fat removed from these pigs.

Formally, it was burnt (about 60 years ago). Then they thought of utilizing it. First, they experimented it in the making of SOAPS and it worked.

Then, a full network was formed and this FAT was chemically Processed, Packed and Marketed, while the other manufacturing companies bought it. In the meantime, all European States made it a rule that every Food, Medical and Personal Hygiene product should have the ingredients listed on its cover. so, this ingredient was listed as PIG FAT.

Those who are living in Europe for the past 40 years know about this. But, these products came under a ban by the ISLAMIC COUNTRIES at that time, which resulted in a trade deficit.

Going back in time, if you are somehow related to South East Asia, you might know about the provoking factors of the 1857 CIVIL WAR. At that time, Rifle Bullets were made in Europe and transported to the sub-continent through the Sea.It took months to reach there and the gun powder in it was ruined due to the exposure to sea.

Then, they got the idea of coating the Bullets with fat, which was PIG FAT. The fat layer had to be scratched by teeth before using them. When the word spread, the soldiers, mostly Muslim and some Vegetarians, refused to fight.Which eventually lead to the Civil War.

The Europeans recognized these facts, and instead of writing PIG FAT, they started writing ANIMAL FAT.All those living in Europe since 1970's know this fact. When the companies were asked by authorities from the MUSLIM COUNTRIES, what animal fat is it, they were told it was COW and SHEEP Fat. Here again a question raised, if it was COW or SHEEP Fat, still it is HARAAM to MUSLIMS, as these animal were not SLAUGHTERED as per the ISLAMIC LAW. Thus, they were again banned. Now, these multinational companies were again facing a severe drought of money as 75% of their income comes from selling their goods to Muslim Countries, and these earn BILLIONS OF DOLLARS of Profit from their exports to the MUSLIM WORLD.

Finally they decided to start a coding language, so that only their Departments of Food Administration should know what they are using, and the common man is left lurking in the dark.Thus, they started E-CODES. These E- INGREDIENTS are present in a majority of products of multinational firms including, but not limited to -


Some medication Multi-vitamins Since these goods are being used in all MUSLIM Countries indiscriminately, our society is facing problems like shamelessness, rudeness and sexual promiscuity.

So, I request all MUSLIMS or non pork eaters to check the ingredients of the ITEMS of daily use and match it with the following list of E-CODES. If any of the ingredients listed below is found, try to avoid it, as it has got PIG FAT;

E100, E110, E120, E 140, E141, E153, E210, E213, E214, E216, E234, E252,E270, E280, E325, E326, E327, E334, E335, E336, E337, E422, E430, E431, E432, E433, E434, E435, E436, E440, E470, E471, E472, E473, E474, E475,E476, E477, E478, E481, E482, E483, E491, E492, E493, E494, E495, E542,E570, E572, E631, E635, E904.

Dr. M. Amjad Khan
Medical Research Institute
United States

Dr M Liaqat (PhD Food Biochemistry)

Disseminate if you will.